{I} The Start of It All

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(This will be written based of my memory, so a few things might be wrong)

It was the first day of RB Battles Season 3 - the one where KreekCraft was supposed to go against ThinkNoodles.

But, something was different. All of the competitors were there, but still, something felt off.

Russo grinned as he waited for the first match to start..

"When is it going to start.." Leah asked.

Russo tapped his foot on the ground impatiently, waiting for everything to go just as he'd planned. But, that might take a bit of time.

RB Battles Season 3 would go down in history, but it would go the way Russo had planned it to be.

Meanwhile, Kreek was talking to Albert about him winning this season and taking TanqR's crown.

"And that's how i'll win RBB again!" Kreek exclaimed.

"Like that's gonna work." Albert muttered.

"WHEN IS IT GOING TO START?!" Leah yelled.

"Don't worry, it will start soon. Right, judges?" Russo answered.

"Yeah, it will." Sabrina stated.

"Actually, Think hasn't arrived yet." Russo mentioned. "We'll have to wait for him."

"Also, has anyone seen DJ?" The purple haired host asked.

"I guess it will just be the two of us if he doesn't show up." Russo said, while smiling widely.

The Studio began to shake. Russo had already bolted to the exit, as if he planned it all.

"Everything is going to plan."

Kreek fell through a random portal, he then fell unconscious after landing on a box full of hair.

Sabrina managed to get outside and yelled: "RUSSO, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Russo hid in a bush. He didn't want Sabrina to find him. Unfortunately for him, Sabrina noticed his blue hair sticking out of the bush.

"Hey, Russo? Why are you here?" She asked.

"Oh, I- I was um- scared! Yeah, that. Also you should check on the others."

He points at the competitors that were outside of the destroyed the studio.

"Alright, just-" She notices Russo's sword glowing. "Wait, why is your sword-"

"No reason! No reason whatsoever! Probably just a malfuntion!" He tried to keep himself calm.

She headed to the others, but she didn't keep her eyes off the suspicous host.

Unlike the contestants outside, Denis was NOT okay.

He started coughing black blood.

'Wait, i didn't cause that! But, what or who did?' Russo thought to himself.

Ominous ran up to the competitors seemingly out of nowhere.

"What happened?!" He looked around, noticing all the rubble.

"Ominous, the studio collapsed because... well, we don't actually know." Sabrina told him, even though she was out of breath.

"Where's Kreek, TanqR, or, any of the others?!" Bandites asked.

"Are they... dead..?" Tears had already began to flow down her face.

DJ comes out beneath the rubble, he looked like he was about to pass out any second now.

"Is everyone-" He couldn't finish his sentence without coughing out blood.

Sabrina heals him with her sword.

"I- I missed you."

She began to pass out in his arms. She also dropped her sword, which Russo noticed.

He was tempted to take it. He couldn't hold back.

He took Sabrina's sword. But, DJ noticed.

"Uh.. Russo?" He looked confused, shocked at his sudden movement. "What are you doing?"

"The power... i- it's calling me."

Russo pulled the two swords together.

"Russo.. don't you even think about it." DJ muttered loud enough for Russo to hear.

"Why don't you give me yours?" He smiled. "Then, i'll have all three.."

"NO!" DJ yelled whilst grabbing Sabrina's sword from the blue host. "YOU ARE INSANE, SNAP OUT OF IT!"

"GIVE.. THAT BACK!" Russo yelled back, tugging on the sword.

Bandites noticed the fighting between the two hosts.

"CUT IT OUT! THIS IS NO TIME FOR FIGHTING!" Bandites yelled to catch both of their attention.

"NO!" Russo still tried to take the sword from DJ. "I NEED ALL OF THEM! THEY'RE MINE!"

Sabrina woke up with tears in her eyes.

"Y- You've changed, Russo." She grabs her sword out of his hand.


"NO!" Sabrina runs away out of DJ's arms, into a forest.

Russo tried to follow her, but he eventually gave up.

"What would happen if all the swords are combined?" Bandites asked Russo.

"I- I'm not sure.." "No one has combined them, except... Battler."

While all of that arguing was happening, Lego sat there, in the grass, processing everything that happened.

Bandites walked up to him.

"Hey Lego, mind helping us find Ominous or Kreek? I'm pretty sure you like playing that game... Piggy?

"No, i don't mind at all. Also no, i haven't seen any of them." He replied.

Calixo noticed a trail of black blood. As he followed it, he didn't find Denis. However, he found a familiar cat.

"Only Ominous, Jack, Think, PinkLeaf, Denis, TanqR, and Kreek are missing. Is anyone else missing?" Jake stated.

"No, i don't think so." Lego answered.

"Noted." Jake nodded. "Maybe they ran to the forest?"

~834 Words~

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