{I} Just For Him

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(Sorry for no updates)

This chapter contains a few mentions of blood.


"Russo~!" A voice taunted. "I have your agile friend as well as the old man, Mr. B. Soon, i'll have all your youtuber friends, and you'll end up all alone. Just like your father."

Sabrina opened her eyes to see JP standing infront of her.

"R- Russo?!" She looked around, Russo was nowhere to be seen.

JP pulled her, but she still stood her ground.

"Why don't you come with me? After all, you're alone. And, i have your dear boyfriend, DJ." He motioned closer towards her.


JP attemped to grab her, but she pushed him away.

"You poor, poor girl." Even though he was wearing the Hood of Champions, she could tell he was smiling.

"What do you want with him?!" She demanded.

"Mind your business, you irritating rat." He said.

"I would do anything to save my friends!" She asked.



"Isn't it obvious? I want the swords." He said while he placed his arm on a table. "And if you refuse to cooperate, the whole lobby will be blown up. What will it be, Abu-Obied?"

She hands him her sword. She was hesitant at first, but she wanted to see her friends.

He left the room and Russo entered the room.

Russo noticed Sabrina's sword wasn't with her.

"Where's your sword?" He asked. "He didn't take from you, did he..?"

"R- Russo," She looked at Russo, tears starting to flow again. "He- He took DJ and Mr. B- Boringsworth.. i had to g- give him my sword... I- I just want them back. That's all i w- wanted.."

"Everything is really rough right now, I hope we can get DJ back." Russo stated, his voice cracking.

DJ walked into the room. Except, something was wrong.

Sabrina stared at DJ's soulless eyes. But, she still believed it was him.

As he approached her, she thought he was going to comfort her.

She reached her arms out, just to be stabbed with his sword.

Russo stared at the blood, not knowing what to do. He started to breath heavily.

Bandites opens the door.

"SABRINA, ARE YOU OKAY?!" He rushed to her side.

"D- DJ... he stabbed me.." She started to feel light-headed.

Bandites ripped his sleeve and wrapped it around the wound.

Russo passes out, but Bandites was able to catch him from falling.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Think yelled.

"I'm not sure, all i know is that Sabrina got stabbed and Russo suddenly passed out." Bandites answered. "Sabrina, you should rest, i'll help Russo."

"How am i supposed to rest knowing that DJ's on a murderous rampage?!" She slightly yelled.

"Atleast let me help, i don't want to die or anything, but-"

"My head..." Russo woke up.



"Wait, where's DJ?" Think asked.

"DJ stabbed me... his own.. girlfriend..." She began to tear up again. (How many times am i going to write this?)

"DJ would never do that! I know him! You can't let this new threat get to your head!" Think stated. "Also, where are your swords?"

"I- I gave mine up to JP.. I wanted to see DJ again."

Another DJ stood outside of the room.

"I'm gonna go get help.." Preston said before exiting the room.

"DJ, can you hear me?" Russo asked.

DJ didn't say a thing. So, it must be a fake, right?

"DJ, can we test if you're like.. the real DJ?"

DJ nodded.

Russo brought DJ to Mr. Boringsworth's lab. And after a few tests, Russo found out that he was the real DJ.


<With Preston and Calixo>

Calixo saw Think flying in the air with Sabrina on his back.

"Uh... what happened there?" He asked Preston.

"I'm gonna be honest, i don't know." He responded.

"Do you want me to come with you? You seem to be in a hurry." Calixo mentioned.

"Yeah, should we follow them?" Preston asked.


The two saw a trail of blood. Preston stopped in his tracks.

"Uh, Preston? You good?" Calixo looked up at Preston.

He didn't answer.


The emergency alarms went off, illuminating everything in bright red. The noise was so loud, anyone who was in the forest could hear it.

Russo covered his ears.

'Unknown threat detected. Evacuate immediately.'

A few bots that some what resembled spiders fell infront of Russo and DJ.

The two backed away.


"Y- Yeah?"

"RUN!" He pointed at a vent that was on a ceiling. Thankfully, it was close to them.

DJ was unsure, he wanted to run in another direction, but he trusted Russo.

Russo climbed up the vent and held his right hand out. DJ grabbed his hand and climbed up the vent.

Russo closed the vent the second DJ got in.

The Finale has just begun.



Also, the other youtubers will (probably) be in the next chapter.

~815 Words~

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