chapter eight

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After a dozen push ups Hardy started jogging he had missed a couple of days and his body felt seized up thinking it was caused by too much love making,
It was already Saturday and calisaya had left him since Thursday Wednesday night they hit it off that was the last for him, he didn't bother to call April as she said he should he didn't want to seem greedy and calisaya took a toll on him and he wants to see how it will works for them,
"You haven't taken your guy to meet me, didn't I invite you to dinner and tell you to invite him?" Crystal asked calisaya
They were both sitting on the couch in crystal's living room for calisaya has gone over to visit her in los Angeles on the coast side of town more in to Hollywood,
"I'm going to ask him just need time" calisaya said
"What you need time for?" Crystal asked
"I'm not trying to rush him I'm still married" calisaya said
"I bet you forget about that when you're backing it up on him?" Crystal said then roll her eyes
Calisaya grin
" Thinking about it ah?" Crystal said
" It's been only two days but I miss him" calisaya said smiling
Crystal bop her eyes,
" I wonder what he's doing now , the other day I was waiting for him and he came home with some woman they were almost doing it in front of me" calisaya said
Crystal cover her wide mouth
" She saw me and he was so frightened, I'm telling you he was almost naked and she was and ahh"
" What did he do? " Crystal asked
" She left and he apologize a number of times after dinner I realized he was still standing so I just let him have it" calisaya said
They both grin
" So you like this guy right?" Crystal asked
" Well" calisaya hangs her head
"Well what?" Crystal asked, " it's either you don't like him or you like him"
" I'm falling hard" calisaya shrugged and laughed, she tossed her "I might be in it deeper than like"
"I want to meet him" crystal said
" I promise that you will" calisaya said
Crystal frown.
"Soon" calisaya said,
They both went silent and drank from their liquor
"I'm going to divorce Richard" calisaya said
"You going to?" Crystal asked
"I don't see the sense of keeping the ring" calisaya said
"That's true, but what are you going to tell the family?"
" I have to tell them at some point, but not now, I'm working on the right time"calisaya said she smiled
Crystal narrows her eyes to the way her friend smiles wondering what she's up to,
Calisaya leaves crystal, she goes on over by her sisters and stays there for a while before leaving she got to the house and went to the bedroom, she took a shower and went to the living room, she sat down since she didn't see either of the couple she believes that they had gone in she decided to look at some television she barely turned it on when she heard them both talking on the stairs they were coming down but she didn't move,
"What is she doing?" Patrice asked on seeing calisaya watching tv
Richard hurry to the bottom of the stairs as Patrice following
"What are you doing!?" He shouts at calisaya as he pulls the television card almost knocking it over,
"That's my tv" calisaya said standing up to face him "I'm not going to swear to you Richard but if you break it, so help me god! I'm not taking it easy this time, there's a law for damage property and just because I haven't done anything about the other things you broke" calisaya said
Richard hissed hard, " You're threatening me is that it, you threaten me in my own damn house? " Richard projected his voice as he grabbed the television
"Richard!" Calisaya and Patrice called
"Baby remember we have to watch the news, it's better on the smart tv right"?" Patrice rubs him,
Richard let it go and leave it,
"We just might have to take it to the bedroom" Patrice said
"What! What, my television are you kidding me?" Calisaya said
" Shut up bitch until you make some input you have no rights to do nothing not even to talk" Richard said
Calisaya looked from him to the woman, she turned to walk away
"And another thing no one wants to see what you do in that room I suggest you close it when you're inside" Richard said
"Not only him we both suggest" Patrice said
"You said I have no rights to close a door to this house for I remember you took the door apart so I'll never close a door in this house" calisaya said walking away,
Patrice smiles at Richard they both say in the living room watching TV Calisaya could see them cuddle before it and it hurt her so bad she didn't come back out of the room, all of Sunday they were there too, she went out Sunday evening to get something to eat and stayed out until she believe they were gone out or gone to bed,
The entire week she stayed home she did nothing just stay home and wrap her mind around things, Friday Hardy called to invite her to a movie and they ended up at his place
"Stay" he told her, he held her back when she got up to leave,
