Chapter 5

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Mac is 3 weeks pregnant and 1 month pregnant

Mac woke up the next morning to his belly being crampy. Mac went back to sleep hoping the next time his belly won't be as crampy. Jack woke up the next morning to see Mac still asleep so he left Mac alone. Jack got off the bed without waking Mac got dressed, then looks at Mac sleeping. Jack blushed knowing that Mac was too cute when he sleeps.

Jack grabs a posted note and that writes your too cute when you sleep. Jack places it on the counter so Mac can see it. Jack is hoping that the note will cheer Mac up. After writing the note; Jack goes and sits on the couch and watches TV while Mac is asleep. Jack was thinking what the baby will be like when it's born. Jack is hoping for a boy so he can teach him, how to play football with him, maybe Mac can teach him some MacGyver stuff.

So Jack sat in the living room watching TV while Mac was asleep. Jack is hoping the next time Mac wakes up he feels better and less crampy in his abdomen. Jack heard footsteps it was Mac "Hey Jack said" "Hey Mac said." "How's your belly? Jack asked Mac," Better thx for asking Mac said." He sits beside Jack. Jack kissed Mac on the back of the head "You okay? Jack asks Mac;" Mac shakes his head yes. "I didn't wanna wake you earlier so I left you be Jack said." "Your fine Jack Mac says" Jack looks at Mac's bump. "Oh my God; you know I still can't get over that your pregnant right Jack says to Mac."

Mac looks down at his bump and then looks at Jack. Neither can I and it's all because of you Mac says to Jack; Jack smiles knowing the person he loved is sitting beside him. Happy I could help Jack scoots over towards Mac and smooches him. Jack made dinner and they started watching Season 1 five-o. Mac got Queasy Jack paused the TV and looked at Mac.

Mac, you okay buddy Jack asks. Mac got off the couch and went to vomit. After getting sick Mac comes out and sits back on the couch. Mac you okay buddy? Jack asks;

Mac shakes his head no. Jack shuts off the TV, picks Mac up in Bridal Style carries him back into the bedroom and tucks Mac in bed. Jack gets ready for bed. After getting ready for bed Jack came walking back into the bedroom to see Mac out. Jack was relieved and climbed into bed beside Mac. Sweet dreams Jack says kissing Mac on the cheek. He goes to bed and is out

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