Chapter 7

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Mac is 4 months pregnant, getting close to 5 months.

Jack woke up the next morning to hear Mac getting sick in the bathroom. Jack gets dressed and heads out of the bedroom and to the bathroom door.

Jack knocks on the bathroom. "Mac, are you okay in there, buddy?" Jack asks. "I'm fine, Jack," Mac replies. Jack walks away to the kitchen to make breakfast. Mac finishes getting sick, splashes water on his face, rinses his mouth out, then walks out of the bathroom with his belly all crampy.

Mac moans in pain. Jack looked at Mac in pain; all Jack could think was that something was wrong. "Mac, are you okay, buddy?" Jack asks him. Mac didn't say anything; he gave Jack the silent treatment.

After Jack got done plating the bacon, he washed his hands and tended to Mac. "Mac, are you okay, buddy?" Jack asks him. "Mac, talk to me, buddy," Jack says to him. "My belly hurts," Mac says. "Are you hungry?" Jack asks. "No, Jack, I'm fine," Mac says. Reassuring him, Jack tells Mac that eating will make his belly feel better. Jack says, "Alright, Mac says." Jack smiles, "I'm giving you a little, not asking you to eat everything," Jack says.

Mac smiles. Jack got two plates. Jack knew Mac hated the smell of bacon. Jack kept the bacon away from Mac. Jack started plating the breakfast; Mac walked over and sat at the table with his head down. "Aww, Mac, cheer up, buddy, your belly will start feeling better," Jack said to Mac.

Jack carries the two plates over and sets one in front of Mac. "Mac, it's time to eat, get your head up," Jack says. Mac picks his head up and starts eating. Jack smiles, "See, Mac? Eating was making him happy." After breakfast, Jack did the dishes and Mac went to lie down. "How's your belly?" Jack asks Mac. "Alright," Mac says. Jack left for work and Mac stayed home because he wasn't feeling well.

Jack knew he had to be home later to take Mac for an ultrasound. Jack arrived at the Phoenix Foundation to be greeted by Riley and Bozer. "Where's Mac?" Riley asks. "He's at home; he isn't feeling good," Jack said. The three of them waltz into the war room to be greeted by Maddie.

Maddie asked where Mac was. Jack told her he was at home and didn't feel good. The three of them had to find a little girl's dad. The girl's name is Camile. Maddie booted us the address for the house; the three of them left. Jack told Riley and Bozer that he needed to be home later to take Mac for an ultrasound. Riley and Bozer nodded as they pulled up to the house.

The three of them got out of the car and headed up to the house. The door was wide open. Jack told Riley and Bozer to stay outside; Jack took his gun out and scoped out the house. After scoping the house, Jack put his gun away then tells Riley and Bozer to come in. The three of them look around.

Riley went into the daughter's room to hear crying. Riley went into the closet to see the daughter. "Hey," Riley said to her, "Hey, it's gonna be okay," Riley says to her. The girl just wrapped her arms around Riley. "It's okay," Riley said to the girl and picked her up. Bozer found stuff broken, and so did Jack. Riley walked out of the girl's room with the daughter. Jack saw Riley with a girl.

Jack guessed it was the guy's daughter. Riley and the girl went someplace quiet to talk. Riley sat her down. "Hey," Riley said. The girl looks at Riley. "I'm Riley Davis. What's your name?" Riley asks the girl. "Camile," the girl says, "Camile, That's a pretty name," Riley says. Camile smiles. "Camile, you need to tell us what happened so we can find your dad," Riley says to Camile.

"I heard people talking," Camile said. "Did you get a good look at what they were talking about?" Riley asks Camile. "I heard Daddy yelling," Camile said.
"Nooooo, let me down. The car starts going screeching tires."
-Flashback ends-
"Okay, do you know what kind of car Daddy drives?" Riley asks. "Idk, I'm sorry," Camile says.

"Hey, it's okay," Riley says. Riley looks around to see no one else. "I'll be right back," Riley says to Camile. Camile nods. "Hey guys," Riley says. "Did you get anything out of the girl?" Jack asks. "Yeah, she said that she heard people talking, didn't get a good look at the people. That's when she heard her dad yelling and tires screeching," Riley says.

"Yeah, well, the car is still in the garage, which means they must have taken another car," Jack says. "Bozer is outside trying to find out where the tires scratched," Jack says. "Okay," Riley says. Jack calls Matty.

"Did you guys find anything?"
"We do."
"What is it?"
"Riley spoke to the daughter and said that she heard talking and her dad yelling, then tires screeching."
"Is the daughter okay?" "Yeah, she was a bit shaken up when I found her, but she's okay," Riley says. "Bozer is outside trying to find the tire scratches."

"Okay, once you guys are done, pack it up and come on back and bring the girl with you. It's not safe for you guys to be there." "You got it, boss," Jack says, hanging up.

"Okay, go grab the girl," Jack says. "Okay," Riley says, walking away. "Okay, you're coming with us. It's not safe to be here," Riley says to Camile. Camile nods. "Come on," Riley says, taking Camile by the hand. Jack went to check with Bozer. "Hey Boz, did you find those tire scratches?" Jack asks. "Yep, I took photos and sent them over," Bozer said. "Good work, Boz," Jack said.

Riley and Camile start heading out of the house. Jack and Bozer make their way over to the car; Bozer gets in the front, and Jack was about to get in the front seat when a black SUV popped up. "Guys, we gotta get out of here," Jack says, getting in the front seat and starting the car. "Why?" Riley asks. "We're about to be ambushed," Jack says.

Camile gets worried. "It's okay," Riley says. Jack quickly starts the engine, pulls out, and drives away. Bozer snaps a picture of the license plate. "We all good?" Jack asks, looking back at Riley and Camile. "Yeah," Riley says. "What do you guys think that SUV was doing?" Bozer asks. "Idk, the important thing is that we got out of there before they got the girl," Jack says.

"Yeah," Riley says. "Guys, I gotta drop you guys off. I gotta take Mac for an ultrasound," Jack says. "We understand," Bozer says as they arrive back at Phoenix. "Go," Jack says. Riley, Camile, and Bozer exit the car and head into headquarters. Jack goes ahead to get Mac; he calls Mac first.

(Mac is in bold)
"Mac, are you there, buddy?"
"You ready 'cause I'm on my way."
"Yeah, I got something to tell you."
"Tell me in the car. I'll be there shortly."
"I'll see you when you get here."
"I love you, Mac."
"I love you too, Jack."
Chat ends.
Jack hangs up on Mac.

Mac heads outside to wait for Jack. Jack arrives to get Mac; he hops in the passenger seat. Jack takes off. "So you said you had something to tell me, what is it? Jack says to Mac. "It is noon, and I went to lie down. As I was lying down, I had my hands on my belly as I was about to close my eyes, the baby started kicking."

"Really?" Jack says. "Yeah, I guess whenever I lay down, it's his kicking time," Mac says. "I bet that surprised you," Jack says. "It did surprise me," Mac says. "I was overwhelmed. I started bawling 'cause I was happy. Why do I feel fluttery?" Mac says confusedly. Jack touches Mac's belly and is shocked. Jack looks at Mac and says, "Jack? What is it, Mac asks him

the two head home after the ultrasound

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