chapter ten

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"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here" calisaya said
She was standing with Hardy in the living room Sunday morning he was watching the television and she was watching him,
"Hey no need to, this is your home now" Hardy said
Calisaya smile
"How would you like to have dinner with my family?" Hardy asked
Calisaya wonders what they are going to think of her, it did sound like a good idea but she wasn't sure if they'll see her fit for their son, she remembers that crystal had asked that she bring him by but they hadn't gone there yet she wasn't sure what she was waiting on but she wasn't ready and isn't sure if he's ready,
Calisaya nod,
"Great I'll let them know I'm coming home with company" Hardy said
" Ok" calisaya said Hardy went off to call and calisaya went up to look for something to wear something appropriate she was finished when Hardy came up to the bedroom "we're set for dinner" he said going in the closet Calisaya had put hers next to it it feels like one complete thing and the dresser next to his and it too blend in to the room, she add the mattress to make the bed higher but her other things were put in another room, there was a bed in one room with two mattresses and just the perfect fit for her bed now that room has a double bed, the two stand went into the living room with the television she has two nice plant on them and it brighten the living room,
Hardy alright has everything at home so calisaya didn't plan on bringing anything else over she has the feeling she was going to sell them all but she has to know when her husband is going out of town with that woman of his for she didn't want to get caught on the act, she plans to leave the house empty and he will not see it coming,
Hardy was ready when he came to the living room "let's go" he told calisaya he opened the door for them to leave, taking his bike,
They got to his family and a guy who almost looks like Hardy a little around the eyes comes out to greet them, calisaya remember seeing him in the picture at Hardy's place,
He and Hardy hug,
"This is calisaya, my brother Philip" Hardy said
"Hi Philip" calisaya said
He took her hand and kiss it, "you're a princess" he said
Calisaya grin shyly
The older couple was waiting to be greeted and Hardy did so hug them both,
"Mom dad this is calisaya" Hardy said
"Hi...!" Lauren said smiling at calisaya" I'm Lauren this is my husband Eddie" she said
They both shook her hand
Calisaya smile at the older couple they both remind her of Martha and Johnathan from the Smallville Clark Kent's father it was the same way Lauren wore her hair and has the smile,
"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Murphy" calisaya said
"You can call me Lauren" Lauren said
Eddie is fine with me too" Eddie said
"Please call me Philip" Philip cut in as he come standing in the middle,
Calisaya grin, " I sure will Philip"
They laugh
Calisaya rest a hand on his shoulder
"Come on let's go inside" Lauren said
As they walk in calisaya's hand remain on Philip she was invited to sit and Philip serve drinks for half an hour they get aquanaut then dinner was serve.
"That went well" calisaya said grinning at Hardy
They had just got back and she was climbing off the bike,
"Yeah it did" Hardy smile,
They stood staring at each other until Hardy heard lassie bark and run to him calisaya lead the way inside going up to get change while Hardy feed lassie with left over from dinner at his parents,
Since she move in he haven touched her and calisaya believe it's because she had got here to find him with that girl April he said her name is she haven't pushed him to do it and watch him, another week went by and nothing he hold her during the nighs only by request but was with his back to her when she woke up in the morning,
Saturday morning he cleans the house and did both their laundry, not that the house was dirty for when she's home she did a little, they have dinner out in the evening,
They were both getting ready for bed he was brushing his teeth and calisaya was changing as she had already brushed, he was getting out the bathroom when calisaya purposely gets in his way each time he moved to one side she blocked him, Hardy gave up for he came to realize it was intentional he look at her,
"It's been a while I'm I that invincible?" Calisaya asked
"What you mean?" Hardy asked
"I want you" she said
Hardy smile she drop the night dress and Hardy's eyes followed, she wiggle out the underwear as he watch her damn she was sexy he lift her without words and lay her in bed as he make love to her,
Hardy was out of bed when calisaya got up on Sunday she could hear him in the kitchen, as he prepares breakfast, she got up took a shower got dress took out a paper from the dresser drawer on it she wrote,
"Don't let me have to ask you to hold me for you to do so,
It's ok to want sex when it's possible
Also you can wake me up in the morning and make love to me,
I'm living here now, I can do the cooking and the cleaning I do know how to do all that, and another thing don't act like I'm invincible don't treat me like I am,
Calisaya walks in the kitchen and shove the paper in front Hardy he look wide eyes at her
"Read" calisaya demand
Hardy look at the paper then back to her,
