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"Wait really?" Keith asked, looking at Kam like she was the one with the crazy idea.

"Why not?" She asked, shrugging her shoulders. "But if we're taking this little one, we need to get the guest room ready. It's set up for an adult, not a baby,"

"Then let's get Abby and go," he beamed as he kissed her before rushing down the steps and getting Abby ready to go before they all hopped in the new SUV and headed to the closest department store.

They bought a little bit of everything and made sure that they were ready for the new little ones before Keith headed home with Abby, not realizing that Kam had gone back in for another item.

As soon as he pulled into the driveway, his phone started ringing through the truck with Kam's contact info coming up.

"Hey babe, just got home," he said as he shut the truck off.

"You just got home but you left me at the store!"

"Oh shit!" He said as he realized that she wasn't sitting beside him. "I'm on my way back, I'm so sorry babe,"

"Mhm," she chuckled, "I'll see you soon and I'm not responsible for what I buy while you're on your way,"

"Don't spend four thousand dollars, you are at Target," he said as he started driving back.

"Yeah, no promises," she smiled, already in the baby and children's section.

"I'll see you soon," he said as he stopped at a red light.

"Sounds good. Be safe. Love you," she said as she started filling her hands with cute clothes for Abby, their new addition as well as the baby she was pregnant with.

"Love you too," he nodded, both of them hanging up as he drove back.

Abby was getting fairly whiny in her car seat as she was hungry and getting tired. It was close to naptime so Keith decided they'd just stop somewhere after picking Kam up.

"Daddy I'm hungry!" Abby whined, rubbing her little eyes.

"I know honey, we have to pick up Mommy and then we'll go get something to eat," he told her calmly as he pulled up to the Target.

Kam came right out with 2 huge bags full of clothes for the kids.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" Abby whined again, as Kam put the bags in the back seat before climbing into the truck.

"I know sweetie," she sighed, "let's just stop and get something. It's her naptime,"

"You read my mind," he told her, heading to the closest McDonald's and going through the drive-thru line.

They always took it home to stop messes from happening in the cars but that never stopped the tired whining from Abby.

"I got the bags, go ahead and get her inside," he told his wife, starting to grab the many Target bags that littered the back floorboards of his truck.

Kam carried Abby inside, sitting her at the table before getting her happy meal out and opening her toy.

As soon as Keith was inside, they both ate as well, wanting to talk to Abby about what was going to change in their household in the next few days.

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