chapter six

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Calisaya lifts her head off the pillow and looks around, aware of where she was wondering to herself if she had stayed the night, she was alone in bed  but could hear stumbling downstairs, and the smell of something cooking so she figured all that rocket was coming from the kitchen, she climbed out of bed and grab a shower it was her second time here and was using the shower but she haven't gotten used to it, she put on one of his shirt and went down, finding her way  to the kitchen,
Hardy turned when she comes to the door pause there and Lean against it's jamb,
"Well good morning sunshine" Hardy said
"I stayed the night?" Calisaya asked
"Ah, let me see you come over the night before after sex you fell asleep and it's morning now, I guess you stayed the night if you don't time travel" Hardy said
Calisaya hangs her head  and grins,
"Breakfast" Hardy said setting scrambled eggs with some toast and cheese spread on the table, he pulled the chair and calisaya walked over and  sat down
She was quiet and Hardy watched her as she eat,
Calisaya's mind flashes to those mornings with her husband and she can't believe he's doing this to her, she tried not to miss him for he already moved on in such away, she don't want to think about him especially around this guy and wasn't sure why her thoughts were on him  when he's not Worth it,
"coffee or juice?" Hardy asked
But calisaya didn't hear "hey" Hardy said
"Ah!" Calisaya look at him,
He should his head and set down both the coffee and the juice, then got coffee for himself and sat down,
Hardy look at her finger as she reach for the cup of coffee, he hadn't said anything about it for it seems her marriage isn't going as planned and he can actually tell it's the man's fault,
She seems like a nice enough woman to have so far his experience with her is magnificent he can't complain, but the old says see me and live with me is two different things he wants to experience more and don't mind living with her,
"You ok?" Hardy asked
Calisaya nod and gave a smirk
Hardy watch her as she just sat quietly,
"Is the breakfast good?" He asked with a smirk
" Oh yeah it's great" calisaya said taking up another mouthful,
The sound of a dog barking got nearer until the flop below the kitchen door open and a dog push his way under,
"What's up girl?" Hardy asked as he  rubs the dog side who whines at him, "what have you been up to?" he  gave her some eggs from his palm "you almost missed breakfast I see, where have you been?" He asked as the dog eat from one hand and he continues to rub with the other
Calisaya watched him as he did so he got up when the dog was finished eating from his palm and wash his hand before going into the refrigerator to take out some beef bones in a package and puts it in the microwave then fed it to him
Calisaya smile as he sat back down to finish his breakfast
They finish together and Hardy got up to take the dishes to the sink, calisaya follow him there, "I could use a drink, what say you?" Hardy asked going across to a door,
"No none for me but thanks, thank you  for breakfast" calisaya said
She was behind Hardy  when he entered the next room 
"You're leaving?" Hardy asked turning to look at her
Calisaya nod "yes it seems so"
"Well thanks for coming, how about dinner, say Saturday" Hardy said
They were fully inside the room and she could see our back he has a big nice pool around the back, she walks over to the window to look out, she looks at him "wow a pool, your  pool? " She asked
"Well the pool is in the  yard" Hardy said
Calisaya nod,
"If you didn't have to go then you could take a swim" Hardy said
Calisaya could use the smim the last time she got into a pool was the day she and crystal took that hotel day past and it's some weeks since she went to the beach,
"Next time" Hardy said
Calisaya turned wide eyes and open mouth because she was having second thoughts about leaving well she'll leave but not before trying out the pool, "I could stay for a little bit more" she make a small margin with both fingers
Hardy smile motion with his hands for her to feel free, but all calisaya has on was his tshirt but had the feeling that it was enough,
Hardy pushes open the double glass door and they both walk out to the  pool calisaya look around it was nice, his back yard was nice the entire place was the pool water clean and beautiful, not to mention inviting and wasn't it calling her,
"You going in naked or what?" Hardy asked
But calisaya was already walking into the pool,
"Anything that please you" Hardy say turning to leave her he went to the kitchen to wash the few dishes, he finally pour himself that drink before going back out,
Calisaya swim around from one end to the other,
Hardy rest the glass on the poolside table and walk to the hedge of the pool, he was about to get in when Calisaya look he was stepping out his sweat pants that he wore nothing under her body trimmer as he got into the pool and swim towards her, he comes and took her to his chest lift her cheek and kiss her his other hand to lift the shirt she wore to fundle her it wasn't long before he was pushing inside of her giving heated love to her she cling to him as they love each other to a climax,
Calisaya was dress and ready to go, this time she was leaving she wasn't going to swim again for today besides the pool guy was cleaning at this time after such a messy sex she's sure it's going to need a lot of cleaning, her thoughts make her smile,
Hardy lean in to kiss her smile at her,
"I'll see you" calisaya said
"I'm going to call you" Hardy said
Calisaya nodded,
Hardy went in his pocket and take out some money slide it across the counter to her,
"You don't need to" calisaya said
"I see it appropriate" Hardy said "I know it's not much but you're a woman I'm sure you got things you need to get"
Calisaya nod that was true and she didn't have any money so she took it, "thank you" she said
Hardy nod he walk her to the door and watch her get in a cab across the street,
