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"Go get Mama," Keith smiled as he opened the door and let the girls run free.

"Mommy!" Abby giggled, nearly tripling over Stryker as Keith let him off his leash.

"Hi, sweetie," she chuckled, helping her climb onto the couch. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah! We made ants on a log today!" She beamed, showing Kam her creation that was in a ziplock baggie.

"Do you want to eat it?" She asked, looking at her daughter as she helped Evelyn get on the couch.


Kam chuckled and helped Abby get her Ant on a log out of the bag before setting her up with her snack on the coffee table. They watched TV For a little while and did a quick round of baths for the 2 of them before they were tucked into bed. Keith read a few stories to Evelyn while Kam did the same for Abby before they met in the bedroom.

"How was work?" She asked as she threw a few pillows off their bed and set her pillows up just the way she liked them.

"Mostly just paperwork," He shrugged, "Nothing too big. Adam and Kevin ordered pizza for lunch, and that was that,"

"Sounds like a pretty good day to me,"

"How was your day?" He asked as both of them crawled into the bed.

"It was good, but I wish I had more time with Emmy. I wanna bring her home so badly, but I can't even hold her," She sighed, looking at him as she got comfortable.

"We will soon enough. Our girls a fighter," He said before he kissed her and laid down. "Night, sweetie,"

"Goodnight," She smiled a little, rolling over until she was comfortable and could fall asleep.

The night felt like 2 minutes, and soon the alarms were blaring through the room.

"Mmmmm," kam groaned, "Baby. Turn your alarm off,"

"Sorry honey," he mumbled, slapping his hand on the nightstand until the ringing stopped.

"I have one of the postpartum appointments today," she sighed, not wanting to get up.

"I'll see if I can get lunch or something so I can go with you," he said, kissing her cheek before he got up.

"You don't have to, honey. I can handle it," she smiled a little, sitting up slowly.

"I want to, babe," he told her, grabbing his clothes before changing in the bathroom.

"If you want to, I don't care, but if you're too busy, I can handle it," she promised, looking in on Emersyn.

"You looking at Emmy?"

"Yeah. She's sleeping," she smiled a little, showing him their little girl on the screen. "I can't wait until we get to bring her home,"

"I know, honey," he smiled a little, kissing her cheek as he got back in the bed to relax for a little bit longer before his shift.

"I can't wait,"

"Me either. Soon enough, we'll get to bring her home," he promised, kissing her head again before he got up, "You wanna help me get the girls ready?"

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