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The next few weeks flew by and every day seemed to be the same thing, take Abby to daycare, go home and get things done, pick Abby up, take a nap, play, clean up, and have dinner, bath, and bedtime. Kamryn was going stir-crazy doing the same thing every day so she was very ready for the 3 weeks to be up.

Keith was still unable to be in the field but he was working the desk for intelligence until he could. Jay gave him a ride every morning and Kam was thankful so she wouldn't have to go to the other side of town, drop keith off, take Abby to daycare, and get herself to work on time.


Kamryn pulled the truck up to the small daycare, got Abby out, and walked in, hand in hand with her daughter.

"Alright, give mama kisses," She smiled, kneeling down to give her daughter a kiss.

"Wove you mama!" Abby giggled, giving Kam a quick kiss before she pulled the door open to her classroom, "Hi miss Lucy!"

"Hi, Abby!" She smiled, hugging the small child before she stood back up, "Back to full days again?"

"Yeah, Keith is going back to work days for now. When he's cleared, her schedule will probably be weird again," Kam explained, handing the teacher her daughters things.

"Sounds good, just let us know," Lucy smiled, looking down at the 3-year-old, "Alright kiddo, let's go put your stuff away yeah? Say bye to mama,"

"Bye, mommy!" Abby smiled, before rushing to put her things away and go play with the toys.

"Bye sweetie," She chuckled, heading out of the daycare and off to work.

"Good morning Kamryn," An unfamiliar male teacher smiled as they both met up at the door.

"Morning," She smiled politely, "I'm sorry, I don't remember your name,"

"Oh, Jeff. I teach freshman English," He nodded, walking in with her. "You're sophomore English right?"

"Yeah," She nodded, "What happened to Mrs. Sats?"

"I don't know. I guess the woman went a little nuts and just quit. They hired me last week. Emergency replacement," He shrugged, heading toward the teacher's lounge, "Have a good morning,"

"Thanks. You too," She nodded with a small smile before she headed up to her classroom, unlocking the door and heading inside. She couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was off with this new teacher but didn't want to assume too much. Maybe it was all true but she knew how long it took them to get a contract signed, especially when the year had already started.

As soon as the bell rang, she stood outside her door as usual, greeting her students as they came in.

"Hey coach," One of her players, Emersyn, came up before she entered the classroom.

"Hey Em," She grinned, but noticed the child's different attitude, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah," She shrugged, "Dad's leaving again,"

"I'm sorry honey, I know that can be tough," Kam told her, "I'm here if you need to talk after school, or you can go see one of the counselors okay?"

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