Calisaya stop to pick up a few things she need and head to the house,  glad that her husband and his mistress weren't there she went straight in to the room and closed up,
She just settled down when she received the phone call and for a while she stayed on the phone before hanging up,
For all of that week she didn't come in contact with her husband and was glad,
Friday night Richard and his woman come to the house together she was in her room when she heard them going up the stairs,
Saturday while home she heard a truck and look out she saw men getting furniture up stairs the same things she had move out of the room, when everything was done she heard them in the kitchen then in the living room she look out to see them watching television,
Her mystery guy had call and they were having dinner this was the first official date they were having they haven't gone out before, it didn't turned out bad calisaya find that she like his company find him rather smoothing,
Thursday she was with crystal though she already told her about when her phone ring crystal could hear the male voice talking to her best friend as she talked low to him, but she heard him mentioned dinner for  Friday night, after accepting dinner invitation calisaya hang up,
"Who was that?" Crystal asked
Calisaya shook her head, "no body" she said
"Doesn't sound like nobody to me,  dinner date with a nobody ah? " Crystal said
Calisaya took her friend hand they found a bench as they walk on the side walk "I wanted to say this to you but I didn't know how to" calisaya said
" What is it you can't say to your best friend come on Calisaya"
"I've been seeing someone" calisaya said
Crystal open her mouth,
"Since Richard been this way and I became so  lonely and longing and he's been sweet to me" calisaya said
"Are you sure?" Crystal ask
Calisaya nod
Crystal smile, "if ever he made one mistake you leave him a lone ok" crystal said
Calisaya nod and they hug,
"One of these days you're going to have to invite him over for dinner at my place oh yeah how about a Sunday"
Calisaya nod,
Dinner was good once more with him and calisaya enjoyed the time with him they didn't go to any fancy restaurant but they were able to enjoy their meal he send her home on a cab before climbing on his bike,  she just got in the house when he called to check on her,
Calisaya pushed her head out the room door to peek out into the living room, she heard the door to the front closes and could hear voices, It was Friday night and Richard was just coming in with his woman, this is the third weekend in a row since they came in together,
Shes been all over as if she owns the place, calisaya tries to stay out the way whenever they're here the weekend before she just stays over the family house, last weekend she had dinner with her mystery guy funny she hadn't learned his name except his last name was Murphy it was when he made dinner reservations at the restaurant and they were checking for is table,
He used the first letter of his first name but she can't seems to remember what, the good thing is they don't share the same last name,
That Saturday she stayed out late with crystal at a friend's party Sunday she stayed locked up in her room until she heard the car leaving for they left sunday afternoon, she felt as if she was renting an apartment with a couple she doesn't like, she still can't believe this was her and her husband at this stage they're not divorce but yet still they're with other partners, her husband was practically living with his woman, she only she her guy once in a while, much as she want it to be more often she like the guy he so far seems nice it wasn't that he have plenty but he's kind, he's far from gentle but he's sweet, calisaya though with a smile she loves it when ever he's loving her and she tries to keep up with sex which was hard.
She remembers that day back in his pool that was fantastic and to think she haven't gone back to used it she went there but left after sex as she refuses to spend the entire night
"How's things at home?" Crystal asked when he called calisaya,
"I told you there's no home, it can't be a home for me not when my husband is Living here with his woman" calisaya said
"Yeah right I know, I'm sorry" crystal said, she sighed
" Don't be it's going to be alright' calisaya said
Crystal smile "Oh ok, so it seems things are going on great with Mr Murphy?" She asked
Calisaya grin, "Did you have to ask?" She asked
"You're seeing him I want to know if it's going well" crystal said
"We talked yesterday" calisaya said
"No date?" Crystal question
"He haven't mentioned it" calisaya said they haven't gone out often she believes that it's because he doesn't have the money for it seems he's struggling, she wondered if he's the one who really owns the house or what for it's pretty nice but for a guy you have to be digging out his pocket to find money she didn't believe he really owns such a place,
She hung up from crystal and climbed into bed because
Calisaya didn't hear the couple Saturday morning when she got up she made her way into the kitchen and she fixed a  pan cake and made tea, she was about to walk out when her husband walked in and he checked the tea pot, it was empty again and he became furious, he pulled the plug from the wall yanking it,
"So this is it,  I'm paying  the bills in this house and I'm not even allowed to drink some tea!, Ah ah, this is the last time you'll ever use it" he said lifting it to throw it to the floor,
Calisaya reached for it "Richard please that coffee maker was a gift from my aunt" calisaya said but Richard tossed  it to the floor, it shattered into many pieces,
"Richard you didn't have to do that" calisaya cried,
Patrice looks at calisaya with a smirk on her face feeling please Richard reach for the microwave that crystal gifted her as a wedding gift and it too crash on the floor
Calisaya cover her mouth as the tears came, She had gotten a rice cooker and even that he breaks,
"Now you know" Richard said turning to Patrice, "let's go out and have breakfast"
