chapter nine

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Patrice turns and looks at calisaya when she walks into the living room Monday after spending some time at the house with everyone she heads there Richard notices her as she walks into the room he and Patrice look at each other calisaya got to the room and sat on the bed look out to see them looking her way she didn't close the door but she turns her back,
The television in the living room runs for half the night watching loudly calisaya lay down but she couldn't go to sleep she lay in bed thinking as her mind just stray away, Roxanne's and Romona couldn't stop thinking about what their sister had told them both a few days ago about her husband and that woman,
Moving in with her and doing those things it hurt them both but on looking at their sister it didn't seem it hurt her as much as it did to them,
Calisaya had gone to stay the weekend at the family house, she enjoyed herself as if nothing was wrong, calisaya went back to the house Monday after her sisters close at the store, as always her husband was with his woman in the living room watching TV,
She went by them as usual to get he bed room, it happens so for the next werk,
Calisaya and Hardy met with William and Ingrid, they see a movie and after they went for a drink, while the boys play poker on the game box distracted from them Ingrid pull calisaya for a walk they ended up sitting in the back of the van,
"What kind of man is William?" Calisaya asked Ingrid she grin and look at calisaya, "I can say the type that love sex"
Calisaya laugh "you both love sex" she said
"Yeah that's true" Ingrid said
Calisaya poke her,
They laugh together they both sigh deeply
"What I meant is his behaviors" calisaya said
"He's not fussy, not fussy at all literally not fussy I live with him all those years and we don't fuss we disagree but understandingly"
"I like Hardy, he's understanding, as well as being kind, I want us to be together but I'm afraid maybe he's not ready to settle" calisaya said
"He's crazy about you, I'm not lying" Ingrid told her,
"I'm going through some marital issues" calisaya said
"You're married!?" Ingrid asked taking calisaya's hand to view the ring,
"Im afraid so but it's not going well"
" What happened? " Ingrid asked
"my husband has another woman he moved into hour home" calisaya said
"Another woman you must be kidding I want to see the woman he left for you" ingred said thinking calisaya was real pretty and sexy as hell, she can't believe all those things calisaya filled her in on "how could he?" Ingrid asked "I'm sorry hell soon find out what he is missing" Ingrid said she hugs calisaya and they smile at each other, "if there's anything I can help you with, A place to stay, someone to talk to, money you name it" Ingrid said
" Thanks, I'll definitely give you a call" calisaya said taking Ingrid's hand
"There you ladies are we almost spend the whole night looking around for you two" William said
He and Hardy came out the bar together and walked to the van,
" I'm going to head home" calisaya said jumping down from the back of the van where she was next to Ingrid, "I'll see you guys" she said speaking to Ingrid and William
"See you too, remember to give me a call" Ingrid said
"Yes I'll remember" calisaya said, she and William share a hug, "get home safe" William said calisaya nod turning to Hardy "call me if and when you need me" calisaya said
Hardy nod she kissed him and left them there,
Ingrid didn't say anything to William about what calisaya had told her about the life with her husband and she plans to keep it at that she kept it for two days having the feeling that if two days has gone and she hasn't said anything she's not going to,
Thursday crystal invite calisaya to lunch they met at the bass cafe downtown los Angeles just as they both were about to take their seat Ingrid saw calisaya and went over,
"Calisaya hey how are you?" Ingrid greet
"Hey what's going on?" Calisaya asked getting up to hug Ingrid
"I've not seen you this side of California before" Ingrid said
Calisaya smiles, "this is my best friend crystal, crystal meet Ingrid we met recently, she's a friend of Hardy's best friend William, I did told you about William right?" Calisaya asked
" Yes you have" crystal said getting up to shake hand with Ingrid, " Hi Ingrid so nice to meet you" crystal said
"Are you in a hurry? " Calisaya asked
"Not really I'm on my lunch break" Ingrid said
"Than join us" calisaya said
"I sure will" Ingrid said taking a seat, for the hour the girls sit and talk laughing, they got up and walk out the small cafe together they were by Ingrid's car when calisaya saw her husband's other half, crystal saw her too to the way they were looking at her Ingrid figure it got to be the woman that took calisaya's man she over look the thin bowlegged blonde, wondering what a fool her husband is what can she offered to him calisaya can't give it was so bad that he could walk away from her for that woman,
