{I} Another Hope

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As Calixo led the contestants through Netpunk Industries, Preston started to repeat the sentence: "We're gonna die" over, and over again.

"Don't be dramatic, Preston! It'll be fine." Think assured him. "Also, did you not have any hallucinations earlier?"

"No, I didn't. Which was.. strange..." Preston replied.

"It is. I thought you hallucinated about Brianna or something." Think stated. "Do you think it was a malfunction?"

"I think.. or atleast I hope so."

"Hope so..?" Think asked. "Why do you hope so?"

"Well, I- I.." He started to weep over the thought of it.

"Preston, are you okay?!" Think asked with worry in his voice.

"Preston?!" Calixo rushed over to Preston crying his eyes out. "He- Hey! It's gonna be fine!..." He frantically looked around, only seeing black blood on the ground with Denis being nowhere there. Cali began to freak out.

"Where is Denis?!" Calixo worriedly asked.

"We shouldn't worry, Cali. Everything's gonna be fine..!" Think said to try calm Calixo down.

"I- Is Denis still with us..?"

"Yeah, just knocked out." Think said. "Ominous, can you carry him?"

"Yeah, I can."

Ominous walked over to Denis' unconscious body and picked him up. (I don't know how to describe it-)

"Glad he's okay." Calixo wipes his tears and smiles, knowing he's okay. "Let's keep going."


Devoun summoned a giant robot, similar to the Final Battle robot but different. Instead of it being red and yellow, the robot was black and it had golden, blue, purple, and green details. It was also slightly smaller.

"If you want to beat me, you're going to have to work for it!" He laughed.

He started to launch missiles at the hosts.

The hosts were dodging the missiles for quite a while.

"Sabrina, I- I don't know how much longer i can dodge these missiles! We need to come up with an idea to stop him!" DJ stated.

"We could try to take the swords away from him. That's the only idea I have!" Sabrina mentioned.

"That could work, we just need to be quick! He's on a rampage right now!" He said as they continued to dodge the missiles.

Russo stopped dodging and pulled the Sword of Truth and threw it at the robot's head, shattering the glass as well as causing Devoun to lose just enough balance for the Sword of Agilty slip out of the robot.

(I forgot where the Sword of Truth was, so I decided to put it here-)

DJ grabbed his sword and stabs the ground (I don't know what It's called-). Somehow, the robot began to go haywire and eventually shuts down.

Devoun falls out of the robot and onto the ground, dropping the Sword of Healing.

Sabrina grabs her sword and asked Dj:

"Is he... dead..?"

"I don't know.." DJ answered.

Sabrina healed herself as they both stood there, uncertain on what to do.

Devoun got back up.

They thought he would attack again.

But, he fell to his knees and cried his eyes out.

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