chapter five

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Calisaya had a long week a very long week it seems her husband was fighting with her more than anything else now, mainly mentioning about him owning the house, she tried to avoid him but he kept coming with the same thing,
Friday evening she went out with crystal just to have a drink one crystal paid for because her husband hasn't opened the card as yet didn't seem like he's going to Saturday morning he was home sitting in the living room it didn't seem as if his mistress came home with him last night she walked by him stepping over his feet felt his eyes follow her after taking them from the television, she didn't have money to do grocery shopping and she ordered a take out chicken and fries since she got the money from crystal she collect it and went back to the room,
After eating she cleaned the room she stayed since of late she hasn't done the entire house for it was hard for her picking up after her husband and his mistress so she decided to leave it she did the kitchen it was not to leave dirty,
She finished and sat on the floor near the bed she took up her phone wondering how she hadn't received a call or text from her mystery guy it's been two weeks and she doesn't run into him,
She went to visit home and stayed a while she stopped by her sister's work place, since they both were growing rapidly and the pregnancy was taking atoll both were experiencing swell feet, calisaya though she could kill a little time and assisted the two girls that work there,
"This is rather stupid" calisaya said when she got a small break as the evening came to an end,
Romona and Roxanne looked at her then at each other
"Both of you ran one business and both of you decided to get pregnant at the same time, "who's going to run the business now?" She asked
Roxanne narrows her eyes and looks at Romona and calisaya Romona was smiling
"As if you're blind, not to see we have two able workers" Roxanne said
"You're not even twins not because you're almost the same high and look alike, and your name, your names are similar doesn't do justice for twins" calisaya said
Roxanne and Romana giggle
" Seriously! " Calisaya said
"We're getting some one to assist with the two months break we'll be taking" Roxanne said
"Oh I see" calisaya said
"I hope it doesn't make you feel bad, for we did offer you the job" Romona said
" No I don't feel bad because I'm now waiting to get a call for a job opening" she lied
"What job opening?" Romona ask
They both hissed
"Don't lie" Roxanne said
Calisaya laughed herself to tears it's been months since she laughed so hard and felt it fascinating "oh wow" she said
Roxanne and Romana smile as they watch her,
"You know what I'm going home" she said, she got up and said goodbye to the girls hug both her sisters she was about to leave when Roxanne gave her some money
"You don't have to do that" calisaya said
"Yes I do, you earned it, so take it" Roxanne said
Calisaya didn't have money because her husband had closed the credit card on her, since of late crystal gave her a little change to keep her, she takes it as she knows she's going to need it, she thought of going into the store to get a few things to eat since she got some money she could cook instead of eating out, she was about to walk in the store when someone came out they stood facing each other calisaya look up and saw her mystery guy who smile down at her
"Hey!" He said as if surprised to see her
"Hey yourself" calisaya said
They both stood blocking the way
"Excuse me" a woman says,
"Sorry mam, you're excused" Hardy said taking calisaya's shoulder to ease her from the door,
"You haven't called" calisaya said
"I've noticed that, can we go somewhere and talk?" Hardy asked
Calisaya looked around and saw his bike parked across the street she looked back at him, but she didn't give an answer hardy wasn't waiting for one he took her hand and led her to his bike and gave her the helmet as he had done the first time he got on and she did too holding on to him, they rode out of san Diego and into san Fransisco north street to where Hardy live he rode into the gate that open and closed automatically or his upstairs and downstairs home that he had bought since he won the lottery they got off the bike together and they went in calisaya take time out to look around the welled fashion cozy, comfortable looking sitting area, paint in gold and purple the furniture were made from some heavy wood and were nicely polish the stairs were made from the same type of wood she look up to see a guy standing there,
"Hi" William called from up top
Calisaya wave,
"Hey" he greets Hardy as he comes down "you're back and you brought company, I see"
Hardy look at calisaya then back to his best friend
"I'm William" he grin, "his best bud"
"Calisaya" calisaya said with a smirk
"Calisaya!" Hardy repeat in his head he widen his eyes for he learned her name for the first,
"Nice to meet you calisaya" William said
"It's a pleasure" calisaya said
"I'm finished hanging the door so I'm just going to leave" William said, "leave you to it" he whispered
" Have you completed the staircase?" Hardy asked
"Long time" William assured,
