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While Jay was at the school, Keith was doing research of his own while Kam slept. He'd gone to see Emersyn again and spent a little time talking to her so she could learn his voice.

"Hi baby girl," he smiled, sitting by the incubator she was in. She was still so little and so fragile and all he wanted to do was hold her.

"Hey, Dad. How you doing?" The nurse asked as she came in to check on the little one.

"We're alright. I'm just visiting my little girl,"

"Did you guys decide on a name yet?" She asked, looking in the chart that still had Baby Girl Morrison.

"Oh yeah. It's going to be Emersyn Reagan Morrison," he smiled, writing it out on a random sheet of blank paper.

"Perfect, I'll get this changed and get her birth certificate ready for you guys," she smiled a little, also hoping the little girl would make it through even though she was born so early.

"Thank you. I'm gonna head back to my wife in a few minutes, do you think she'll be okay?" He asked, hating to leave his baby girl.

"Yeah. She'll be alright," the nurse nodded, "She'll probably go to sleep,"

He nodded and headed back to Kams room, smiling as she was still sleeping in the bed. She'd gotten a little paler than normal and that concerned him so he attempted to wake her up as he called for her nurse.

"Kam? Wake up,"

"Hmm?" She mumbled, looking at him before she immediately felt awful.

"You okay? You're really pale," he asked.

"I feel really weird," she mumbled, closing her eyes again as she was insanely tired.

"No honey, I'm gonna have your nurse come in here and check on you," he told her, keeping her awake and finding it hard like after her attack.

"Mhm," she nodded.

"What's going on in here?" Her nurse smiled, taking one look at Kam before getting her doctor.

As soon as Dr. Asher came in, she almost knew what was going on. She was hoping she was wrong but she had a feeling that when Kam moved just the right way, the stitches popped inside and she was going to have to take her in to redo them.

They did all of the imaging they could and quickly decided to take her back to the OR so they could redo her internal stitches.

"Alright. I think her stitches opened up,"

"Then close them," Keith snapped, all out of worry.

"They're internal Keith. I have to take her to the OR to close them,"

"Then go!"

Keith was beside himself as Kam was whisked away from him. He didn't want his wife to be hurt and he was torn between waiting in the room for her or going back to Emersyn's room and sitting with her.

Jay had come back after looking at the cameras from Kam's job. They had enough evidence to arrest him if they ever found him. The things that Kam had written down were all so detailed about the times and things he said and she felt. Anything was going to help.

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