Chapter Two - Where are you?

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Saifah and Phayu chatted to their guests while preparing the food.  Saturday Night dinners had become a thing between these group of people ever since Rain disappeared.  The main cause was to stop Phayu drinking himself to death, then it was to watch his mental health.  At the table sat Sky, P'Pai, Som, Sig, Ple and Por.  Their chatter was easy and light.  It manly centred on the soon to be 3rd year Architect Students and the opening ceremony for the new international facility.

It was to be a grand affair and they were all attending.  "I love the fact its a black tie event" Ple said, "I get to see all of you dressed up!"

Her boyfriend, Por smiled and asked "but your more looking forward to seeing me in a suit right?".  "Ok sure" She answered cheekily.  Everyone laughed and continued with their talk.

Sky phone pinged with a notification and he glanced at it, he blinked and then grabbed his phone and looked again at the words, his eyes widen.  He clicked on the tab.  He looked at the photo and then the caption, "I'm Home".

He jumped up and screamed, "Rain's back!" He was breathing fast, P'Pai took the phone and read the same post.  His head shot round to his friend and nodded.  Everyone scrambled for their phone.  No one dared breath and all eyes where on Phayu.  It took him 60 seconds to react and he called Rains old number, half expecting the same message but this time the phone rung the number and tried to connect.  But no one answered and the voicemail picked up.  Phayu looked at the group, "could you all try?" he asked.

They all jumped and either messaged or tired to call, but there was no response from Rain's phone.

They all sat down and tried to get their head around what just happened.  Then suddenly the air was shattered by Sky's ringtone.  Sky looked and gasped, as the name of the caller was Rain.

As Sky answered the call, the rest of the people fell silent. He put it on loudspeaker.

"Rain! Rain is that you" Sky spoke fast, but there was silence, "Rain please say something!"

It was quite again and then "Hey Sky" Rain's voice came softly though the phone "I'm back"

Sky burst into tears, "I am going to strangle you when I get hold of you" He managed to to get out.

Rain laughed gently, "I missed you too, Sky"

"Where are you?" Sky asked

"Bangkok" was the quick reply

"Do you want me to hurt you?" was the even quicker response

Rain let out a full belly laugh, "No I don't"

Phayu sat there stunned, he heard Rains voice  for the first time in over a year.  He let the tears fall as he closed his eyes and lent back in his chair.

"Where are you?" Sky asked again, there was a sign and Rain replied "I'm not settled yet, can I give you my address later?"

"Address? Are you not at your house?" Sky asked confused, Phayu head snapped up

"No, I am living elsewhere" Rain answered "Sky, I have only got back can I call again tomorrow when I have got back on local time?"

"Oh sure" Sky agreed suddenly deflated, Rain picked up on the tone.

"Its just I cant think straight, and I owe you a full explanation on what happened and where I have been" Rain explained "And then I owe you an whole arse apology"

Sky smiled and then looked at Phayu, who looked like a starving man.

"Are you going to call P'Phayu?" He asked.  Rain sign came though loud and clear and Phayu felt sick at the sound.

"Maybe, maybe not" Rain answered "He broke up with me on very bad terms"

Phayu swallowed and his heart hurt when he heard those words. 

"He is with me" Sky admitted, and the other end was very quite for a while.

"Can.....can he hear me?" Rain asked, "yes" Sky admitted


All of a sudden, through Rain's phone, they heard a woman scream, then they heard a door being opened forcefully.

There was then an bombardment of English words being spoken in a high pitch.

Rain then said, "Sky, I will call you tomorrow - I need to deal with something" He then spoke a few English words and then the call was then ended.

The people looked shocked and confused.  Who was that female voice, why was she speaking in English.  Why was she with Rain?

Phayu just sat there, shocked.

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