chapter twelve

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"Heyyyy you" calisaya said coming over to lay on Hardy's chest "Mmmh" she said kissing him before she rest her head in his chest getting comfortable
Hardy smiles as he holds her
"Thanks for last night" he said
"I just wanted to do something for you as you did for me" calisaya said
"I appreciate you" Hardy said
"I appreciate you" calisaya said she sat up on him and rubbed his chest, "Time to get ready for work I'm going to fix you breakfast for I have to get on the road too" calisaya said Hardy nod, "Yes mam" he said
Calisaya got up leaving him there she was done fixing some corn cereal for him with some toast when he came he sat at the counter to eat as she watched him,
"Did i tell you what an amazing cook you are?" Hardy asked
Calisaya smiles, "Is that what you're saying, you're telling me I'm a good cook?"
" I am saying" Hardy nod "you're a good cook"
Calisaya smiled at him, he finished breakfast and she took the dishes and handed him a bottle of water, "go on to work" she told him,
Hardy got up and left the kitchen he went up to brush his teeth he was coming down when calisaya got to the living room, "see you later, good luck" Hardy said
"Hold up, you are forgetting something" she walked to him wrapped her hands around his neck to kiss him first softly then deeply, she let him go walking behind him to the garage she stood by as he got in his car then watched him leave,
Calisaya called David as she was ready, so was he, he had contacted Richard's lawyer and both him and Richard said they'll meet at his work place,
They got to Richard's work place at ten thirty he was there with his lawyer and the woman,
Calisaya got in behind her lawyer she didn't say anything she sat down and saw Richard look at him, the woman put her hand on his shoulder and they both stared at her,
"Have we come to an agreement of what is going to miss Allen?" Richard's lawyer ask
"My man isn't giving her nothing" Patrice said
"I don't want anything" calisaya said
She spoke in time with Patrice
They look at her,
"It's five years of marriage miss Allen you're entitled to something" the lawyer said
"My client already decided she wants nothing from this man put a sign paperwork" David said
"For my man won't give it" Patrice said" hurry up and sign baby for we leave this afternoon I don't want nothing between us when we're in our week vacation" Patrice said
Calisaya smile inside for she knows her plans,
" Thank you so much" calisaya said when the papers were sign and she got up the lawyers shook hand, "Good luck you two" David said trying to shake hand but neither of them look at him to take his hand,
"That's a hard man, and the woman she's even harder" David said
Calisaya smile "I've been noticing" she said "thank you" calisaya said handing David some money he fold her hand around the money "hold on to that, tell you what treat me to lunch and that's good"
Calisaya smile,
They were at lunch when Hardy called to find out how it was going "it's over now, I am having lunch with David, so I'll see you at home" calisaya said
" Yes I'll definitely see you at home" Hardy said hanging up he called her back "Don't bother to cook tonight I want to treat you to dinner" he said
" Ok baby I'll be waiting" calisaya said she hang up and a smile linger on her face
"So this new guy?" David asked
"I think he's a sweet guy I'm voting for him to be far better than my husband" calisaya said
"I don't understand I could have labby for you to eat something for miss Allen you do deserve something" David said
"I got something" calisaya said "thank you so much I got to go now"
"Yes wish you all the best" David said
Calisaya got around to hug him, she left him and went to see crystal she stopped by to see the family visit the babies and spend a little time not long for she wanted to make it home before her man gets home,
"Baby you didn't say that we were staying in an entire penthouse to ourselves" Richard said when he and Patrice arrived at Portland
"Baby this here is lovely and look there's a pool" Richard said
" Welcome mam welcome sir" a woman says bringing drinks to the poolside, Richard laughed as he take it,
A man came to serve dinner stake and hame a whole ham for just them,
Richard laughed "I've not had it like this before"
"Baby I just thought you might enjoy it this way" Patrice said taking the credit,
Richard and Patrice ate then take a swim later they make out in the most luxurious room one that hot Richard marvelinghe was so excited he wanted to just enjoy himself,
Calisaya got back to the house she fixed herself and waited for Hardy to come, he got home by eight and came with Chinese food and lobster dish he shower quickly and join her in the kitchen they ate and went for a swim,
Calisaya roll to her back as Hardy came over her he slide inside of her, calisaya grin he push a bit deeper she moans,
"So you love kids ah" Hardy said
Calisaya smile she nod he wasn't turning or moving now "I'm crazy over them but boys are my favorite" she smile,
"You think you will ever have kids?" Hardy asked
" I don't know if I'm able to" calisaya said
Hardy started turning sinking into her, "would you like to see?" He asked
Calisaya laugh "maybe another time" she said
"Ok" Hardy said
They make love and fall a sleep,
Hardy was going fishing with the guys today William, Jordan kelvin and Bryan and lassie decided to hop in the van when William comes to get Hardy
Calisaya would have to choose between her sisters Ingrid and crystal but she already has plans, she went over to Richard's place let herself in she went to the bedroom to look around, they were the papers from the furniture company in a drawer she decided to take them
She call Ingrid to see if she could go into the account at the store and change the name on the recipe Ingrid would have to do that from the company itself and plan on going down calisaya met her there and while she acted to be interested in a piece of furniture Ingrid went a head and change the date and the recipe did the name and got a new print out for her, she was done and was walking out calisaya watch her out the door "you know what let me come back for I have to talk to my boyfriend to find out if he would like this one, why don't I take a picture of both" calisaya said she took them and left,
"Did it work?" Calisaya asked when she sat next to Ingrid in her car,
Ingrid hand her the paper she looked it over and grin she hugged her "you're a genius girl thank you"
"You're welcome" Ingrid said
"So we'll meet at the airport on Friday at noon" Ingrid said
"I'll be their, we'll be there as planned" calisaya said she hug her again,
Calisaya left Ingrid and went back to the house she took note of the furniture in the house to see what to sell for what she wrote them down and call the guy who print cards to have him did some price cards for her she gave him two hours and picked them up, she call Hardy to let him know she wouldn't be back at the house before Sunday evening she didn't say where she was and he thought she was at her family,
It was late when calisaya got through the tagging of furniture and Sunday she has a sign up about the sale, she went over to Hardy's place in the evening and cooked dinner she was almost done when his family came both his parents and Philip with his girlfriend Sasha, they left later leaving Hardy and calisaya to enjoy themselves entertaining each by playing poker,
"Breakfast is ready" calisaya said Hardy came running down the stairs Calisaya kissed him as he came to her, he was Already dressed for work she gave him breakfast in the living room sat as he ate Hardy kept his eyes on her, she was wearing his shirt open right down her breast bare for she wore no bra she hardly ever did and Hardy admire them, his eyes wander to her thighs looking at it he can't get it why she's so fat down there, tight and sweet,
"So you want some?" Calisaya asked, she opened her legs a little more Hardy looked hard at her,
"I'm going to be late" Hardy said when calisaya cut between him and his breakfast which was on the coffee table she sat on his lap pushing on him "I want to make you late" calisaya said as she get him out his pants to take him in, "Ohh calisaya!" Hardy said gripping her as he started moving with her, he was more heated for her in the second round he was undressing with more hast than he was to get to work,

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