"Read" calisaya said
"What if I can't can't?" Hardy asked
"Of course you can" calisaya said
Hardy read the first one "Don't let me have to ask you to hold me for you to do so,
It's ok to have sex when it's possible, also you can wake me up in the morning and make love to me, I'm living here now , I can do the cooking and the cleaning I do know how to do all that, and another thing I'm not invincible don't treat me like I am,
Hardy laugh "I'm not treating you as if you're invincible I don't want to rush you for anything" Hardy said
"You don't need to see it as rush I'm here because you were kind enough to let me, what's a little sex" calisaya said
Hardy smile "I'm sorry" he said
Calisaya kiss him " it's ok you got it now" she said
" You sure do" calisaya said
Hardy nod, he serve her breakfast and they sat to eat,
" Do you know anyone who's a lawyer? " Calisaya asked
" What do you need a lawyer for?" Hardy asked
" I want to divorce my husband" calisaya said
"When do you want this to be done?" Hardy asked
" Yesterday the week before last year" calisaya said
Hardy smile and she grin,
She sighed
"I'll talk to someone for you" Hardy said
"Thank you" Hardy said
"Richard did you get to call the bank?" Patrice asked
"I'm going there today" Richard said
"Are you going to tap it up it's much easier to shop with the card fifteen thousand on a credit card is for your wife not me, that won't help me" Patrice said
"I'll do whatever you want" Richard said
"And I'm going to need a new bag for remember that your wife moved out so I don't have her's anymore"
"I'll get you a new bag" Richard said he noticed since she moved in she wants to buy nothing for herself and she kept asking for more no matter what she gets it was a he other day he ordered an entire wardrobe full of things for her and she needs a new bag now,
Hardy comes down stairs all dressed up calisaya was talking to crystal when he did she turns her focus on him, this was her first time seeing him in Jacket suit and he wore a tie she knows they were hanging in his closet so it isn't a surprise that he has them,
"Where you going dress like that?" Calisaya asked
"Work" Hardy said
"You work!?" Calisaya asked
Hardy laugh "How else would I live and maintain all this?" He asked
Calisaya shrugged
He was going out through the door sideways the living room and and calisaya followed him there she quickly noticed that it was a garage with two cars parked inside, she looks wide eyes at him
"You own these cars?" Calisaya asked
Hardy looked at her with a smirk he nods
"That's nice" calisaya said
"Yes, it is" Hardy said he opened up the car door to get in it was a black poach calisaya look in, with comfy seats and sweet smelling The other car was an harley it too was black nice too the bike he rides is an harley and calisaya though it was the only thing he owns, "So I'll see you later" Hardy said
"Yes I'll be here" calisaya said
"I'll cook you dinner" she said
Hardy chuckled he nodded she kissed him, "Have a good day at work"
"You too" Hardy said he got in and started backing out and the garage door went up calisaya though that was just an ordinary window for another room she wasn't allowed to go for she never went anywhere otherwise from the usual,
"I'm applaud" calisaya said
"What?" Crystal asked
"I'm surprised he owns a car more so two I'm talking about two nice cars a poach and a harley"
"What girl is he rich did he won the lottery?" Crystal asked
Calisaya had not one clue but he had to be rich to be driving a poach and a harley,
"when are we going to meet the guy?" Crystal asked
" I'm hoping soon, I want to divorce my husband before I'm showing off another man" calisaya said
"you should take that decision before you start showing him you" crystal said and they laugh,
" He is going to talk to a lawyer for me so I'm hoping to do the divorce soon,
"Promise me you'll let us meet him bring him for Thanksgiving" crystal said
Thanksgiving was going to be at her house and crystal her husband and their family will be there she's hoping to be able to bring him but then he might not be able to leave his parents and calisaya wasn't sure if they'll accept an invitation from her,
"I'll call you later" calisaya said
"Ok by have a good day" crystal said
They hang up and calisaya sat in the living room to watch television relaxing as she does so, she exhale "ahhh wow, now I can enjoy my own tv" she said giggling,
Richard rab up the credit card for Patrice with another eighty five thousand now hundred thousand was in the credit card, Ingrid got the notification and calisaya was excited to learn what has happened
"Now I got him" she shout
"How you going to get it?" Ingrid asked
"You think Hardy will let me used his, he does have a credit card right?" Calisaya asked
"He has, he probably let you" Ingrid said
"I'll talk to him" calisaya said
"when you do we'll meet" Ingrid said
" Yes mam" calisaya said turning off the television for she's been sitting there all day
Hardy got home at six he could smell cooking the minute he got to the garage and the woman preparing it look just as fine turns him on he admire her shapes and curves
Calisaya turned when he walked in, "Good evening" she said
" Hey" Hardy said
"I'm almost to set the table why don't you clean up" calisaya said kissing his lips a quick smack,