"Tomorrow I'll come back" William said then pause to look at calisaya who had now taken a seat on the coach "call me tomorrow" William said shook Hardy's shoulder and took up his tool box "Bye calisaya" he said
"Ok William you take care" calisaya said
"So you no longer need that beer?" Hardy asked
" Oh beer, save it" he said lifting the back of his hand before closing the door behind him,
Hardy turn and look at calisaya, "Make yourself comfortable" he said
"I am" calisaya said
" Can I get you something to drink? " Hardy asked
""What?" Calisaya asked
"There's beer, ithink wine, maybe whiskey" Hardy said
"I'll have the whiskey" calisaya said
Hardy went to the dinning room and came back with a full bottle, he pour for them both he sat next to her,
"Sorry" Hardy said
Calisaya looks at him,
"I didn't called" he said
"I figured you might have never did" calisaya said
" It's nothing wrong that you did, the night was good I just was thinking of what to say" Hardy said
"How about you say nothing for a while" calisaya said taking his glass from his hand turning his face her way, she rubbed his cheek as she met him for a kiss, a long kiss she came across his hips and they caress each other, they both got off the couch, Hardy lifted her and took the stairs heading straight to a double door at the end of the hallway he used his foot to close it going over to lay calisaya on the big double bed he got out his clothes as she watch him looking over his manliness he seems more powerful than before watching him make her anxious more than anything she almost rip the clothes to get out of them pulling him on to her.
After a long while Hardy rolls to his back bringing calisaya with him they were still joint in love making and she cuddle him as she turn her hips on him his strong thighs in between her as they made hard love his firmness felt as he wanted her to he love her the way he like it, hard and firm,
Calisaya rolled from him to her back and pulled the sheet spread up to her breast as she lay breathless
Hardy turned to look at her and she smiled,
For a while she lay on her back her chest raising and falling rapidly she finally calmed and sat up, "Can I use your bathroom?" She asked
"Sure" Hardy point her to the door she got up and walk to the door push it open and a light came on over head, calisaya look up and look around it was nice fresh and clean she pee and flush and the loud roar of the bowl frightened her she stepped in the shower for she haven't taken one since she left home she look for something to turn like inside her bathroom but nothing she went under to look for the turn on and the water came rushing at her almost drowning her, she got a hold of herself and stood firmly she used some of his shower gel to soap and wash herself
Hardy got up on hearing the calisaya was getting out and he handed her a towel,
"Thanks, I hope you didn't mind" calisaya said
Hardy smile he shook his head, he watch her as she get dried
"You're a beautiful woman" he said
Calisaya chuckle "you think?" She asked
Hardy nod,
"Well thank you" she said she hand him the towel and went back to the bedroom by Hardy walk in behind her she was dressed, "I should go" she said
"Shouldn't you let me drop you" Hardy said
Calisaya shook her head "I'll be alright"
"Thank you" Hardy said
Calisaya grin "thank you too" she then chuckle, she cuff his cheek and kiss him, "you're quite charming yourself" she said
Hardy smirk,
He walk her to the front door, to see her out,
"I hope this time you call" calisaya said
Hardy nod, "you do have fare to get home right?" He asked
Calisaya nod, and gave a smile she had the feeling why he asked for he had bail her out twice, he watch her on to the street,
The house was in an area where calisaya just crossed the street and a cab was there to take her where she wanted to go and she got into one and say her destination,
She was just stepping out the cab when Hardy called, Calisaya smiled on seeing the strange number knowing it has to be him, "I'm in safely" she said
"Ok that's great, I wanted to know" Hardy said
"Thanks for the concern" calisaya said
"Well goodnight" Hardy said
They hang up and calisaya smile,
Hardy safe her number remember hearing her told his best friend that her name is calisaya, calisaya what he wondered, he still haven't told her his name and think to do so by sending her a message but his percentage drop to one and he puts it to charge,
Calisaya walk in the house to find her husband on the sofa he was so still that it seems he wasn't breathing she watch to see if his chest made any movement at all for she wanted to be sure so she could quietly leave incase he's dead, he took a sharp breath and turn his head, calisaya breath a sigh of relief and went to the room and close the door, she change into a night dress and climb in to bed, thinking on her mystery man thinking with a smirk on her face,
Hardy think to text her but after fixing himself a sandwich and some tea he sat on the sofa listening to the stereo he didn't have a television in the living room the only one was a small one in the kitchen more times than once he wanted to get one but leave it he didn't spend much time to watch television anyway, he wait for the battery percentage to build up but falls a sleep while doing so.