"That's the woman, the one your man left you for?" Ingrid asked,
Calisaya nod,
" That's the Wich" crystal said
"Your husband is a fool, what is it he sees in her?" Ingrid asked
Calisaya shrugged
" Don't worry just call me if you need me ok"Ingrid said she hugs calisaya shook crystal's hand then left them there,
"isn't she wearing your bag?" Crystal asked
"That's my coat too" calisaya said
Crystal sigh,
Those were the least of calisaya's worries now she didn't care when she's finished with then they both going to wish they didn't mess with her,
Another week ran off and calisaya plan more of her revenge,
Friday she stayed at the house and packed some bags, she was going to crash with Hardy she didn't asked but he did say she was welcome, she was cleaning away some old things when she saw the credit card and put it in her purse but didn't see the scenes of keeping it, Richard had locked it down she can't use it, calisaya remember now that Ingrid was a hacker she said she could call her for a favor, so she call her
Ingrid was at work when calisaya did,
"Hey girl" Ingrid said
"Hey girl" calisaya said back
"What's up?" Ingrid asked
"You said you hacked right?" Calisaya asked
"Act no way I'm not good at acting" Ingrid said
They both giggle
"Ok so what do you want me e to do?" Ingrid asked
"I got a credit card my husband gave me that he's paying for unfortunately he close it and" calisaya speak up
"do you have the information?" Ingrid asked
" I have the card" calisaya said
" You don't need the card unless you want it to lead to you, just take down the information and I'll help you" Ingrid said
Calisaya grin
They hang up and she took the picture of the card left the card on the coffee table then went out, she went into town to the guy that make keys she needed a copy of the key to the front door at the house, she stay out a while have a drink, it was late when she got to the house
Surprised neither of the couple were home even though they were never without each other the card was still there and calisaya leave it there, she was in the room Saturday morning when they comes through the door, it was very early it seems that they just have a sleep over probably at their usual hotel, she didn't act to acknowledge them,
Patrice walk over to the table and saw the card, "Babe" she said
"Yes Babes" Richard answer
Calisaya could hear their exchange
Patrice point Richard to the card and he took it up look it over they took the stairs together and when they went up calisaya grabbed some of her bags and went to catch a cab,
It was Saturday and Hardy was home April had stop over very early and since they were a lone he entertain her by having sex with her they were finished and she was on the couch and he was standing up
Calisaya wasn't expecting him to be in with someone she remembers where the key was and let herself in she entered the door and close it and saw four eyes looking at her, two pairs, she look from one to the other she didn't need to asked if they got to the destination their face said it all Hardy was naked apart from the little shorts he wore and she in a small dress,
"Calisaya" Hardy said
"I, I, I might have come at a bad time" calisaya said
April got up, "I think he wants you here more than me so I'm leaving you stay" she said walking towards Hardy, "just give me a call, when you can" she touch his chest and walk away she look at calisaya and both bag at her feet then left closing the door,
"in sorry calisaya I wasn't expecting you" Hardy said
"It's all good I just need a place to stay for a while until I sort somethings out" calisaya said
Hardy nod
" I promise not to get in the way" calisaya said
" You won't be in the way, I'll take these, maybe later you can make space in the closet for them and there's an empty dresser also" Hardy said
Calisaya nod
Hardy took up the back to the bedroom to rest them down, calisaya sat on the couch looking around, the empty television space got her staring
"Can I get you anything?" Hardy asked from up the stairs as he comes down he took up his shirt and puts it on,
"Breakfast would be great and some coffee" calisaya said
Hardy went to the kitchen and fixed her something to eat
"Did she spend the night?" Calisaya asked, she was nearly finished eating when she spoke
"Who, April?" Hardy asked
"That's her name?" Calisaya asked
Hardy nodded, he then shook his head "she came this morning"
"Yah and I bet she didn't leave without it" calisaya said
" I'm sorry calisaya as I said I wasn't expecting you" Hardy said