Hardy remove his jacket and his tie rest them on the chair wash his hand in the sink then sat down, when calisaya set his dinner before him he looks up she serve him some curry pork loins cooked in coconut milk with ginger rice and shrimp and bacon casserole with that some pine juice Hardy look at the food then at calisaya as she sat down the food smells so good he couldn't wait and he was amaze at the taste he thinks she was good think her husband to be a fool for losing this woman,
"They finish eat and calisaya got up cleaning the table to serve desert, blueberry muffins with whip cream
"This is good" Hardy smile
" You're good" calisaya said
Hardy smile,
" I meant to talk to you about something" calisaya said
"Oh you want to talk is this why I walk in on all this?" He tease
"Not really but the effort might help" calisaya said
He smiles and nodded, " Ok, ok but before we talk, before you talk to me I have something I want to give you" Hardy said
He went in his jacket pocket and came out with a credit card, he handed it to her, then gave her some money, "So you won't run out" he told her
Calisaya bit back tears she wondered if it was Ingrid who talked him into the card or maybe she told William and William told him,
"I wasn't expecting this" calisaya said
Hardy nod he ease up and kiss her forehead he sat to finish dessert then got up,
"Thank you" calisaya said
"You're welcome, do you want me to do the dishes?" Hardy asked
"I got them" calisaya said
"Then I'll change and take a swim" Hardy said
"Maybe I'll come join you when I'm done" calisaya said
"I'll be there" Hardy said he left and went up to change calisaya was almost finished when he was going through the kitchen lassie bark and whine when he comes out she was her tail and rub around him, Hardy made much of her until calisaya called "lassie here girl" she knock her pan and she knows it was dinner and ran off Hardy went off into the pool, lassie ate and got water then she went out calisaya went up when she was finished in the kitchen and strip off her clothes put on her robe and went to the pool, she drop it on the ground and step down into the pool she swim to where Hardy was he comes to realize she's naked he smile calisaya pushed his shorts down and it falls to the pool bottom she held his thing and bring him closer kissing him, "I want to feel you where it hurts" calisaya said taking him in they made heated love later taking it to the bedroom two more rounds and they were off to sleep, calisaya got up in the morning and climb on him and he got up after they both climax, he went out running this morning and was back to get ready for work,
"I'm going to go out for a while today I'm going to bring in some groceries anything you need?" Calisaya asked Hardy
"Not not maybe when you go out again" Hardy told her
" Do you need extra money?" He asked
"No not at all" calisaya said
Hardy nod,
She kissed him "Later mike Tyson" she smile running her palm down his chest to parwn him in her palm Hardy grits his teeth and she lick the side of his mouth, "Go don't be late" she told him walking him to the garage and watch him leave,
"Did you mention to Hardy about the card, Or to William maybe?" Calisaya asked Ingrid they were sitting in ingreds office downtown los Angeles at the computer lab
"No I definitely didn't say anything to either party" Ingrid said
"Hardy just got to the house and before I could say it to him he gave me this" calisaya said handing Ingrid the card
"Girl God is in your side" Ingrid said they both grin,
Calisaya flash back to the time when they told her at church that she's going to become successful she is thinking now of using the money to start her own advertising company but to pay rent and set up the business going to need more than a hundred thousand and she's never going to dig deep into Hardy's money,
Richard had changed the pin but they didn't need it the money was on it's way to the card Hardy gave her Hardy had a minimum of a hundred and fifty thousand and he hadn't set a spending limit but calisaya knew she was going to limit herself,
Her sisters were in the final week to give birth Wednesday calisaya did some shopping and Thursday she visits it was at the ending of October and Halloween weekend was only two days away as Saturday was Halloween, Thursday calisaya stop by the house to see the family and bring gifts for the babies both were having girls
"All this burden for nothing" calisaya frown
"What you mean nothing?" Romona asks as she makes an attempt to get up calisaya help her and watch her wiggle to the corner of the living room to pick up a bag with some hand bag because she had lost those to Richard's woman they ordered them special for her she couldn't thank them enough, they were custom made they weren't in any store and calisaya remember that she still has one, she frown inside,
She was saying it to crystal and Ingrid as they had met for lunch on Friday
"Give me an address and I'll deal with it" Ingrid said
Calisaya gave her the work address Monday morning they both went there Ingrid dress in William old working clothes and a heavy boots and a thing over her face soon as they spot Richard and the woman she ran out grab the bag and slice it until the things were falling out
