chapter thirteen

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Calisaya's phone rang and she watched it as she   ignored it every one around the fireplace Look at her,
They were sitting on the outside roasting marshmallows and drinking wine,
She was waiting for the call wondering what had taken him so long she declined it and Richard called again,  it rang four times before calisaya shut it off then  blocked his number, that  send Richard in rage for when he call the fifth time the operator told him that he can no longer call the number,
"How could see even do this?" Patrice asked as she was going through the closet and realized that the things she took from her were gone and a few of her underwear too the bag that was slash left on the floor  with a key on it, she took it up and gave it to Richard, he remember that she had tossed the bunch of keys the night she come to get her furniture from the bedroom, he remember her saying she didn't want anything when the lawyer said she was entitled to something he had no intention on giving her nothing and thought she was wise when she said she didn't want anything,
"That bitch...." Richard said when I get my hands on her she's going to be so sorry" Richard said
" You should call the cops and have her arrested for property violation" Patrice said
" I'm going to kill her I swear" Richard said he picked up the phone and call to reported a break-in and the cops came,
" My ex-wife took all my belongings and left the house empty" he said
The cops wrote down and asked about the things that were in the house Richard had said that the house was empty but it was when the cops come he came to realize that he has nothing left in the house apart from those few little things a few dishes few cups and glasses his clothes and the wardrobe he has no where to sleep "sir you're to come down and file a report get a court order" the cop said Richard nod,
"what you going to do tonight?" Patrice asked
Richard had no idea but he knew that they couldn't stay here there was no where to sleep, they had to spend the night at a hotel and Monday was limited now for he had to spend so much on a penthouse in Portland everything was two point five million he was going to have to get his things back and he was going to make sure she give it all back,
Calisaya smile through out the rest of time she was in Colorado it wasn't just because she was with the guys having a fine time she accomplish her plan and now she knows he's feeling it,
Richard contacted the bank about the credit card neither of them at the bank was able to tell where that money goes "sir if your ex-wife had the card  information there's a possibility that she could take the money" the woman said
" Damn it!" Richard said stamping on the desk he got up and left the bank
" I can't wait to catch her" Richard grumble
Partice look at him,
Calisaya stretch next to Hardy putting her hand over his face he move it she did it again and he removed it gently doing so he thought she was sleeping but she lift her head and grin at him, Hardy tossed her hand and they both grin calisaya got up to lay on him "would it hurt to take today?" She asked
Hardy smile he haven't been away from work this long and to take another day, "I bet you are still tired" she whispered
"Try me" Hardy said feeling on her she felt him jump beneath her and she raised her hips to take him in,
"Mm" they both said
"I can't stop wanting you" Hardy said
"Don't stop" calisaya said
They grin she slide from him, "get up go to work" she said going off to the shower he joined her and they showed together, he got dress and she went down to fix breakfast
"So you don't see her anymore?" Calisaya asked Hardy, he was having his breakfast while she stood over him, he looked up, he had the feeling she was talking about April "why would I? you're here" Hardy said
Calisaya smiles, "I want it to be just us, you and I" she said
"It's already you and I, I don't see anyone else" Hardy said, "Not as yet at least" Hardy though he got up lean over to kiss her "I'll see you later" he said
Calisaya nod she didn't follow him to his car this morning instead she started cleaning the kitchen, she did some cleaning today laundry and was fixing dinner when her man got home she serve him hot meal then they relax to watch tv later they showered and went to bed.