The phone ring and woke calisaya her sisters were calling at six in the morning calisaya sat up she was still sleepy for it was late she got home and her body has been through some rough sex and she needed to rest that off
"What did you girls give birth, Did mom or dad have an heart attack is aunty alright, aunt Moana and the girls, did something happen to Bob or to Kelvin and Jordan?" Calisaya asked
Romona grin
"You're not funny calisaya never were" Roxanne said
But they grin
"It's six in the morning" calisaya said
"I know girl but we're going to the beach and it's an invitation we're sending" Roxanne said
"What beach?" Calisaya asked
San Diego beach where else" Romona said
" Very nice no thanks for the invitation, have a good day" she said then hang up,
" She hang up" Romona said
" She's going to come" Christine said she was taking the day off to go to the beach with the family, so today she or her husband won't be going to church,
They put themselves together to leave,
Calisaya called crystal and told her that she was going to the beach, Crystal was glad to go to the beach they planned on seeing each other there, Bryan wasn't doing anything and he too was goin, she was in the kitchen when Richard walked in, he didn't see her come in wondering when she got there if it's late last night or was it this morning, calisaya was dress in beach clothing and her beach bag on her shoulder she was drinking tea Richard check the pot but it was empty he looks at her while he shake it,
"You went through all the trouble to heat just one cup of water?" He asked
"It was only one cup that I needed" calisaya said
"Have you forgotten I'm paying the bills?" Richard asks
"No for I live be to hear you say that every day, but have you for gotten I don't work for you anymore, for I wasn't a wife to you I was only your maid so now I'm neither" she hissed she watch the cup and rest it to drain as she went out,
Calisaya got to the beach and just as she was going towards her family she almost pump into a slim woman walking with two other girls when they both stop and look they both comes to recognize each other, calisaya walk away but Patrice took noticed of her she was wearing a short shorts and a nice orange bading suit the way she looks Patrice wish herself looking like her she didn't have half the hip size she has, Patrice watch until calisaya got to the group and was greeting everyone.