Saturday morning William comes by early to pick them up , calisaya wasn't sure where they were going he didn't say but he gathered some of his clothes in a small bag, they got in the van with William and lassie Hardy's dog and drove a little outside of California to a place called simi valley at a lake house that was some minutes from los Angeles
"Wow! Where did this place come from?" Calisaya asked
"A little heaven on earth you might say" William said
Calisaya smiles and walks ahead of them looking around
Hardy smiles at William they only got there a few minutes when the car comes rolling up, it makes calisaya turn it park next to the van and a pretty brown hair woman got out
"Hey sexy" she said slapping Hardy's butt and gave it a squeeze before she hugged him kissing the side of his mouth,
"Hey" Hardy said hugging her back tightly calisaya looks with wide eyes, but she moves to William side hugging him and kisses him, a deep romantic kiss "am I late?" She asked
"Not yet, we just got here" Hardy said to her, " By the way that's calisaya, "calisaya meet Ingrid Bergman,
Ingrid grin reach to shake calisaya's hand, "hey" she said
"Hey" calisaya said
They both smile,
"Lassie hey girl" Ingrid greets the dog rubbing her down she barks a welcoming bark Ingrid smile, "she does love me" she said lassie whine Ingrid smile
"So what now?" She asked
"Nothing as yet you just got here, we all just got here" Hardy said
Ingrid grin "Well I don't know about you all but I sure feel like having sex I haven't seen my man in a week" Ingrid grin
Calisaya smile,
Hardy toss her the keys,
"Are we alone?" Ingrid asked
"The boss hold it down this weekend so now we have the place to ourselves" William said
"Whoo hoo!" Ingrid said taking William's hand leading him away "All the better catch up later" she said
"Have fun" calisaya said
" We will" Ingrid said
Calisaya was smiling but stop when she caught Hardy looking at her,
He went to the van and took out the bags to take inside to the bedroom Calisaya followed but lassie went off,
"Where is she going?" Calisaya asked when they were at the door going in,
"Who lassie maybe she got jealous of the couple upstairs" Hardy said closing the door behind them they both look up the stairs, "she got a man on the other side" Hardy said
Calisaya smiles "I see" she said
Hardy smiles, " we're down the hall" he said they went down to the bedroom and calisaya looks around it was a well kept place she bumped into Hardy while turning and he caught her at the waist both smile, Afterwards they walked into the kitchen, calisaya looked around it was clean and fresh, she liked it, it seems comfortable so far judging from what she's seeing wondering who owns this place, but didn't asked
"How about you and I go fishing?" Hardy asked
"Fishing you say?" Calisaya asked
"Yeah, fishing" Hardy said
"Ok sure" calisaya said
Hardy opened the kitchen door and they both went to the lake just a little further from the house "what happened to the net, or the fishing rod, what are you going to fish with?"
"Out here we don't need those, watch and you'll get the understanding of what I'm talking about" Hardy said as he started to strip off his clothes calisaya watched him with anxiety eager to see what he was going to do, he left his clothes on the bridge diving in the water calisaya watch for him and waited, after minutes he comes up a fish in his hand
"Oh my!" Calisaya said excitedly, "I don't have my phone" she said the fish was big it was wiggling in Hardy's hands he comes back to her she falls on her knees to touch it grinning as she plays with it, " You can't be playing with dinner" Hardy joke
Calisaya grin
" Pass me that bucket over there" Hardy point calisaya to a small bucket sideways the bridge there was a knife inside Hardy used to kill the fish
" Ohh" calisaya frown when the fish stop moving, "Oh sad" she said touching the dead fish,
Hardy smile at her, he got out the water calisaya gathered his things they went inside and in the kitchen he citted and skale the fish it was so big it was sure to share and full them, when he was done with that he season it and left it on the counter,
The moaning sounds coming from the couple make them look at each other
"I'll go change" Hardy said
"Ok" calisaya said she didn't follow him this time she wait in the kitchen listening as the couple gets it on while dog a far off,
Hardy got back and starts with dinner, to calisaya it seems he love it he wasn't bad at it by the way,
They both try to blot out William and Ingrid as they gets it going calisaya saw Hardy look up for it seems they were above them
"So your name is Hardy Murphy?" Calisaya asked
Hardy smile at her he nods,
"A western movie star name was Hardy Murphy" calisaya said
"Yes that's what my parents said there's a horse stadium with the name they said he was famous" Hardy said
" I bet he was" calisaya said with a smirk
Hardy look at her and she flop her eyes,
They didn't speak to each other for awhile calisaya just sit around and Hardy fix food for them to eat, the excitement died down up stairs and after a while the couple comes to the kitchen fresh and clean and looks of refreshments on their face