Richard got the court order but they couldn't find calisaya it's been three weeks since what had happened, he couldn't call her because she blocked him, and she wasn't answering the call from the police,
"Her sisters have to know where she is" Richard told the cops, he gave them the address to the family house,
Everyone was surprised when the cops came looking for calisaya they didn't say why but the family told them they didn't know where she was, by right they didn't know they know she was staying with Hardy but they weren't sure where they didn't mention him
When the cops leave Roxanne called calisaya, "why are the cops looking for you?" Romona ask
"They are?" Calisaya asked
"Yes" Roxanne said
"Are you in trouble?" Roxanne and Romana asked
"It's all good" calisaya said changing the subject and asked about Ingrid and crystal she hasn't seen them in three weeks the one she went away and the two she decided to just stay home and decorate for Christmas which wasn't far,
"What about her friend, her friend crystal has to know where she stays" Richard said and he went with the cops to  crystal's place  Saturday morning early for he was sure that she was,
Crystal was in bed with Bryan when the heavy knocking came to the door,  "police open up" the cops said
Bryan and crystal got out of bed when they opened the door  they both were frightened for the cops  had gun point to them, they both held there hand up,
"where is my wife?" Richard asked pushing into the house looking around
"Your wife I don't know who that is" crystal said
"Calisaya is she here?" Richard said "calisaya, calisaya come out here" he called
"How the hell am I to know where calisaya is at six in the morning Richard, you came beating my door down to ask about calisaya"
" She is here I know it where else will she go, calisaya" he called out
" Keep it down man" Bryan said
"Keep it down, keep it down you tell her tell her when I find her" he point a finger but the cop ease him back, "so mam you don't know where your friend is staying?" The cop ask
"She didn't say" crystal answered watching Richard looking around in some doors
"You sir?" The cop ask Bryan
"Not a clue" Bryan said
" What did she do?" Crystal asked
"So you don't you?" Richard asked coming to a stand still, "You're expecting me to believe that you don't know, I'll see you all in court" Richard said
Crystal and Bryan look at each other crystal shrugged when he leaves with the cops angrily slamming the door,
"What happened why the cops are looking for you?" Crystal asked
Calisya look at Hardy
"They come over too?" Calisaya asked
"What you mean too where else did they go are you in trouble?" Crystal asked
"Can I call you back?" She asked for she didn't want to talk about it with Hardy in front of her,
Richard and Patrice went over to his parents house they haven't seen them since Thanksgiving and Christmas was only in a few days he came  to tell them what had happened nobody said anything and he was upset they didn't defend him "I'm taking her to count wether you like it or not mom I'm getting everything back and I don't care" he left angry ,
Christmas was Saturday Thursday Hardy took the day for him and calisaya to go shopping for gifts and so on, they were in los Angeles calisaya just brought some bag to the car and was waiting for Hardy when out of no where she was grabbed almost bringing her off her feet
"You bitch" Richard said
"Let me go" calisaya said
"You think you're going to get away" Richard said
Hardy came out the building and saw the man holding on to calisaya as she was saying to let her go"
" What's going on?" Hardy asked
"None of your business" Richard said
"Richard lete go" calisaya said
" It might not be my business but she said to let her go I think you should" Hardy said
"I'm not done talking" Richard said
"I'm done talking to you, go on to your bitch" calisaya said
Hardy realize he must be the man she recently divorce
He step closer and took calisaya's other hand easing Richard away standing in the border" get in the car" he told calisaya who walk away looking back,
"Calisaya I'm going to see to it that you pay" Richard shout over Hardy's shoulder he walk away but turn when the car was about to drove off and wrote down the license plate number,
"That's your ex-mam?" Hardy asked
"Yes he is" calisaya answer looking at her hand he had held her so hard it became red
Hardy looks at the spot on her hand, "Why is he so angry?" He asked
Calisaya shook her head
Hardy said nothing,
Richard called the cops and gave them the license plate number and they quickly traced it to Hardy Murphy San Francisco address and went over the door knock and Hardy opened up to see the same guy with two cops,  calisaya got to the door and saw Richard with the cops she look at Hardy who looked at her "you're calisaya king?" The cop ask
"No the name is Calisaya Allen for I'm no longer married"
Miss Allen you're under arrest for violation of property anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law you have the rights to an attorney or one will be given to you" the cops said as he handcuffed her,
"calisaya I'll be right behind you" Hardy said he sighed as he watched them put her in the car, he was on his way when he called William and he told Ingrid Ingrid call crystal and she call the family
Everyone went down in the evening, after a few statement calisaya was offered bale
