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After Evelyn's adoption, they had to go through every avenue to change her name and get everything settled. It was one of the greatest moments for Keith and Kamryn as they now had the 3 kids they'd wished for from the start.

Abby was flourishing in pre-k and getting ready for kindergarten. Evelyn had settled into the routine of daycare 3 days a week. And Emersyn was growing like a little weed in the NICU.

The goal for Emersyn was to have her home by her due date which was just in a few weeks and it was looking good. She was now being fed by Kam, Keith, or nurses and had come off several machines that had been helping her. They had the car seat test coming up and Kamryn was so incredibly nervous about that since that was the last step to her coming home.

"Alright, guys. Let's go to daycare," Kamryn smiled, carrying Evelyn down the steps and holding Abby's hand.

"Are you going to see Emmy mama?"

"Yeah. Daddy and I are gonna go see her," she nodded, setting Evelyn in her high chair while Abby climbed into a seat.

"Can you give her a kiss from me?" Abby asked, looking between Keith and Kam who were both smiling from ear to ear.

"We will baby," she nodded, kissing the top of her head before she started brushing her hair and putting it in a cute updo since it was supposed to be humid during the day.

"Are we gonna bring Emmy home soon?"

"That's the plan baby girl," Keith grinned, setting a bowl of cereal in front of her. "We're gonna have to be really careful with her though because she'll still be fragile,"

"Okay!" Abby nodded, digging into her cereal as Kamryn finished her hair.

"Alright, baby. Finish eating and then go get your bag okay?" Kamryn said as she kissed her head and made her own breakfast.

They all ate before Keith and Kam worked together to get both of the kids in the car and off to daycare.

"Daddy's gonna drop off Evey and I'm gonna drop you off, okay abs?" Kamryn said as they pulled up to the daycare.

"Okay, mommy!" Abby nodded, unbuckling her seat belt as soon as the car was in park.

Kamryn helped her jump out while Keith unbuckled Evelyn and pulled her out of her seat.

"Go say bye to Daddy," she chuckled, taking Evelyn from Keith so he could kneel down and give Abby a big hug.

"I love you, baby girl," he said before kissing her head and hugging her again. "Have a good day. Be good,"

"I will!" She nodded, skipping into the building as she held Kamryn's hand.

They split off and each parent dropped their child off, meeting back at the car to head to the hospital to see the baby.

"Good morning Morrison's," Shannon smiled as she came into the room with the small bottle in hand.

"Hey Shannon," Kamryn smiled, waiting for the go-ahead to get Emersyn out of the incubator.

"She's all ready mama," Shannon nodded, allowing the 2 of them to hold their little one.

"Do we have any kind of timeline on when she can come home? Specific day?" Keith asked, setting the car seat they had brought in for the test on the floor.

"I'll go get the doctor. He can answer it much better than I can," she smiled, leaving both Keith and Kamryn in a fit of worries.

"Are we on the same page right now?" Kamryn asked as she looked at her husband.

"Worried as hell. Yep. Same page," he nodded, sitting next to her as they both looked at their sweet little baby.

"I can't handle all summer of her being here,"

"I know Kam," he sighed, "Let's just try and stay positive and let it go the way that it goes. Okay?"

She nodded and sighed as she waited, rocking little Emersyn in her arms.

"Good morning," the doctor smiled as he came into the room. A smile was a good sign.

"Hi," Kamryn smiled while Keith shook his hand.

"Alright so let's talk about Emersyn," he said as he sat on the rolling stool.

"Yeah," Kamryn nodded.

"Alright, so Emersyn is doing very well. She's gained a few pounds and is not working her way to 6 pounds," he started, looking at her chart, "Her breathing has gotten better as her lungs are developing and she seems to be taking bottles okay so I'm hoping we can get the car seat test done today and then we'll have a definite answer,"

"Okay," she nodded and smiled a little as she put the baby down in the incubator so the doctor could check her over.

"Everything is looking good. Did you guys bring the car seat with you?"

"Yeah. I sat it over here," Keith said as he grabbed it and set it on the chair.

The doctor handed the baby to Kamryn, letting the mother do the honors of putting her baby in the car seat for the first time. Once they made sure she was all buckled in correctly, the timer started and they watched the baby like a hawk.

Shannon was in the room the entire time, watching Emersyn's O2 stats as well as her heart rate.

Kamryn was on pins and needles as she watched the clock tick down from the 60-minute start.

As soon as the clock hit an hour, Shannon grabbed her notes as Keith got Emersyn out of her car seat and snuggled her.

"I'll be right back," she smiled, trying not to give anything away as she went to give the updates to the doctor.

The doctor came back almost a half an hour later with a smile on his face.

"Hello again," he said as he sat down. "I know you're on pins and needles so I'll get right to it. She did wonderful. We're gonna keep her here for another week and on Sunday, she can go home with you,"

"What?" Kamryn asked, letting her jaw drop open.

"I'm confident that she's ready to go and start her life at home with her parents,"

"Are you serious? You're sure we're ready? What if something happened?"

"Then bring her back," he smiled, "We also have a doctor on call 24/7 so if you have any questions or anything, just call. I'm sure she's gonna be fine,"

"Okay. Thank you," she nodded, hugging Keith tightly as the doctor left the room. "We're really taking Emmy home,"

"We are. I can't wait to see the girls," he smiled, taking Emersyn out of the seat until they signed the discharge papers.

After a 20-minute discussion and the papers were all signed, they clicked the car seat into the base and they were heading home with their baby girl.


A/N: The last official chapter of Wild Blue Line 😭 I can't believe we're here again, but writing Upstead just kills me anymore. If they magically fix their mistakes on PD, there's a possibility to come back to it but no guarantees. Thank you guys for all the support on this one!!!!

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