Chapter 8

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Mac is still 4 months and 16 weeks pregnant.

Mac woke up the next morning feeling super dizzy. Mac felt his head spinning; the next step Mac took, he was out. Jack woke up the next morning to see Mac on the ground. Jack picked Mac up in a bridal style and brought him out onto the couch.

Jack got a bowl of water and filled it up, and got a washcloth. Jack wet the washcloth and put it on Mac's head. Mac woke up instantly. "Jack," Mac said weakly, "Mac you okay, buddy?" Jack asked him. Mac nodded.

"You dizzy?" Jack asked. Mac nodded. "Just close your eyes and breathe slowly," Jack said to Mac, who smiled and did that. Jack went to the fridge and got a bottle of water for Mac. Jack set the water bottle down. It was Saturday, so they were all off today, and Jack could stay home to take care of Mac.

Jack lifted Mac's feet and sat down next to him. Jack smiled, knowing that Mac and the baby were alright. Jack lifted Mac's feet and sat them down and went to get the machine. Jack came back with the machine. Jack lifted Mac's shirt and rubbed gel on his belly. Then, Jack hooked up each one: the first one is to monitor the baby's heartbeat, the second is to monitor any tightenings that Mac was having, and the third one is to monitor contractions.

Jack lifted Mac's feet and sat down. Jack turned to see Mac was okay. He smiled and then directed his attention back to the TV. It was lunchtime, and Jack went to make lunch for him and Mac. Jack was making him some lunch, cutting Mac some strawberries, blueberries, and a banana. He was also making Mac some ginger tea.

Mac's belly started rumbling and growling, it got noisy. Jack could hear the growling from the kitchen. Jack continued to make Mac his tea, cut his fruit, and make lunch. After making his lunch, Jack left his lunch and took Mac his lunch first. "Hey Jack," says Mac. "Hey Mac," says Jack. "Was that your belly I heard earlier?" Jack asks. "Yeah," Mac says. "Okay, well, I have your lunch. Here's your tea and your fruit," Jack says to Mac. "Why?" Mac asks. "You wanna get rid of your dizziness?" Jack asks him. "Yeah," Mac says, with his hands on his belly. "Well, eat the fruit and drink the tea, and it will clear your dizziness," Jack says.

Mac nods. "Okay, well, you eat the fruit, and I'm going to get my lunch," Jack says to Mac. Mac nods. Jack goes to the kitchen and grabs his lunch. Jack walks back to the couch to see Mac eating the fruit. "You good?" Jack asks Mac. Mac nods. "Do you need anything else before I sit down?" Jack asks Mac.

Mac shakes his head. "No, you don't need any more water," Jack asks. Mac shakes his head. "No, okay, well, once I'm done eating, I'm getting you more water," Jack says to Mac. Mac nods. "Okay," Jack says as he sits on the couch next to Mac.

It was evening, and Mac was up moving around and was drinking water. He went to the bedroom. Mac lifted his shirt to stare at his bump in the mirror. He had his hands on his belly until he felt something moving in his tummy. Mac was confused as to what it was. He was thinking it was the baby.

Tears ran down Mac's face. Mac wiped his tears away, took his hands off his belly, and went outside to see Jack. Mac saw Jack in the distance. Mac put his hands on his belly. He felt the baby flutter. It brought joy to his face; it would also bring joy to Jack's face. Mac wiped away his tears and walked over to Jack.

"Mac! Hey, buddy," Jack says. Mac smiles. "How are you feeling, buddy?" Jack asks Mac. "I'm alright, but I think the baby is fluttering," Mac says, with his hands on his belly. "Really?" Jack says. Mac nods. Jack puts his hands on Mac's belly. Jack feels the baby fluttering in Mac's belly. "Oh my god," Jack says, causing Mac to smile happily.

Tears started falling from Jack's face. Mac and Jack were overjoyed feeling the baby flutter in Mac's belly. "Hey, I gotta finish dinner, so go do something while I finish up dinner," Jack says. Mac nods and leaves and lays on the bed with his hands on his belly, feeling the baby flutter.

Mac smiled as big as he could. It was dinnertime, and Jack made pasta. "Mac, dinner is ready," Jack said. Mac came walking out to see two plates of spaghetti. "I made your favorite," Jack said, causing Mac to smile. "You alright? Is the baby still fluttering?" Jack asks.

Mac shrugs. He doesn't know if the baby is still fluttering around inside his tummy. "You alright?" Jack asks Mac. Mac nods. "Then let's eat. After that, we got the heartbeat to do," Jack says to Mac. Mac and Jack sat down at the table and ate. After they got done eating, Jack did the dishes, and Mac got ready for the ultrasound. Mac was lying down on the couch with his belly exposed.

The baby was kicking in Mac's belly because of all the spaghetti that Mac ate for dinner, and the baby liked it. Jack came walking over with the Doppler and the gel. "Jack, the baby is kicking," Mac says. "That's awesome," Jack says. Jack puts the gel on Mac's belly and then puts the Doppler on Mac's belly. Jack searches for the baby's heartbeat. The Doppler picks up the baby's heartbeat.

"139," Jack says. Mac smiles. Jack gets the gel off Mac's belly. Jack sets the Doppler and the gel down and puts his hand on Mac's belly. Jack feels a bunch of kicks from the baby in Mac's belly. "Wow," Jack says. Mac smiles. Mac and Jack get ready for bed. "Is the baby still kicking?" Jack asks Mac. Mac shrugs. Jack feels a kick. "Yes, it is still kicking," Jack says. Mac smiles. "Come on, time for bed," Jack says.

Mac nods and climbs into bed. Jack peeks Mac on the cheek, then the belly. "Good night," Jack says. "Good night," Mac says.

(MacGyver Mpreg) Mac x Jack DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now