"You're letting her leave?" Richard asked when calisaya came out,
Calisaya look at them both looking at her "I'll see you in court" Patrice said
Hardy look at the woman and cringe "that's her the woman he divorce his wife for?" He thought with a frown he didn't see why he must have a reason he didn't know but he's sure she didn't have nothing calisaya has, "let's go" Hardy said
"You must be the one who help her right but I'm coming to get everything" Richard said holding back Hardy
"I don't know what you're saying and I don't care I have nothing for you" he said taking calisaya's hand
"Watch and see you both going to pay, Ingrid know about the furniture she got her name on and the money she got from the card but she didn' know of the house sale she believed that those were the issues
The drive back to Hardy's place was quiet and calisaya wonder if he was angry for he had to come bale her,
They got to the house and she drop on the couch he went to the kitchen and came back to give her water
"Calisaya" he called
Calisaya looks at him,
"If you don't tell me what happened I won't know how to help you" Hardy said
"I went over and sold the furniture out the house" calisaya sighed
"What?" Hardy asked
"I wasn't going to take it so easy Hardy he cheats me and the fact that he let a woman move in to the house we live and she was allowed to do and I couldn't if I make a cup of tea my husband complains i couldn't even watch my own tv and she could" calisaya cried "I took care of him he was never dirty I didn't ask for much for my sisters gave me designer clothing bags and shoe I did what he wanted and only because I lost my job"
Hardy move over and hug her
"Don't worry I got my lawyer I'll get him on the case'" Hardy said,
Calisaya nod
David called in the morning and ask for he heard that she was arrested he told her he can help with the case
Calisaya thank hon she knew he isn't going to ask for any money,
They got together on Christmas Eve to hand out and shared Christmas dinner at Hardy's family house it was a well spent evening even though they spoke a lot about her arrested but calisaya didn't care, they went to court the Monday Richard was anxious to have everything calisaya took from him,
Everyone comes to court Roxanne, Romona, Jordan, kelvin the babies, Keith, Christine,the entire family and friends gathered Richard's family came too so did Hardy's
They question Richard and asked how and when did he find out that his house was break into,
"I went on a vacation with my woman and when we got back she brought it to my attention she took everything" he point to calisaya
"So how long has it been since you and miss Allen been married?" The lawyer ask
"Five years" Richard answer
"And did you get a divorce before you got into a relationship?" The lawyer ask
Richard didn't answer
"That's not relivant" Richard lawyer said
"Answer the question" the judge said
"No" Richard answer
"Did you and miss Allen has problem?" The lawyer ask
"What do you mean?" Richard asked
"How did miss Allen treat you in the relationship was the the type of woman to spend lot of money go out often?" The lawyer ask
Richard pause
"Should I repeat the question?" The lawyer ask
"No, she didn't go out often but she had a drinking habit" Richard said
" Drinking habit what type of drinking habit how often did miss Allen got drunk during the time of your marriage? " The lawyer asked
"I don't know I stop keeping track asked her friend" Richard asks
" No further questions" the lawyer said and sat next to calisaya,
Richard lawyer didn't question him but called calisaya to the stand she swear to tell the truth,
"Did you or did you not have a drinking habit?" Richard's lawyer ask
" I wouldn't say I have a drinking habit" calisaya said
"How often did you get drunk?"  The lawyer ask
"I've not gotten drunk never in my life" calisaya said
"But you do drink for the credit card your husband gave you three nights in a row it was charged at a bar" the lawyer said
"It was not three nights in a row I had a few drinks yes for since my husband move in his woman in the house that we lived while I was still married to him I needed to clear my head" calisaya said
"Wasn't it  because of the problems why your husband had an affair?" The lawyer asked
"Problems I wasn't aware of any problems between Mr King and myself I am surprised to know there were" calisaya said
"Did you get in a relationship while you were still married to Mr king?" Richard's lawyer ask
"Well yes I had sex with another man for he was already living with his woman and we share separate lifes" calisaya said
"Did the man you were seeing come visit you?" Richard's lawyer ask
"No" calisaya said
"where did you meet this man?" Richard's lawyer ask
"With due respect sir I don't have to answer that where I meet with him isn't your business" calisaya said
Roxanne and Romana look at each other
"withdraw that question the relationship between miss Allen and her lover isn't on trial here" the judge said
Calisaya smile nod,
"Mr King claim that you break in his home and took his things" Richard's lawyer said
"I didn't break in to Mr king's home I did have key to the front door and I let myself in, those things I took from the house had my name on everything" calisaya said
" What about the handbags and clothes from miss Smite wardrobe?"