Patrice nod to him looking at calisaya  giggling before they leave the kitchen he took Patrice hand and they both walk out, calisaya sob as she clean the mess she didn't feel for anything any more she only just want to get out of here,
She called her guy to see if he's home, Hardy was just about to go on the road with William but cancel,
After cleaning up the house calisaya went over,
Hardy open the door and smile at her
"I thought you change your mind" he said
Calisaya shook her head, she looked him over he seems dress the jeans and shirt was for going out, "I thou you weren't going anywhere" calisaya said
"You asked if I was home and I was" Hardy said
Calisaya went by him and sat on the couch,
"Need a drink ?" Hardy asked
"Well actually i need two" calisaya said
"Whiskey, gin, vodka?" Hardy asked
"How about you make it a double either one I don't really care"  calisaya said with a sigh
Hardy went and got her an entire bottle of vodka and helped her to her first drink,
Hardy took her hand after sitting next to her, he rubbed over the wedding ring, he had  noticed that she's married but they never talked about it
"Want to tell me what happened?" He asked
Calisaya shook her head, "I just want to forget about it"
Hardy nod, "what can I do to help?" He asked
Calisaya shrugged
Hardy smile he pour her another drink, and she drank it quickly "ah I'm sorry" calisaya said
"For what?" Hardy asked
"For drinking out of control" calisaya said after she finished the drink
"You think that was out of control you're to see me when I'm at it" Hardy said
Calisaya grin she looks at him, for a while she just stares at him thinking of how charming he was, she reaches over  to kiss him, rubbing under his shirt, "is it ok to used the pool?" Calisaya asked
"It sure is" Hardy said
Calisaya got up and pulled him with her dropping off her pants by the couch with her blouse Hardy widen his eyes to the sight of her in her pink bading suit, she pulled him  out using the kitchen door they were by the pool when she took the top off drop it to the floor Hardy watch as she climbed into the water he was removing his pants to joint her when some thing hit him he look to see the bottom of her bading suit on the ground next to him "come get" she said
Hardy smile he got naked too and went for it,
"Is it still lock?" Patrice asked when they stood in the living room and look at the door to the room where calisaya stays,
Richard went over to try it it was "I'm afraid it is" he said
"Patrice frown
"I still don't think it's right for you to be locked out of your own house" Patrice said
Richard ignore that and leave the door as it was,
"You should asked her for the keys" Patrice said
Richard nod they were in the living room sitting in front of the television when calisaya left her guy and come back to the house, she close the door and they both look at her Patrice cuddle Richard leaning on his shoulder calisaya walk by Patrice watch her as she did so, she open the door using the keys before she could go in Patrice whispered to Richard "asked her for the keys"
"Calisaya!" Richard said
Calisaya turn around
"I need the keys to that room" Richard said
"You're kidding right I'm keeping stuff in that room, I know it's your house but I am not going to give you the keys" calisaya said
Patrice looked at Richard and made a face,
"My house my door my keys I don't want you locking up anywhere here as if you owns a share of it" Richard said
"I'm not trying to be share holder I'm here now until I find somewhere else the keys stays with me" calisaya said slamming the door
"That bitch" Richard curse, "Don't worry we'll deal with her" Patrice said
" How's things with your best friend? " Bryan ask
"I'm not to say anything but since of late she's dating this guy no one special but it seems since she's a little happier I can say" crystal said
" Met him?" Bryan ask
" Not yet I told her to invite him for dinner but she haven't yet" crystal said
" Oh ok, well give her time let's hope he's better than the previous" Bryan said
Crystal laugh" I like the way you said that, better than the previous"
They both smile,
"I hope he's a lot better I want her to be happy" crystal said
" Luke you are happy?" Bryan ask
"yeah like I'm happy" crystal grin leaning on him,
Sunday calisaya showed up at church and after church she stayed the evening with the family.
"What you doing?" Richard asked when he comes down to see Patrice fighting with the lock to the room calisaya stays in,
"I'm trying to get it open" Patrice said
Richard help her to shake it but it didn't open, Patrice went into the kitchen at get a knife and didn't stop until the door flew open, she grin, "yes, yesss" she jump she went in and look around pulling things from the dresser toss in the floor, pull the drawer out crumpled and stamp on the things from the drawer and closet rip a few of the expensive things her sisters gave her Richard watch with out stopping her
Calisaya walk through the door and saw that the door to which she stayed was open knowing she didn't leave it open on her way out yesterday, she walk over and went she crasp and cried out when she saw what was happening what had happened, She called crystal and she asked for the day and rush over,
"Oh my goodness calisaya all this!" She said "let's call the cop" crystal said
"what are they going to do, he's going to say it's his house, I'm just going to leave" calisaya said
" You're going to the family house?" Crystal asked
"I'll go anywhere away from staying here I can't stay here" calisaya started picking up the things separating them the ones that could be wash and the ones for the trash,
"I'm sorry calisaya" crystal said
"Don't be it's ok" calisaya said
She was alone again when Richard got there with his woman it seems she just stays on now not just for weekends any more she said nothing about the incident she totally ignored it, as a matter of fact she pretend nothing happened Patrice look at Richard with a wide eye wondering why she wasn't mad but in her head calisaya though of a come back  she wasn't sure what but for now she's taking the advice of a preacher who said to her be not discouraged.

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