In A Field Of Red Roses

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"Nine from the feline, nine for the sailor, now coin to feed nine mouths..."

"Lord Albaeon! I'm so glad that you're here!" Amaura says as she sees us arrive.

"Rex? Is that you?" Jahna asks as she looks at me.

"Surpriiiise!" I respond playfully as I take off my mask.

Amaura looks around and sees the animals bow before me.

"You've done it? Are you?" she tries to ask, but she stops herself.

"All kneel! You are in the presence of King Oberon of The Elven Path!" Albaeon yells out sternly.

In my gut, it feels weird to see people and animals all swear fealty to me, but apparently, it's the norm for who I choose to become. My path has been set in motion by my search for a home.

"Well? Are you going to give them a speech?" Nightingale asks as she pokes my side.

I let out a sigh.

"Citizens of this forest. Our homes are being invaded by an enemy that will not stop unless we send a message that there is nothing but a foolish death waiting for them here! I am not going to be a king that watches from afar while those who swear loyalty to me die for a chance to die a hero. There's no right way to die in war. We all get blood on our hands, and we all do what we're told. But if these Humans think they can take our homes, we will show them what cornered animals are capable of!" I yell out loudly.

"I'd give it a six out of ten," Albaeon replies calmly.

"What our rookie leader is trying to say. Is that whether we are born rich or raised poor. We all live here and it's our equal responsibility to fight for what is ours! King or peasant, we stand and fight with you regardless of who or what you are!" Nightingale yells out.

"You could learn from her," Albaeon remarks playfully.

"I'll take some lessons when we're not at war," I whisper in his ear.

"Rex, you're alive!" Jahna yells as she hugs me.

"Hey, is it me or have you grown a bit?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I'm an adult now!" Jahna responds determinedly.

The owl comes flying towards me and shares all it has seen with me.

"They're going to come from the southeast. A Fennec and some knights are heading towards the forest on the west side. I'll send a Figment to deal with them and blast through some scouts on the way there," I explain calmly.

"I have marked spots where we've spotted encampments. We've tried hitting them hard. But Holy Knights are relentless," Amaura comments as she grabs her map.

"Nightingale, Albaeon. I want you to do a second patrol around the forest. The Hunters use the high ground to their advantage, but there may be traps laid out by Celgate's forces. Be careful, we don't want to give them the idea that we're planning something," I order my two companions who quickly do as they're told.

"So, how does it feel to be important?" Markus asks curiously yet playfully.

I look at him for a moment.

"The same as it feels for you. Now that you've accepted Magic as part of who you are," I say as I walk to the man. It feels strange that only a few months ago Markus towered over me. And now I'm about the same height.

"Well, Rex? Did you find what you were looking for with Albaeon?" Jahna asks curiously.

"I found an answer, but I haven't found THE answer. There's still a lot I don't know about myself," I reply as I look at my mark.

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