"I got those from my sisters and when my husband moved her in she started sharing them and I just took them back" calisaya said
" That's a lie she's a theif that's what she is" Patrice said
Richard's lawyer sat and motion to the lawyer that Hardy got to help but David took over "miss Allen had receipt to show that the furniture were in her name and she also have pictures of Mr king's and miss Smite distruction of her belongings she had her bags lock and they went in and burst down the door and took from her he broke her belongings and I do think miss Allen had rights to get something from the marriage he said he wasn't willing to give anything" David said
"She said she didn't want anything" David said
"Miss Allen said that because Mr King rudely behavior in a public place saying she didn't deserve nothing and she won't get anything miss Smite was with him the day it took place" David said
"Mr King has things in that house too" Patrice said
"I didn't take anything from Mr King" calisaya said
" What about the bag you cut from my woman's shoulder? " Richard asked
" I have no clue what you're saying" calisaya said
"she should pay" Richard said
The lawyer have him sit and asked that he said nothing,
" The court will call this case again Thursday" the judge said
Richard was angry he and pet lash out at calisaya on the outside calisaya turn and smile "you're going to prison" Richard said
Calisaya didn't reply she just looked with a smirk,
" Oh calisaya I'm sorry for everything" Pet said
"I'm fine don't worry" calisaya said 
They all hug her wishing her the best " call me if you need anything " Pet said
" I will calisaya said  she knew she won't need anything for she believes in the judge allowing her to go with what she took from Richard
Thursday it was court and calisaya was the first to go on stand Richard's lawyer question her,
"Mrs King" he said
"It's miss Allen sir" calisaya said
"Oh yes miss Allen were you working when you were married to Mr king?" He asked
"Yes I was working but the company in which I worked closed"
" What job did you do miss Allen?" He asked
" I was CEO at San Francisco Tus through us service advertising company" calisaya said
Hardy sat forward he had no clue that she works at an advertising company,
"Did they paid well miss Allen?"
"Yes very well that when my husband, when Mr King and I moved in I was able to purchase the furniture for he already paid on the house" calisaya said
"Miss Allen did Mr king gave you money?" Richard's lawyer ask
"barely" calisaya said
"how much did he gave you?"
" I rather not say that's a little too embarrassing to discuss in public" calisaya said
"didn't your husband gave you a credit card for if your husband only gave you little bit of money how did you manage to wear such find clothing? "
"As  i said my sisters design" calisaya said
"One last question miss Allen what did you do with the furniture are they at Mr Murphy's home, do you have furniture at his place?"
"Yes I do, I have over there  a television, two flower stands, a bed, a dresser, a chester drawer and a wardrobe" calisaya said
"What happened to the other things didn't you take them there? "
" Why he would have space to hold them he already hav so much, the only reason he had to make space to hold the others is because he didn't want me living in the streets for if I didn't move out to the way things were at home my husband would probably throw me out" Calisaya said and started with tears  "it was so embarrassing I had to walk in the house I was married into to witness my husband with another woman"
Richard stood up but the judge ordered him to sit,
"Miss Allen you can step down" the judge said "no more questions from what I'm gathering miss Allen was the victim in the marriage no where in the law did it say it's right to bring another woman home living in the house with your wife and you don't have a reason because she wasn't working you behave in such manner with your wife, a wife a bet you didn't have as much to has to your sweet heart"
" Your honor" Richard said
"Sit Mr King sit you violate this court I'll have you put behind bars" the judge said
Richard sat
"miss Allen stand up" the judge said
Calisaya kept her finger crossed as she did,
" Do you feel satisfied with what you got from the marriage?" The judge asked
" I think I am sir" calisaya said
" Do you want the house? For since this is the case where the husband is the one who wasn't loyal to his commitment between marriage you're entitled to get anything you demand"
"sir I'm absolutely sure I don't want the house, Mr Murphy is happy to let me stay with him I don't want anything else, "
"Is that so Mr Murphy?" The judge asked
"Yes your honor" Hardy said
"Ok that's settled miss Allen Mr Murphy all the best to you,
Mr King don't waist my time leave my court room" he said
Richard got up and hurry out
"Thank you calisaya and Hardy said
Richard was going crazy on the other side and calisaya watch with a gri,
"what happened to the furniture?" Crystal asked
"I sold them, sold them all now I have the money he didn't want to give me  he is going to have to start all over this is payback and he's the one suffering the consequences.

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