"What ever you're cooking smells so good make me hungry" Ingrid said
"I don't think that is the reason I'm sure after such a ride you would be, grab some dishes will you" Hardy said push Ingrid with his elbow for she was standing close by him, they giggle with each other
Ingrid set the table and Hardy bring out the food a large fish slice into four pieces oven bake yam and sweet potato mash and vegetables along with champagne,
After dinner they clean up and went to the lake Hardy and William chat to one corner and Ingrid and calisaya as they say on the bridge,
"You're the one who's been holding our friend down ah?, not bad" Ingrid said grinning at calisaya
" I guess I am, not a bad thing" calisaya said
" He's cool" Ingrid said
" I'm aware of that" calisaya said
" Charming guy too" Ingrid said
Calisaya smiles, She bet he's a lot more caring than he's charming and he's a real charmer, she nods to Ingrid
"So you and William are just dating?" Calisaya asked
"William and I been living together for some time now I was up state visiting my family" Ingrid said
Calisaya remembers her saying she hadn't seen him in a week and that out to explain the moment earlier she smiled nod at Ingrid "Up state? " Calisaya asked
" I'm from Greenville south Carolina and I work as a hacker, After traveling around a little I met William in los Angeles he came over the company to do some work" Ingrid said
"That's nice" calisaya said
"Yeah very nice, so have you ever been there to Greenville south Carolina?" Ingrid asked
Calisaya shook her head
"Maybe we can talk to the boys and take a trip one day, what you say I'm sure my parents will welcome you for Hardy is like a second son, well they don't have a son it's just us girls myself and my sister Amy"
"I would love that" calisaya said smiling
Ingrid nod
" I'm from an all girls family too, I'm the youngest" calisaya said
Ingrid grin and nod,
"It's nice the girls get to meet" William said
Hardy look at him,
"So how is it with you too?" He asked
"We're taking it slow" Hardy said
"Slow is that why you too haven't experienced the wild ride of the lake house yet" William asked
Hardy look at him and smirk
"Don't tell me you're planning not to" William said
"After listening to you two going at it I'm sure she's going to think I'm jealous" Hardy said
William grin
"Besides last night after the movie we did it so I'm sure she's not interested"
William smile "Better luck next time, he said getting up " hey baby I'm ready to head off"
"Sure I'm coming" Ingrid said to William "see you in the morning" she told calisaya they got up together and walk up to the guys Ingrid touch Hardy's shoulder "have a good night" she said
"You too" Hardy said watching them walk away "And keep it down ok"
Ingrid laugh, "will do" she answered
Calisaya smile as she sat next to him folding her arms around her legs
"Cold?" Hardy asked
"I'm alright" calisaya said
Hardy nod,
"Nice night" calisaya said
"It is indeed" Hardy said
"Your dog haven't returned" calisaya said
"She'll be alright she's used to it" Hardy said
Calisaya smile she nodded her head she got off her butt take Hardy's hand and pulled him up, "I'm feeling sleepy" she fake a yarn Hardy saw it to be wondering if she was getting uncomfortable with him, the got to the kitchen the bottle of champagne was on the table and calisaya took a glass and pour some, she drank some of it before she handled it to Hardy for him to drink too she went off a head of him to the bedroom by Hardy drank and rinse the glass and got to the room calisaya was in the shower he didn't go in he waits he took his shower after calisaya was laying down wearing his tshirt one from the bag, as he had brought extra for her as well, he put on a shorts climbed into bed besides her, laying on his back calisaya watch him he look her way and she smile at him,
"Goodnight" Hardy said getting comfortable, calisaya didn't reply he turned to look her way her eyes never left him,
He closes his then open them again to look her way he reach to turn off the light on the bedside table
"Please leave the lights" calisaya said
He pulled back but said nothing he close his eyes but open them when he felt calisaya draw near,
Her hand came to his naked belly and he shivered inside,
She rubbed it before sliding it to his short to cuff him in her palm
"Eehh" Hardy said when her finger tip rup the top of his hardness playing on it gently
She sat up climbed over on him to sit on him after pulling him out, Hardy bite his lips, "we can't just leave the lake house with out getting 8t on right, why should they have all the fun" calisaya said
Hardy grin gripping her butt cheeks rubbing her down as they made out,
Romona called her sister's cell phone like ten times Sunday morning hoping that she would come for dinner, but got no answer it was unlike calisaya not to answer phone you could call her three in the morning and still get to her, and now it's already eight, she call the house and Richard answer
