Things to Script

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Hello my ppl

It's obvious that I'm not doing the CR Method anymore and while I get motivation to shift I'm going to write some random things to script.

-Cursing level of yourself and your friends/family. Mine is 7/10, more or less like in this reality.

-A school enemy (if you go to school in your DR). Mine is a cliché blue-eye blondie, capitain of the cheerleaders, popular, bully, daughter of the principal, the type of person that sees you and is like 'let's go annoy her cuz yes'. She's in love with my brother even if he has a gf and I script that I roast her every time she opens her shitty mouth around me.

-Go on Pinterest and find some outfits and give your friends a clothing style. Also get find photos of hair and eyes for this ppl and yourself so you get an idea (if the characters are as a example of a book because if it's a live action movie/TV show then they already have a face). I don't like the idea of gettin face claims but you can get that too.

-Script that your friend group is wild af and you do crazy stuff for no reason.

-If you give yourself a power, be original and don't steal someone else's power.

-Script your favourite teachers. I scripted four teachers from this reality in my DR.

-If you like a videogame that is no longer popular, script that it is. Also script that you're naturally good at every videogame. And that you get the money from the videogames if you want (already put this in another chapter but anyways).

-Sand and glitter don't get stick to your body (also already put it on another chapter).

-If you feel that you have a mental disorder in this reality (like I think I have ADHD) but you don't feel like telling your parents or that they won't understand or whatever, script that if you have it, you'll get diagnosed on your DR.

-You have all the Spotify/other app playlist(s) you have on this reality and that you know the lyrics to all the songs. I have like 30 playlists (bit excessive, I know) and I already know like 3/4 of the song lyrics lol.

Well, that's all I could think now. Maybe I'll do another chapter in the future or just edit this one.

Well bye


Edit 1:

More things :)

-Script that when you go to the cinema your popcorn auto refils until the movie is over.

-Script just in case that phones are alowed in school, just to make sure because in my school we can't bring them, like you get suspended for a day if a teacher sees your phone.

I had another thing but I forgot so when I remember I'll edit the chapter again :)

Well bye again


Edit 2:

-Script that in school, the bathrooms are clean and there's always toilet paper, because, at least in my school, there's never paper and are dirtier than my classmates' mind. Also script just in case that the classroom doesn't small like there's a damn corpse. Is it just in my class?

-If it takes you too damn long to tie your shoes, like me, script that when you put on your shoes, the laces will automatically tie themselves.

If I think of more things I'll edit the chapter again.

Well bye for the third time lol


Edit 3:

Here we go again I thought a few more random things:

-You want to rewatch that childhood TV show you absolutely loved but can't because it's nowhere to be found on TV, Internet, Netflix, etc? Script that you have all the episodes downloaded on your computer (I think this one is better for people who shift to better CR but it works on some other contexts, yk, when you're not on a freaking spaceship being followed by Vader while dealing with Han and Leia fighting or something).

-Script that you know a bunch of languages just for the fun of saying curse words no one else will understand.

-Who doesn't want free Spotify premium? Go script that, and if you don't use Spotify, then get yourself the premium of whatever app you use. Also get Netflix of Disney or whatever for free, or just make up some random streaming site that has every show and movie and whatever.

Anyways imma go to sleep now.

Well bye


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