Chapter Twelve - "You did a thing?!!"

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I groaned as I fell out of my bed, God my head hurt. I crawled to my kitchen and pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge. I needed something cool and refreshing, I sat on the floor of my small kitchen, "How did I get home?" I wondered out loud. I tried to think back to last night.

My mission to keep the arsehole away from my brother, laughing at everyone as they thought Rain and I was a couple, going to the nightclub, Sky hugging me and declaring I am his new best friend, he then pushed me towards his boyfriend and introduced me as such and declaring that we were in love. His boyfriend seemed more amused than jealous at this, but what caught my attention was watching my brother fall into his ex's lap. We all went back to the dance floor and teased Rain about his "fall", he was not fooling Sky or myself. I danced my socks off but then I was talking to the Good Twin and teaching him English, all bad words. I think I gave him my number.

I stood up and looked for some headache tablets, I was racking my brains on what happened next but I was coming up blank. I decided to go to Rains apartment as I needed tablets badly. I know its early, but my head really hurts. I hold my head as I slowly made my way to his room, I arrive and put in the passcode. I walk thought the short hallway and stop dead.

My eyes widen at the sight of my brother in his ex's arms. I look at Rain face, he had been crying but he was holding on to the arsehole like his life depending on it. I look at the arseholes face and see exactly the same expression. Wait, I am bloody confused, I raise my hand to point at them, and ask "What the hell is going on?!"

They brake apart, looking shocked at my presence, "Aurora" Rain gasped, "What's wrong?" I look at him like he has grown a second head, "What's wrong?" I yell, and then immediately regret it. Oi!! My head!! I shake my head slowly, "I need tablets" and wonder to his bathroom.

Rain looks at Phayu, and then runs after Aurora. He finds her in his bathroom, looking for headache tablets. She finds what she is looking for and takes two, there and then. She turns to look at Rain, "Well?" she asked. Rains cheeks flushed a red, he looked like a child who's hand had been caught inside the cookie jar. "Well" he said "I did a thing" Aurora signed, this is never a good sign.

Phayu was still in the living room, he was processing what had just happened. Rain's sister just popped out of nowhere, she was clearly nursing a handover. She had gone into Rain's bathroom and Rain had run in after her. He looked worried, he clearly adored his sister. Phayu's problem is that his sister clearly hated him. He sighed, "it looks like I have to win over two hearts", he thought. He looked at his phone, and placed an breakfast delivery for the three of them.

Rain looked at Aurora and signed, "OK lets talk" He lead the way back into his bedroom and sat down on his bed, "This wont do Rain" Aurora face was serious tone. She found a blanket and made a makeshift tent. "ok" she said as she stood back "This is the best I can do" She turned to Rain and commanded "Into the Truth Tent". Rain smiled, and complied with the command. The "Truth Tent" is something they came up as kids. In the Truth Tent, you have to tell the truth and what happens in the Truth Tent, stays in the Truth Tent.

They could only fit the upper parts of their bodies in to the truth tent, "So are you back with him" She asked, Rain smiled and told her about their talk this morning and how it had ended. "It sounds like you have the past talked out" Aurora commented "But I have a question" "Shoot" Rain said, "Who left the photos there?" Rain went quite, "Know what? I did not ask" "I suppose it is not important" Aurora signed. "So your dating, but not boyfriend's yet?" "Yep" Rain confirmed. "And you set him a task to win you back?" Rain just nodded. They hear Rains doorbell sound. "Well at least you have taken sex off the table" Aurora said "Best not jump in the sack right now" She turned and looked at Rain. He had gone bright red, "Brother!!" she said "No!!". "last night" Rain said sheepish, not looking at her. "OMG! I just cant!!" Aurora really was not surprised but she wanted him to feel a little shame! They head Phayu come in to the room, "Errr Rain?" he asked.