Calisaya lifted her hand ward off the conversation,
" I'm going over to William's place to help him with some work over there, maybe you want to come along and hang out with Ingrid until we're ready" Hardy said
Calisaya nod,
Hardy cleaned the kitchen then they left,
"Calisaya you're here!" Ingrid said they share a hug and before anything else said she was pulling her off, she touched Hardy's chest before making their exit,
"Hi William" calisaya called as she was being pulled off,
William smiles and Hardy brew shook his head and held it,
William grin, he took his shoulder and led him off,
"What is it exactly do you want me to do with the card?" Ingrid asked
"I want the money" calisaya said
Ingrid went into the information but there wasn't much on it, fifteen thousand was the amount, and calisaya wanted it all, and she didn't want her husband to know until she moved everything, Ingrid can hold the transition, she can let it look as though the money is on it while it's on transmission to calisaya account,
Fifteen thousand might seem little but at this point she didn't have any and yes she wants it and with all that her husband put her through, even if she doesn't want it she was still going to take it,
"Calisaya moved in" Hardy spilled to William
"She moved in?" William asked
Hardy nod,
"When did that take place?" William question,
"This morning little after I was done giving it to April, for she stopped over early eager to have it and since I didn't know calisaya would come we did it, and calisaya came after and just let herself in" Hardy said
William chuckled and looked at Hardy with wide eyes "lucky for you she hadn't walked in on it?" He said
"She asked if she had stayed the night?" Hardy said
"So when you told her you think she believed you?" William asked Hardy shrugged she didn't show any signs of disbelief but he wasn't sure, he knows she's married and from the looks of it she needs the help and he wants to help her, and giving her a space in his home was where it starts he's willing to let her stay,
they were busy until evening when Hardy and William walked in the house calling,
"In the kitchen" Ingrid said
They were fixing dinner,
"Is that time already?" Hardy asked "we should get going" he told calisaya
"Dinner is near why don't you stay for dinner" Ingrid said
Calisaya looks at Hardy
"Alright" Hardy said
"Then let's have some beers" William said taking up a case of six heading to the living room,
"Go easy boys leave space for dinner" Ingrid said and heard them reply, "For sure" they both said calisaya smile,
They left only after dinner was over and they rode on Hardy's bike calisaya was getting used to it now for she had gone with him on it for a number of times he was a cool rider and was never with out his helmet it was a quiet evening for them both neither know what to say but they sat on the couch looking at the entertainment center the space for the television caught calisaya everytime and then she remembers her television at the house the one her husband didn't even want her to look at,
" I think I'm going to take a shower" calisaya said
" Yeah, yeah you do that I'm going to lock up" Hardy said
" I haven't seen your dog is she alright?" Calisaya asked
"I'm sure she's out playing with her friends she'll come when she's ready" Hardy said calisaya nod, she left him there and went up to the room, Hardy lock up but before going up he sat to have a drink
After calisaya was done in the shower she puts on a night dress she has them so long and never wore them for her husband became too busy she was hanging her things in the closet when Hardy comes to the room he pause when he saw what she was wearing and her thing poking out almost as if they carry the same thing the same size as well her tits sexy and firm and her body clean and sexy it makes him hard he went by her to the bathroom took a shower which wasn't long for he hurry back to capture more of her sexiness he wondered what really happened between her and her husband that cause him to not want her for he sure was a fool and he's not going to be the same fool her husband is,
Calisaya finished and climb into bed took up her bible and start to read Hardy smile as he watch her, she was done when he climb in lay on his side with his back to her,
"Can I turn off the light?" He asked
"I'm not using it anymore" calisaya said
Hardy turned the light out and they lay there, calisaya watching his back she could use his arms around her even if they weren't doing nothing she reached to touch him "Hardy" she called "You're not yet asleep are you?" She asked Hardy turned calisaya smile at him,
"You want to say something?" Hardy asked
"Hold me please" calisaya said
Hardy pulled closer and wrapped her in his arms holding her tightly as they both falls asleep.
