{I} The Forest

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DJ followed Sabrina into the forest. He found her sitting on a log, her face buried in her hands.

DJ walked into Sabrina's view. As she ran into his arms, he tried to calm her down.

"Hey, don't be scared. It'll all be just fine..!" He tried to cheer her up a bit.

"I- It's Russo.. I'm scared of him.." She buried her face into DJ's chest. "He's acting differently, and.. the other contestants are missing."

Meanwhile, Leah was looking for... sonething. Megan finds her in the forest, wandering aimlessly.

"Hey, Leah? Are you okay?" She asked.

"I just.. i can't find it."

"Find what? I can help!"

"No, no, no, it's fine. I'll find it myself." She assured Megan. "You should go find the rest."

She ran off, still trying to find this thing.

After wandering for what felt like hours, she found it! But, she wasn't happy. More so, sad.

She was looking for her cat headphones. Unfortunately, a bear tore it apart. She fell to her knees.

She was crying. She tried to fix it, but she failed to do so.

<Back with DJ and Sabrina>

"I know.. Russo's acting weird and, everyone's missing." "But i promise you, it'll be fine in the end."

"I don't want this new Russo to take our swords away. It'd be too dangerous." She started to calm down a bit.

Suddenly, Russo walks over to the two lovebirds. He looked actually concerned, though.

"Russo?!" DJ quietly asked.

"Hey DJ!"

Sabrina had fallen asleep in his arms again.

"Dude, you went insane earlier! What was wrong with you?!" He yelled.

DJ's words had stung Russo. Russo was confused on why DJ was acting like this.

"What are talking about?"

<With Albert and Lego>

Albert and Lego were looking around, looking for any signs of the missing competitors.

"Found anything?" Lego asked.

"Nope." He sighed. "I'll be over there if you need me."

He pointed at a random direction and ran over there.

"Lego?! Is that.." A familiar voice spoke.

Lego shined his flashlight (don't ask) towards the figure. It was Ominous.


He turned off the flashlight and ran up to him. Lego hugged Ominous (no) and he did the same.

But, Ominous was weirdly out of breath. The two let go of the hug and Lego asked him.

"You seem out of breath, what happened?" Lego asked with worry.

"I- I'll explain later.." He responded. "Where are the rest?"

"I'm not sure. All i know is Sabrina is with DJ and Albert and the both of us are here." He answered.


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