"Richard!" Patrice squeal "my bag my expensive bag stop him stop him, Ingrid ran down the alley and into a door she know the area for and knows where she could go to change she did so and meet calisaya back in the car they grin about it as they watch her jump and squeal Richard look confused as he picked up the things off the ground,
Calisaya breath hard as she falls on her back from Hardy's chest she was grinning, "it's as though each rise gets better" she giggle rubbing him over from his belly down, Hardy turn and claim her breast sucks them for a while his head falls in the pillow and he lay their, they cuddle and went to sleep,
Saturday Halloween party was a buzz and calisaya was having fun, she was with Hardy, William, Bryan, crystal and Ingrid, crystal was excited to finally meet him saying that he was cute he was indeed they were getting into the party neither of them had gone as anyone other from themselves they were in it for the fun not the costume,
Patrice skip Halloween she didn't feel like doing anything she lay in bed crying and nothing could cueer her up,
"I'll get you a new bag" Richard said
Patrice sat up, "you will?" She asked
"I promise you" Richard said
At midnight calisaya's phone rang and she answered
"Mom!" She said
"Honey" Christine called it sounds as though she was at a party "Are you at a party?" She asked
"Yes mom is everything ok?" Calisaya asked
"The girls are going in to labor" Christine said
"Oh my they're I'm coming over now" calisaya said
"We're going to O'Connor hospital" Christine said
"I'll come there" calisaya said
She hang up giggle and jumped*finally my sisters are giving birth I know they're girls but I'm still excited so I want to be right there when they meet the world" she said
"I'll drop you" Hardy said
"Thanks" calisaya said she hug the others and she left with Hardy who speed over the limit to get her there as if she was the one giving birth they hurry up for calisaya saw the cars from home park there, Romona and Roxanne were already gone in but the others were waiting calisaya introduce them to Hardy
Aunt Cathleen
Aunt inlaw Moana
Her parents Christine and Keith
Hardy was well greeted and both her parents had the feeling this was the guy she's seeing for she's divorcing Richard Christine believes him to look like a nice young man hopefully this one will treat her daughter well and stay with her,
"Ho myyy they're cute" calisaya said when they finally got to see the babies four in the morning,
"Wow! He is cute who is he?" Romona said weakly
They all look at Hardy and smile,
"I'm Hardy" he said reaching to shake Roxanne and Romana hand,
"Hardy Murphy the western star?" Romona said
"Not exactly but Hardy Murphy" he said
The girls grin
"Well you're cute there handsome" Romona said
Hardy smile
She finally let go his hand and she stepped back,
" You were at a party? " Roxanne asked
" It was Halloween few hours ago" calisaya said " too bad you both decided to have scary babies" she grin
"They came after midnight" Romona said
"What different does it made? calisaya said
Both girls frown
"Want to hold her?" Romona ask
Calisaya smile she remembers what they say about holding baby when they were young and you're sexually active
"They won't gripe until they're few weeks old so you don't have to worry" Roxanne said she and Romona grin
"Very funny" calisaya said
She still refuses to hold the baby but she hover near,
"Have a name yet?" She asked
"We don't know" Jordan said
"You could name one Libby and the other Ingrid" calisaya said
"They both sounds cool" kelvin said "I will take Ingrid she's a warrior"
"Libby must be the sweet girl Jordan said
They all laugh
Calisaya stayed the Sunday over the house although her sisters were not home they got out on Monday calisaya stayed the day but leave in the evening and went back to Hardy's place she fed lassie and gave her water before she started in the kitchen she clean the garage as she fix dinner
When Hardy got home he noticed the garage clean detergent linger,
It was his pleasure walking in each evening to the smell of dood and this sexy woman around the stove the smile that greets him wrap around his heart but it was when she walk over to kiss him he want to just hold her down on the floor and give her a length of him,
Partice was still angry about the bag crying over it she went on the website and found none there's nothing as such online or in any store days she spend looking but nothing, calisaya got dress in her bag as crystal and Ingrid said were to meet them at bass cafe, Patrice and Richard were there having lunch with another couple they were right next to them, when calisaya walk in both Richard and Patrice saw her but what caught Patrice was the bag she wore just like the one some one slash a week ago, she sat staring at it and started to cry she got up and run out,
"Partice wait stop" Richard said looking at calisaya and the girls before running behind Patrice they laugh together and talk about it,
"How did she get a bag just like the same one?" Patrice asked
"I told you, both her sisters are into design I guess they just made her a new one after she told them what happened"
Richard thought back on it and looked into it he had the feeling that the slashing of the bag was a plan for only days after it happened his wife shows up wearing the exact same thing.

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