"Hi Richard" Romona said
On hearing his wife's sister's voice it makes him look towards the room he hasn't remembered seeing his wife since he got here Friday night and didn't see her in the room,
"Roxanne" Richard said
"It's Romona, Can I speak to my sister?" Romona ask
Richard was expecting her to be over by her sisters if not here but if she's calling it means that she's not,
"She left" Richard said
"She did this early did she say she's coming over here?" Romona ask
"I don't know to be honest I'm not sure where she went" Richard said
"Alright" Romona said and hang up she wonder what happened for her sister to not be answering calls and her husband didn't know where she went
"Is she coming?" Roxanne asked
"No she's busy I guess" Romona said
"Busy too bad" Roxanne said
Romona nod she was left to wonder but she said nothing,
Richard peek in the room
"What is it?" Patrice asked
"Nothing" Richard answer
"What you looking for in there?" Patrice asked
Richard shook his head
"I'm going to heat something to eat" Patrice said
They had got the microwave so it was a little better in the morning and the coffee pot so she heat some chicken wings and coffee for them both it was bitter for she made it too strong but they have it anyway,
"Did you too forget we're leaving early?" William asked when calisaya and Hardy walked in the kitchen,
Ingrid smile
Calisaya smile back she look at the floor to see Hardy's dog laying there,
"Even lassie work with the time schedule" William said
Ingrid look at Hardy and calisaya
"But to think of it you were never late what got into you this time" William continue
"I'm ready can't you stop now?" Hardy asked
Calisaya look at him
He serve breakfast for them both "thanks calisaya said
" You look a little tired didn't you get any sleep?" William asked
Calisaya look from him to Hardy, seeing he seems tired they barely did sleep for they make out most of the night going on and one like they were plugged in he's amazing she thought
"why you talking so much? " Hardy asked
William grin,
They clean up and by ten they were ready to leave,
"See you later" William said
"Catch you" calisaya said
Hardy nod,
"Calisaya take my number maybe we can hang out at some point" Ingrid said
"Sure calisaya said forgot she hasn't seen her phone since she got here, looking in her bag she found it and save her number giving her her's,
She saw that her sister Romona had called ten times and wonder if all is well she hope nothing was wrong with anyone but she didn't panic her sisters didn't leave a message she was sure that she would if anything, she hug Ingrid and William as Hardy did the same
They didn't live very far from each other but they might not see each other for a week or so Ingrid was just coming back so Hardy knew they were going to spend time together they were that type of couple they might call on the phone but he's sure not to meet up they'll just do what they do best after work,
Calisaya stayed over Hardy's until Monday she left early and went to her sisters store,
She was standing by the door when they came to open up,
"Calisaya you're here" Romona said hugging her "Are you okay?"
"I'm find" calisaya said
"I've been calling you all day" Romona said
"Where gave you been?" Roxanne asked
"I took off for the weekend" calisaya said
They were inside opening up the store calisaya help them to do so the girls come and they sat to talk,
"We call the house and Richard seems to not know where you were" Romona said
"He didn't" calisaya said
"Is everything alright with you and Richard?" Roxanne asked
Calisaya turn her head and tears started falling
"Calisaya!" Roxanne said sitting at her side taking her hands
"I'm divorcing Richard?" Calisaya said
"What?" Roxanne and Romana said
Calisaya nod
"Things that bad?" Roxanne asked
"Worst Richard move his woman in" calisaya said
"Ahhh!" They both said
" I'm living a life of hell she is even using up my things more than I do"
" That good for nothing man" Romona said
" I didn't know you and Richard were having problems" Roxanne asked
"I didn't know until I found out he's staying out at the hotel and bought an expensive necklace for her, I guess he got upset because I asked" calisaya said
" So are you going to come home?" Roxanne asked
"I don't plan to" calisaya said
" You're going to just stay there and take it?" Romona ask
"I don't plan on staying but I'm not going to leave just like that I used to work and I buy things in that house some might be paid for from his pocket but they got my name on it and I got everyone of those receipts to show" calisaya said
" You think he's going to let you take them?" Roxanne asked
Calisaya wasn't going to wait for him to let her she already have her plans one she wasn't sharing now, " please don't say anything to anyone ok" calisaya said
Both girls agree and for now they leave it at that.

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