{I} The Beginning of The End

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Calixo and Preston are running for their lives, Bandites is forced to defend himself, Think lies unconscious in a tree while Sabrina also lies unconscious on The Hall of Fame's ceiling.

All of which is happening while DJ and Russo are crawling through a vent.

"Do you even know where we're going?" DJ asked, while continuing to crawl through the vent.

"Not really..." He admitted.

DJ sighed heavily.


Think wakes up and jumps onto the roof.

"T- Think..? Your a- awake?" Sabrina asked.

"Yeah... you too?" He said.

"Mhm." She began to cough up blood.

"Try not to talk much." He stated.

"But.. we need to get going a- again." She mentioned.



<With Calixo and Preston>

"UGH! MY LEGS HURT!" Preston complained as the robots continued to chase the two.

Calixo grabs Preston's hand and pulled him to a safe spot.

"I think we're save here... for now.." He said, still trying to catch his breath.

"Where did these things even come from?" Preston asked as he took his dominous off.

"Maybe it's something for the final battle?" He mentioned. "I overheard Russo talking about it."

"Makes sense." He said. "Also, why were you in that bush?"

"I was hiding..." Cali stated.

"Hiding from.. what exactly?" Preston asked.

"From myself.."


"I- I'm turning into a monster.." He explained. "I'm sorry.. it's hard for me to control myself..."

Calixo held Preston's hand for comfort. Preston jolted at the sudden feeling of his hand being held.


Calixo realised that he was holding Preston's hand and immediately let go.

"Sorry about that." He said.

"It's fine." Preston replied.

They both heard the robots getting closer. Calixo's eyes turn red and he gets out of the hiding spot.


Preston also got out of the hiding spot, only to see all of the robots, dismantled.

"Dude, how did you do that?!" Preston asked, half of him impressed but the other half was afraid he could kill him in an instant.

Calixo's eyes turned back to blue.

"I- I don't know!" Calixo said.

"Well, at least the path is cleared now." He replied. "Let's leave."

Preston began to head to the exit(?).

"Preston, can i ask you something?"

"Sure." He stopped and turned to Calixo.

"Are you.. afraid of me?" Cali asked.

"No? Why would you think of that?" Preston answered.

"You seem afraid of me.. and, i can understand. I- I'm turning more into a murderer, a monster." Calixo stated.

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