Chapter Eighteen - Be Honest With Yourself

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Saifah was already in the kitchen making coffee for everyone, he watched as his twin made his way down the stairs and at that very moment Pai was making his way in from the guest house. Saifah brought their coffee to the table, "Remind me bro, never to share a bed with you again, I just don't know how Rain copes". Pai laughed, "That bad?" He asked, "He is a snuggle-bunny" Saifah confirmed. Phayu just gave them a evil look, "Its not my fault my bed was taken over last night" 

The three men found out that Aurora, Rain and Sky could be a bit of handful while drunk.  It was like babysitting toddlers.  First they snuck away to the bar and down one to many shots, despite Rains objections, he turned out to be the worse one in the group. Then they challenged a group of people to a Dance Battle, to be fair it seemed like the whole dance floor joined in.  P'Pai drew the line when the pole dancing started.  Turns out that 'Sexy chick, by David Guetta' was their song, They were bouncing around the place, and Phayu had to stop Rain taking off his top. When it was time to leave, they had to chase them around the club to catch them.   

Getting them home was proving to be difficult as they decided to sit down and refuse to be moved unless they could stay together.  "Look lets just go back to ours, its nearer" Phayu told his brother and friend, "and at least they can't run down the road again".  The men ended up having to carry them on their backs, as the three drunkards wanted a piggy back race.  "They are never doing shots again" Saifah said as Aurora was slapping his bum to make him go faster.  The other two agreed.

Once back at the house, it turned out that Aurora had managed to sneak a bottle of tequila out of the club, and the three went outside to sit by the pool to 'sober up'.  The bottle was half gone before P'Pai realised what they was up to.  The terrible three tried to run but just ended up falling over each other, laughing.  "What are we going to do with them?" Saifah asked his brother and friend.  "Oh I know" Aurora put up her hand, "Sleepover!!!"  "Yay" both Sky and Rain agreed.  

Rain stood up and grabbed Sky and Aurora's hand, "I know the very place" He then dragged them to Phayu's room and before anyone could stop them they all jumped in the bed.  It did not matter how many times they were told or begged they refused to get out of the bed.

Phayu signed, "Look, I am tired.  Lets just leave them and I will bunk with you and Pai you can take the guest room".  As the three men exited the room they heard the cheers of "We won".

Now it was morning and they had decided to let them sleep for a while, but it was payback time.  They finished their coffee and walked up the stairs and into Phayu's room.  They stood at the end of the bed, they could not help smile at sight before them.  Aurora was in the middle, her arms where above her head, Sky was curled up by her waist with one arm thrown over her and Rain's head was almost off the bed and he had his legs thrown over Aurora and Sky.

"Wake up" they said together.

Aurora slowly opened her eyes and looked towards the voices.  "Oh! my head" She moaned "Why is it so bright?".  Her head fell back and she let her eyes focus on the unfamiliar ceiling, she blinked and realised that there was somthing pinning her to the bed.  She turned her head to see that Rain had his legs thrown over hers and Sky had his arms around her waist, she looked at the end of the bed and focused on the three grinning men. She stared at them for a while, her head fell back on the pillow, she tried to recall last night, but it was a very blurry slide show.  She signed and lifted her head, "OK, what happened?" she asked.  The three men just started laughing.  The laughing woke Rain up, he groaned and looked over at Aurora, "What happened?" He asked, "Dunno, just asked them" was her response.  She looked down at Sky, "Sky, let me go" she moaned as she tried to get up. Sky groaned and shifted on his back.  "Come on, you all smell, we will get you some clothes and you can all have a shower" said Phayu.   With that they where all dragged out of the bed.

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