Chapter Twenty one - Aurora Dawn

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Aurora could not believe that the phone cut out, she wiped her tears.  They have her location she just has to hold out until then.  She looked at Nia running up and down the road looking for her.  He shot the gun in the air again shouting her name.  That is two shots he has used already, maybe he will use all them up trying to scare her.  The minutes were passing slowly, breathing hurt.

"He must of broken a rib hitting me" Aurora thought, She tried to be a quite as possible but all of a sudden Nia started to walk towards her building.  "keep it together" she whispered, but fear won and she decided to move, but what she did not realise that there was broken glass in the floor and she had no shoes on,  the glass cut though her feet and she screamed before she could stop herself.  This alerted Nia to the building she was in, she watched as he ran towards the entrance.  

"Hide!! I have to Hide", she though.  She picked up glass and cut her a large section of hair, she placed in a door, so it looked like she went that way and her hair had been caught in the door - she hoped this would give the reason for why she screamed, she went round the side and hid in the place where a fire hose used to be stored.  God! bending down hurt, but she placed her hand over her mouth.  She had to hide as there is no way she could out run him.  She heard him bang though the entrance, screaming her name.  Tears flowed down her face, "Please hurry" she begged.  Suddenly she could hear a number of cars pull up, the doors bang and she heard her name being called.  But she knew Nia was in the building, she had to wait until she was found.  She heard gun shots, they where on her level, she guess it was Nia shooting at who ever was below.

"Please be safe" she thought.  She heard footsteps and heavy breathing.  It slowed and they stepped on broken glass.  "Oh Aurora, where are you" Nia sung, "You have to be near here, I know your are hurt!" Still she keep quite.  "What the?" Nia said and she heard a door open, "She cut her hair, I will kill her, I did not give her permission"

Suddenly she heard P'Chai voice, "Just stop right there" His voice sounded so cold.

"Where is Aurora?" I heard Saifah ask, "She's mine" Nia hissed at him.  

"Put the gun down" I heard P'Pai say, "Why" Nia asked.

"Just do it" I heard P'Phayu say to him

"You have no idea who you are dealing with" added Saifah

Nia laughed, "You, you are the one who touched my princess, I should kill you"

Aurora knew that he was pointing the gun at Saifah, she could hear them talking to him and trying to reason with the madman with the gun.  Aurora made up her mind.  She slowly moved out of her hiding place and grabbed the long pole next to her, making sure that she did not make a sound.  She held the pole above her head and slowly creep out of the shadows and she got as close to Nia as she dared.  She did not want to alert him of her presence.  He was still point the gun towards the people that she care about.  "This is it" she thought.

"Oi Arsehole" Aurora  shouted, as Nia turned in surprise, for the second time that night she swung the pole with all her might and hit him square in the head.  He groaned and dropped the gun, he fell to the floor and Aurora brought the pole above her head again and brought it down on to the back of his head, knocking him completely out.  

"The first hit is for my brother" she shouted at the unconscious man, "The second was for me, you prick!"

She dropped the pole and looked at her boyfriend and friends, "What took you so fucking long?" She then fell to the floor. 

Saifah was talking to Nia, just trying to figure if he still had Aurora.  When suddenly out of the shadows he saw her with a pole in her hand.  The next thing he knew she had hit Nia twice and knocked him out cold.  She shouted that one hit was for Rain and the other was her her.  She then looked at us and asked us what had taken so long.  

My heart broke, she had blood stains on her head, her lip was cut and she had bruises all over her face.  When she fell to the floor, my heart dropped.  I ran over and noticed that her feet where cut.  Aurora burst into tears and held out her arms, "get me out of here please" she begged.  Saifah picked her up as gently as he could and he rested her head on his shoulder.  "Let's get her to the hospital" Pai said

"I will clear this mess up" P'Chai said to  Phayu, "just look after her"

"We will" He replied.

They got into the car and rushed to the hospital, the medical staff sprung into action.  Pai told them to do everything they needed and once done she needed to be placed in the same room as Rain.  There were perks to owing a hospital, Saifah thought, but he was so thankful.  The staff told him that he had to leave as he could not follow them.  The three men went to Rains room and entered to see Sky and Rain with red eyes, "We got her, she is just being checked out by the medical team and then they are bringing her here" Pai explained.  Rain burst into tears and hugged Sky and then hug Phayu, "thank you, thank you" he kept saying.

30 minutes later, the door opened and they brought Aurora in on her bed and placed it to Rains.  Rain was shocked to see his sisters face.  Saifah went to her side and held her hand.  The Doctor explained her injuries, multiple blows to the head, bruises to her face and body, cut lip, two broken ribs and cuts to the bottom of her feet.  All injuries have been cleaned and treated, but she needed sleep so they had gave her something to help her sleep.  She would recover but it would take time.

"OMG" Sky whispered, he did not dare to touch her.  Rain just looked at his sisters face, she clearly had a black eye, her cheeks were swollen and he lip looked so sore. 

He looked at the three men, "He did this to her?" he asked, they nodded and Rain looked sister again, without looking up, "Make sure that bastard dies" he said, his voice was so cold and when he looked up it scared Phayu, they were dead.  "I mean it, I want him six foot under"

"Done" said a voice from the door, they all turned and say P'Chai at the door.  "I am just making sure you are all ok, I have undated P'Parkin of the situation and the injuries that Aurora has"  

He looked round the group of people, "His orders were very clear, I see that you are all together so I will bid you goodbye, and I will see you at next month race".  With that he left the room.  Once outside, he allowed himself a small smile.  Those twins have definitely chose the right person for themselves.  The girl really impressed him, he knew P'Parkin was interested her and would be taking an interest in her future.  

Just at the new day was breaking Auroa woke up, she looked around.  Saifah was sleeping next to her, he was still holding her hand.  She turned her head and saw that Rain was asleep in his bed, over the far side of the room was a sofa and that was were Sky and P'Pai were sleeping.  She focused her eyes back on Rain, she smiled, she was glad he was ok.  Movement at the bottom to the bed attracted her attention, she turned her eyes and saw that Phayu was awake and watching her.

"Your still awake" Aurora asked, "Not been asleep" he replied, "Wanted to watch over you all"

"Thank you" Aurora said, "for coming to save me, I know we did not have the best of starts, but believe me now when I say, I want no one else to love my brother but you"

Phayu got up and kissed her head, "Thank you for accepting me and I am so glad you are safe"

They smile at each other, they talk softly until the others in the room until they all wake up.  Rain was still tearful and Sky was terrified of hurting her.  They listened to the whole story and when it was all done, Saifah said, "That's my girl, how brave is she?" he kissed her head.  "So proud of you"  Rain said.

"So when will I be allowed out of here" Aurora cheekily asked, "you will stay until the Doctors release you" warned Saifah "and not a minute before" 

"Well, looks like we be having dinner dates here for a while then" she replied.  

They all laughed, if she can think about food, then she is more than half way recovered. 

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