Kevin's view

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Yesterday I told everyone that I would make a karaoke party at my house, since we didn't have science and got home earlier. I thought it was the best moment to confess my feelings for Emily, since she's dumb and can't realize that I'm completely in love with her, even after I literally told her. I know I don't have a chance with her because she hates love and she doesn't want a boyfriend, but I think she deserves to know what I feel for her, since we are best friends. Maybe she even changes her mind, maybe she gives love a chance. Give me a chance...
I know I'm probably just having too much hope but I needed to try, at least to tell her what I feel for her. I won't give up on her.
It was already 7 a.m. and I needed to get prepared for school, I was gonna pass on Emily's house first so we could go to school together
- Are you ok, Kevin?- Emily said because I was almost crying thinking that I would get rejected- You look pretty sad. Do you want to talk about something? You know you can tell me everything, right?
- Yes, I know Emily, thank you for worrying about me. I'm ok, I just am afraid of doing a thing... again.
- Doing what?- I couldn't tell her, she needs to know in the right moment, I'm not ready yet. She will know it, tonight, I'm gonna make sure she will understand that she is my crush. Now I just need to know how...
- Nothing, just forget about it.
- Ok.
We were finally at school, somehow this ride to school felt way longer than usual, maybe because we were talking about how I felt? I don't know to be honest, but I hate talking about how I feel... I usually just write in on my diary or sing about it.
The time passed very quickly and we were almost going home, when Alice appeared and started talking with me
- Kevin, can we talk for a minute?- she said.
- Yeah, of course. What happened?
- Well, I came here to ask... do you like Emily?
I was chocked, how could her know that? It was impossible, even though I made it clear sometimes, I tried to not be that obvious. What if she tells Emy?? I want to do it myself.
- Ahh... well... yes? Please don't tell her. I almost had an heart attack when I said that, a person found out that I like Emily, and it wasn't her. It was her best friend. I'm really lucky, oh god...
- WHAT?!?!? OMG IT'S TRUE!!! Did you tell her?
- Well... yes, but she didn't noticed.
- Did you made it obvious? Maybe you needed to be more direct?
- I literally told her "I like you." and she was like "Oh that's exactly what you have to tell your crush." and I was like "I just did..." and she was like "Oh my god!! I don't see her, what did she tell you?". What can I say more?
- Ok, I didn't knew Emy was that dumb? She is very smart, why was she acting and saying things like that? Wasn't it obvious??
- Will you try to tell her again?
- Yes, today!! That's why I planned the Karaoke party at my house today.
- Ohhh, it makes sense!! I'm gonna help you with that!! So this time, Emily actually understands she is your crush.
- Thank you, Alice!! I even wrote her a song on Valentine's Day with her help, and I invented an excuse to give her that without her knowing it was meant for her, even though I made it very obvious, I literally described her on the song. Oh well, what more can I do?
- We are gonna make sure this time she will understand what you are saying!! I promise you, Kev!!!
- Thank you, Alice!!!
We hugged and then went to my house, since we had the karaoke party today.
I was very nervous since I was about to tell her what I actually feel, maybe I should write her a letter telling my true feelings. Yes, I'm gonna do that, right now!!!
I started writing her the letter:
" Dear Emily,
I can't say in words how much you mean to me, so I decided to write this letter, hopefully you feel the same thing I feel about you, even though you don't like love, I believe in what you said once "People can change" I really believe you can love someone, and I wish you love me as much as I love you.
Since I met you my world changed for better, we passed through so many things together, we laughed and we cried, we stayed up all night talking about our life's, and I can tell that you are the most important person in my life. I'm so glad I'm your friend, but, I wish I could be more. I wish I could be the person who's always there for you when you need, the one who stays when everyone goes away, the one that protects you and believes in you, more than any other person, the one who hugs and kisses you when you are sad, to make you feel better, the one that would trade his life, just for you to live, and the one you love...
What I'm trying to say is that I love you Emily, there was never other girl. The song you helped me to write, about my crush, it was about you. I invented a whole story just to give it to you, without you noticing it was actually meat for you, my dear Emily. Every time I told you I like you and you didn't noticed, I was being honest. I really do like you, but, more than that.
I love you Emily, more than any other person in this world. I hope that, maybe, one day, I could be the person you love too, and we could be happy together. And I will protect you from anyone that tries to hurt you. I wanna be yours, my Emily. I wanna be your boyfriend, and I want you to be my girlfriend, the person who loves me the way I am, and that loves me the same way I love you.
And this, Emily, is what I wanted to tell you all this time. I hope you read this with a smile, or, if you don't, I will accept that, even if I'm sad, your happiness is the most important thing to me, a single smile of you makes my heart shine.
This is all,
With love,
I'm gonna give it to her tonight, after dinner,
but, for now, I'll just prepare the things for the party with Alice's help. I'm nervous but I still have hope, now I just need to hope.

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