{I} Fixing Our Friendship

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{December 14 2022, The day before the battle between TanqR and Bandites}

"Hey Russo, do you need anything? Me and DJ still need to film with you for tomorrow's battle." Sabrina stated.

"No, i don't think so..?" Russo replied.

Sabrina still felt uneasy around Russo.
Out of nowhere, Preston walked towards the two hosts. Sabrina was the first to notice.

"Preston?" She asked.

"Hey Sabrina!" "How much did i miss?" Preston looked around the place.

"Well, you missed quite a lot." She answered.

"Like what?" He was confused. "Did someone die or something?"

"You missed 2 seasons, as well as Russo..." "going mad with power..." She quietly said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Russo stepped closer to the two.

"Oh, i- i'm just catching Preston up, since he missed 2 seasons." Tear fell from her face, she remembered how the swords tore them apart.

"Oh, okay then!" He replied. He didn't notice anything wrong.

"Mr. Boringsworth can explain everything." She pointed at the lab.

"Uhh, okay?"

Preston noticed tears flowing from her face.

"You okay..?" He asked.

She shook her head. Something was definitely wrong.

Preston just stood there, confused. He wanted answers but he also didn't want to push Sabrina.

"I'll go talk to him." He said before walking to the lab.

Russo also noticed Sabrina crying.

"Sabrina? Are you okay?" He looked genuinely worried. "Why are you crying?"

Preston walked out of the lab, awkwardly.

"Uhh... Sabrina, he isn't the-" He saw Russo trying to cheer Sabrina up and stopped talking.

"What is it, Russo?" She sighed.

"Uhh.. i'm just gonna.. go-" Russo began to walk away from Sabrina.

Sabrina's words, her sigh, it just felt like.. she didn't like him, she doesn't want him around.

Russo felt terrible, but decided to stay away - for now.

Sabrina sat down on a bench and cried in guilt.

Does he hate me now?

What have i done?

Why do i make everything worse?

Thoughts filled her head. And Preston, he didn't want to say anything. He didn't know what to do.

He stepped away from her.

Maybe she just needs sometime alone.

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