Chapter 1 - Invitation

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Before starting the story, some plot first:

For a character to be added in the Smash Bros roster, strict guidelines need to be met before sending them an invitation: obviously being a videogame character, being strong and entertaining to watch and having an iconic image that people can cheer for.

Smash Bros is a group of videogame characters that compete in a monthly tournament for the entertainment of others and a defense line against major threats in the multiverse where if needed, said characters of the roster can be sent to the real world. Hard to believe? Understandable, but there's a good reason for it: games are just a parallel world to that of the humans, making it easy for the journey between these 2 dimensions to happen.

Now you may be wondering:
"Ok, that's cool and all, but where do these guys even live? "
Good question. They all live inside the Smash Mansion (originality, am i right lol), a high tech building with equally high security class training and living facilities, all funded by the monthly tournaments.
But enough about the plot and let the actual story begin!

One day, the protagonist of a game called Battle Between Space and Time that goes by the name of Y/N received a letter in his mailbox.

Y/N: "A letter? Odd, I barely get any, since my friend group isn't exactly the biggest..."

After getting the letter and sitting on a chair, Y/N opens it and begins reading its content:
Dear Y/N,

We are pleased to announce that Nintendo HQ has found you a suitable candidate for the Super Smash Bros roster and so, we have invited you to a meeting. We will send a limo to your location, along with trusted drivers. Details will be discussed during the meeting, as well as your consent to joining the roster. Respond with yes or no within 15 days by sending a letter back to our HQ as soon as your decision is made.

- Masahiro Sakurai

Y/N: No way... They want ME to join the Smash Bros roster?

After some thinking, Y/N writes down his reply, sending it over to Nintendo HQ.

Y/N: "Heh. Mr. Sakurai... you've got yourself a deal..."

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