Chapter 6

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Mac woke up the next morning with a stomachache. He tried to go back to sleep but couldn't as his stomach kept waking him up. Mac cringed in pain and disappeared into the closet. "Oh my belly," Mac said, unimpressed. Then Mac came out of the closet and cringed in pain again. "Ow," Mac said.

"Jack, woke up? Are you okay, buddy?" Jack asked him.

"No, Jack, I'm not. I have a bellyache," Mac said.

"Was that your belly I heard earlier?" Jack asked.

"Yes," Mac said. "Sounds like you've got a monster in your belly," Jack said. Mac smiled. "That was the baby," Mac said.

Jack disappeared into the closet, and Mac went to the kitchen to wait for Jack. His belly growled, and he cringed. "Ow," Mac said.

Jack soon came walking out of the bedroom. "Mac, are you okay?" Jack asked him. Mac shook his head. "No. If it gets bad, I'll take you to the doctor, alright?" Jack said.

Mac smiled, knowing that Jack loved him and would do anything for him. Mac cried, and Jack comforted him. "It's okay, Mac. It's okay," Jack said, rubbing Mac's back. "Just breathe." Jack said to Mac, "I'm gonna take you to the doctor's, Mac, okay?"

Mac nodded. Jack called the doctor and got an appointment for 5:30 pm. "Okay, thank you. Bye," Jack said, hanging up.

"Mac, I got you in for 5:30," Jack said. Mac nodded.

"Hey, Jack," Mac said. Jack looked at Mac and smiled. "You've got a beautiful bump. I guarantee you the baby is healthy," Jack said. Mac smiled as Jack hugged him.

Mac and Jack head to the doctor's. "MacGyver, said Celia the Nursing Assistant," "Hi, Mac. How are you?"

"I'm fine," Mac said. He's in pain," Jack said.

"Aww, don't worry. We'll help you be less in pain," Celia said. Mac nodded.

They got Mac and Jack in a room. "Okay, so we're here for a checkup, right?" Celia asked.

"Yeah," Jack said. "Okay, so what seems to be the problem? He's pregnant and has really bad stomach pain," Celia asked.

"Oh, I get it. Any family history of pregnancy?" Celia asked. "No," Jack said.

"Can I have your name, please?" Celia asked. "Jack Dalton," Jack said.

Celia typed it. "Okay," Celia said.

"The doctor will be in shortly," Celia said, walking out of the room. "Okay," Jack said.

Celia closed the door. Mac couldn't take the pain. Jack rubbed Mac's arm. "Breathe, Mac. Breathe," Jack told him.

The doctor came in. "Hi, guys. I'm Ruby. You must be Jack," Ruby asked.

"I am," Jack said. Ruby and Jack shook hands. "Go ahead, Mac. Get on the table so she can check you out," Jack said to Mac.

Mac hopped on the table. "What seems to be the problem?" Ruby asked.

"He's pregnant. His belly has been bothering him since this morning, and I don't know what to do," Jack said.

"Okay," Ruby said. Ruby checked Mac out. She took his height, weight, and blood pressure. Then Ruby took Mac back to the room.

Mac hopped back onto the table. "Vitals look normal," Ruby said.

"Great," Jack said.

Ruby wanted Mac to lay down, and he did. "Okay, seems like the baby is healthy. Have you guys had an ultrasound yet?" Ruby asked.

"No," Jack said. "Can we schedule one?"

"Yes," Ruby said. "How about March 10 at 5:30?"

"That sounds good," Jack said.

"The fetal position is lower," Ruby said.

"Okay," Jack said.

Mac felt fussy and got irritated because of his stomach bothering him. "Mac," Jack said. Mac looked at Jack. "Are you okay, buddy?" Jack asked Mac.

"Hey, look at me," Jack said. Mac looked at Jack. "The baby is gonna be beautiful. You've got a beautiful bump that the baby is in, and I'm pretty sure that, the baby is gonna look like you when it's born," Jack said, causing Mac to smile.

"Okay, you guys are good," Ruby said. "Thank you," Jack said.

"You're welcome, guys. Have an awesome night," Ruby said, leaving.

"You two," Jack said. "Come on, Mac." Jack said.

Mac and Jack got in the car and headed home. Once they got home, Mac got ready for bed. Jack just wanted to make sure Mac was okay, so he waited until Mac was in bed to check on him. Jack went into the bedroom to see Mac in bed. "Hey, are you okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," Mac said.

"Okay, get some rest," Jack said.

"Okay," Mac said.

Jack and Mac kissed on the lips, and then Mac fell asleep. Jack came in shirtless and joined Mac in bed. He passed out next to him.

(MacGyver Mpreg) Mac x Jack DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now