"Now you can give me that card" Patrice said to Richard
"Yes I'll call the bank and cancel the hold"
Partice smile and nod
They were getting ready to go out She stood in the mirror but the bag she wore didn't add up,
"I need to get a bag from your wife's room" she said throwing down that one she went down stairs and find they weren't hanging in the closet nothing were there but few bags packed on the floor and she had locked them,
"Richard, Richard" Patrice called out Richard hurry down the stairs "what now?" He asked Patrice point to the floor, the bags on it with lock and key, "Richard I need that bag" Patrice said Richard nod he went into the kitchen and took a knife and cut the locks off and Patrice ramble through them neither of the four bags has the bag she wanted all was left was a black one fancy but she didn't want black neither did she want red but took the red for it was fancier than the black,
Calisaya called crystal Sunday morning and they talk for a while up until Hardy was done with breakfast,
After breakfast she called her family everyone were talking to her Hardy look on as he listens,
"So honey when you coming over?" Christine asked
"Yes dear?" Keith said
"Tomorrow I'm stopping by" calisaya said
They bid goodbye after a while, Hardy was getting ready to fix dinner, she didn't have anything to do but to sit and watch him, they had dinner and later swam in the pool, calisaya sat reminiscing on the time they have naked sex in the pool she was smiling and Hardy wonder if that was what she was thinking about,
They slept the same way like the night before holding for she asked and calisaya left early before he was ready for work she was going to go over the house to get more of her things but before she went to her parents she sat with them and told them about Richard Christine cry knowing the man they allowed their daughter to marry treats her in such way,
They gave her encouraging words and calisaya was glad to have them to talk with she stopped to see her sisters they were almost ready to have the babies both unable to move briskly as used to she stayed on and help it was their last week at work and next Monday the person they got to work will come, it was after eight when they close and calisaya took a cab to Richard's place they were both home when she got there her intentions were to take up her bags and go when she got to the room all her things scatter on the floor she felt so angry and upset "Damn you Richard, damn you and that bitch" she scream as she put them back together taking them out the car,
Patrice smiles at Richard when she heard her she was taking out the last bag when she saw them on the he stairs, she look up on them shook her head and left slamming the door,
Hardy was home and helped her with her things,
for the rest of that week calisaya didn't cross the line,
Do you know of anyone that moves?" Calisaya asked Hardy
"Move?" Hardy asked
"Yes a moving truck I have a set of furniture I want that is if you got space" calisaya said
"There's more than enough space" Hardy said
Calisaya nod, "Thanks" she said
Saturday morning Hardy called for the guys with the moving chuck, calisaya told them of the situation and they were friends of Hardy they were four big guys and when they got there Richard and Patrice come to the living room, "what is she doing?" Patrice asked
Calisaya look at them
"You can't take a thing from here" Richard said while three of the guys move one stand to ward off Richard the furniture in the room were finished and calisaya took the two flowers stands "grab the tv it's mine" calisaya said the guy standing guard did so,
"Not the tv" Patrice said
"Richard you can't let them take the tv" but to four big guys Richard was no match so he had to step back and watch,
"BITCH!!!" Patrice shout out at calisaya as she climbed in the van
"Back at you" calisaya said taking off the ring and tossing it along with the house keys, "Richard you sucks to hell with you and your bourbon" she said laughing, she was just doing this for now letting him think that this was the end but they won't see it coming until it reaches them.

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