{II} The End of The Beginning

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Look how the turns have turn

Don't mind my random thoughts while I had 0 motivation

(There are mentions of death in the beginning of this chapter)


"Kill him."

He stood there whilst being held back by #######. He was forced to witness as they murdered him.

"LET ME GO!" He screamed. "LET ME GO!! PLEASE!!"

The cries of pain that escaped his son, filled him with rage and sadness. ####### didn't like it either, he looked away from the dead corpse in front of him, while still holding him back.

"NO! PLEASE STOP!" He screamed as he began to cry.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

His body had already looked unrecognisable. He fell to his knees, sobbing.

"Great job, ##."

He only nodded, acting inhuman - like a robot.

"Now," ?? pointed at him. "you."

He knew it would be the end for him if he didn't say anything.

"Either you will help do the dirty work, or you will meet with your dear son."

He hesitated before answering.

"F- Fine.."


"Devoun, wake up!" He shook his body.

He woke up, in a cold sweat, and tears flowing down his face.


"Are you okay?!" He questioned, obviously worried. "You just started to cry out of nowhere!"

"O- Oh..."

Unbourne sighed before asking, "Is it about... Gorg Pag..?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "Did something happen while I was asleep?"

"I don't think so."


"Huh. That's weird.."

"What is it, Sabrina?" DJ asked.

"The ship seems to be going to... somewhere by itself." She stated.

"Let me see!" Russo exclaimed as he walks towards the monitors.

And she was right.
But, they don't know where it's  going.

"Well, that's.. certainly interesting." Russo noted.

"Agreed." Said the host of Agility.

The hosts heard footsteps from behind them, turns out it was Rektway, Ominous' roommate.

"Hey Rektway! What's up?" Russo greeted.

"I'm doing alright." He answered. "Found a place to call home yet?"

"Well, not yet." DJ said. "But the ship is taking us somewhere on its own!"

"I mean, that's kinda cool."

"But, we don't really know where it's going." Russo mentioned. "Also, why did you come here?"

"Cali told me that he's hearing voices, or something." He answered.



Calixo held his head with his hands as he heard the words: 'You are not responsible' repeating over and over again as he heard his ears ringing.


He heard the voices fade away and hears Denis' voice.

"What happened?!" Denis asked.

"I- I heard voices..."

"Atleast you're okay now."

"Yeah.." Calixo began to lower his hands and calm down.

"Don't ever scare me like that again!" He pouted.

Cali laughed. "I won't."


I don't think this is where the story is supposed to go, but I did it anyway-

Also, this is before they made the new lobby thing. I think I should've said this earlier.

Anyways, back to being dead.

~487 Words~

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