The doorbell went and Phayu answered it and thanked the delivery guy. He brought the food into the kitchen and looked towards Rains bedroom. He could not wait anymore and walked in, what he did not expect was a makeshift tent with two sets of legs hanging out of the bottom, he called for Rain and the tent flap was lifted and two faces just stared at him. "I had breakfast delivered for all of us" he explained "Do you want me to plate it up or do you want to wait. "Oh, Thank you, we be out in a minute so just plate up" Rain said, Phayu nodded, but looked questionably at them. "Truth Tent" Aurora answered the unspoken question. "Truth Tent?" Phayu repeated, he then smiled as they did look cute. "I will get the food ready then" He left the room.

They got up from the floor, before they left the room Aurora grabbed Rain in a big hug, "I hope everything works out" she said "But I am not going to make it easy for him" Rain squeezed her back, "Forever my protector" He said.

Breakfast was a quite affair, The conversation was mainly between Rain and Phayu. When Rain left to use the bathroom, Aurora looked at Phayu and said "I still don't like you". Phayu looked at her and answered "I know, you made it very clear - but I know why you hate me and I don't blame you" Aurora lean back and looked at him though one eye, this action made Phayu smile. You could tell now that they had grown up close, they both had the same facial expression when they did not quite believe someone. "I wont let him or you down" Phayu promised, "Don't make a grand gesture if you can't keep it" he was warned.

Rain came back in the room and the subject was dropped, "Oh we have to get ready, you invited people back to yours for lunch" Rain reminded Aurora. Aurora stopped eating and looked at surprise at Rain, "What?" She asked "When did I do that?"

Rain burst out laughing, "You don't remember?" he asked, Aurora looked at him blankly. Rain explained that while they were at the street stand last night, Sky and Aurora had discovered that they were both "foodies", this was another reason they were in love - apparently! Aurora invited everyone back to hers for lunch the next day. She begrudging invited Phayu as he was also there, "but if the bad twin is coming, I am inviting the good twin too - we need to balance ying and yang" she declared.

Aurora checked her texts, and sure enough there was the text to Saifah, who sent back a thumbs up icon and said he be there. Aurora groan and asked Rain, "OK, what else did I do" That is how she found out that Phayu had carried her home and she had thrown up down his back. She looked at him in surprise and embarrassment, "I guess Thank you and Sorry?"

"OK, lets get ready for shopping for your luncheon" Rain said to Aurora "P'Phayu are you going home to change" He confirmed he was and that he would bring Saifah back with him. "So do you want us to do anything?" He asked Aurora. "Can you cook?" she asked, Phayu nodded. "OK come earlier and you can help me" she ordered, the times where set and Aurora told Rain that she will meet him at her apartment, she then left. Rain and Phayu looked at each other, and Phayu stepped forward and pulled Rain in for a long and deep kiss. He smiled and said, "I will see you in a couple of hours" Rain smiled back and walked him to the door. "I love you Rain" He planted another quick kiss on his lips and with that he rushed home.

Phayu opened the door to his house and walked him. He was still thinking about his Rain, "Oh and where have you been" Saifah teased, he was in the kitchen. "With Rain" Phayu answered, he sat down at the kitchen and updated his twin what had happened this morning. Saifah laughed, "I love that girl" he said "She gives you zero fucks" He went on to say how cute she was, as he was talking about Aurora, Phayu looked at him with interest, "Bro? Do you have a little thing for Aurora?" He asked.

Phayu was amazed, since Saifah's girlfriend had broken up with him over six months ago, his brother had not shown any interest in any girl at all. "I will admit there is something about her" He said "Don't use her as a rebound" Phayu warned "Rain may end you if you are just playing with her"

"I know" Saifah responded "Thats why I am happy just to be a friend for now"

The two brothers talked a bit more then Phayu jumped up and announced that his was going to get ready. Saifah watched his brother all but run up the stairs. He was so happy that Rain was back in his brothers life, he was sure that Phayu would never let Rain go again. He cleaned their coffee cups and went to his room to get ready. He was looking forward to this afternoon.

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