Roxanne grin "glad you could make it" Roxanne said
"Yeah be glad I almost didn't come" calisaya said
"Ah yeah right" Romona said looking by her sister when she saw crystal coming
"Oh crystal is here" Romona said
Calisaya turned and they saw each other, calisaya smile
From a small distance crystal wave both herself and Bryan
They come over and join them
Crystal hug Calisaya and the both grin calisaya poke Bryan in the chest and he smile at her, he can't believe she kept looking this well after what's happening with her and her husband,
Crystal abondand her bag and sat next to Christine who she talks with for a while
"I think I'll go for a swim" calisaya said she step out her short and reveal her sexy swim wear,
"Wow girl you got it going on" crystal said "whooo!" She scream and giggles
The others look at her and she grin so did they,
Calisaya was sure she swell up a little for last night with her guy was a while one, she wondered if he have a woman or how often does he do it not that he didn't feel good but he's hard at the waist,
Calisaya turn and walk away
"Wait for me" crystal said
She got up and Bryan sat down and kelvin offered him a beer
"I saw my husband mistress earlier" calisaya told crystal
Crystal look around "is she around now?" She asked
"I'll show you if I see her" calisaya said
Patrice was at a spot when she saw Richard's wife a group was playing volleyball on the beach although she wasn't in the game she ran out and pitch it and it hit calisaya she and crystal turned calisaya saw her grinning "my bad" she said
"That's her?" Crystal whispered
"Yeah that's her" calisaya whispered
They both felt she did that on purpose but the turned and kept walking the same thing happened and crystal picked it up, bring it to her shove it at her chest "watch it bitch for I'll let you eat it" crystal said
"It was an accident" Patrice said with a smirk
"I'll show you accident" crystal said poke her face, "I'll break you judging from this handle I'm seeing you it won't take long"
" Let's go friend" calisaya said
" Yeah for the bitch ain't worth it" crystal said
She joined calisaya and the walked a way
" Bitch" Patrice grumble as she sat down,
" You know them?" Patrice friend asked
"That tramp in the orange is Richard's wife" Patrice said
"Oh" the others said looking at calisaya as she walk away,
"I thought your man was scenes able" crystal said
"I'm done worrying about Richard" calisaya said
"So how is it going?" Crystal asked
"I'm trying to cope, we had it out this morning again" calisaya said
"Yeah why?"
"Over coffee I didn't left any water in the coffee maker so he got upset saying he's paying the bill, he owns the house bla bla bla, bullshit" calisaya said
"Good for nothing cheat" crystal said
Calisaya smile
They got to a place that was a little quiet and they got in the water where they spent time talking calisaya wasn't going to mention to crystal about the man she knows that crystal is her best friend and they share anything but she want to see where it's going before she does that she knows her friend got her back but wasn't going to dump this on her not now.
Hardy had called William to come over so they could finish up the work, he was changing the door to the kitchen too and setting up the patio
William walk in looking around "where is she?" He asked
"She's not here, she left" Hardy said
"Early?" William asked
"She didn't stay the night" Hardy said
"Oh, I see, so she just dumped it on you and left" he smile and nod,
Hardy shook his head hand him a beer and they head though the kitchen door where they start working"
When they were done swim and was on the way back they saw Richard's woman leaving she didn't say anything apart from to look so calisaya and crystal did the same,
They went back to join the group and for a while they talk have some snacks took more swim before leaving crystal and Bryan invite them to dinner to eat out they come together and fund the bill calisaya didn't bother to go to her place she stayed on at the family house,
Patrice was very unhappy when she called Richard to tell him how him a wife and friend attack her today on the beach, she didn't tell him how it happened just that they gang ger,
Because calisaya had stayed the night over the family and she stay the day at the store with her sisters on Monday, she went to the house that should be a home for her and her husband Monday evening, but unfortunately he cheats her and now here she is in another man's arm he's no longer the only one who's breaking the vows she is too, she thought about the guy who she didn't hear from since Saturday night she wasn't going to call wondering if she should she was actually feeling something for him but it was how it started with Richard she felt something for him although she and Richard didn't just met like she did it took them some time to get it in, it was like loneliness took a tole on her this time for she wish she could spend more time together with her mystery guy.
"What did you do to Patrice on the beach?" Richard asks when he bucked calisaya in the kitchen,
"What, what are you talking about?" Calisaya asked
"My woman said that you and your friend gang up on her" Richard said
"And you believe that?" Calisaya asked
"Yes I believe that there's no need for you and your friend trying to get in my woman's face it's not going to change that I love her and don't want you anymore, your old news to me, get over it" Richard shout
Calisaya didn't need him to tell her he wanted nothing to do with her anymore him spending the weekend here with his woman was all the proof she needed It was no longer at a point where he was cheating, for he wasn't hiding to bring her by and neither does he care about her feelings.

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