Chapter Nine - Dark Passion

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Phayu lost his mind with those three words, he crushed Rain's lips not giving his boy a chance to change his mind.  Rain responded with equal passion and desperation, grabbing the back of Phayu head and pulling him down.  Rain felt his stomach contract as he enjoyed the familiar taste, he bit Phayu's bottom lip, smiling when he heard Phayu's groan in response.

Phayu hugged Rain and pulled him up to the top of the bed, he pulled his head up slightly admiring Rains swollen lips, Rains lips have always been a compulsion for Phayu, he slowly rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip before claiming them once again.  He let out a deep moan as he pushed his body closer. He broke off the kiss and let his lips wonder down his cheek and into his neck. Rain's neck was his favourite place to be, he kissed and biting down hard, feeling Rain's responses was like fuel to his fire. He then concentrated on Rain's ear, he knew this was his weak spot, Rain gasped and turned his head as to give Phayu more access. "My Rain" Phayu whispered. He moved down from the ear back to his neck, he moved down to his chest, pulling his t-shirt out of the way. The neck of the shirt would not go low enough, so Phayu sat up and grabbed the shirt with both hands and ripped it off Rain's body, leaving Rain shocked as he looked at Phayu. "P'Phayu!, What.....hmp!" he started to say, but he was cut off by Phayu bending down again and silencing him with another deep and passionate kiss. When he felt Rain weakening again, he continued his attack by biting and kissing Rain's chest.

God, I can't think, I let Phayu control everything, I know I could match his moves with the same level of excitement and passion. I let myself get dragged up the bed, and when Phayu started kissing my neck and ear - I felt myself start to leak, I loved it when Phayu marked my neck. I could not contain his shock when a wild looking Phayu sat up and ripped my t-shirt off my body, I tried to bring him to his senses but was cut off by a kiss. I moaned, I could feel his body grind against mine, I could feel the physical evidence of his desire for me. I gave up and followed Phayu's lead.

I left a trail of red marks all over Rain's chest, I could feel him using his nails on my back. I moved lower and got rid of his shorts and underwear, the joggers he gave me soon followed, I just threw all the clothes behind me. I had such little control, I kissed every part of his body, his lips, neck, chest, tummy, arms and legs. He would be covered in love bites tomorrow, the thought pleased me - His mine!

"P'Phayu, please, please" My little Rain begged, I looked up and saw him turning his head side to side, I smiled into his skin, I knew what he wanted and I was happy to give it to him, Hell, I would have given him the moon if he asked for it. I took him into my mouth and sucked hard, moving my head up and down. I saw him grab the sheets and he opened his legs for me. I sucked harder and moved faster, I could still read the cues his body was giving me, my boy is close. "P'Phayu, don't stop" he begged me, he did not have to worry I had no intention of stopping. He suddenly threw his head back and cum hard in my mouth. I opened my mouth and let it all dripple down his cock. I used his cum to lube up his behind. I was no where near finished with him. I slowly pushed a finger into him and watched as his eyes flew open. His cheeks were flushed and his lips where pink and swollen. "My beautiful Rain" I murmured. Rain looked at me, his body jerked as I pushed another finger in. God he was so tight. I lent forward and kissed him deeply, I tugged on his bottom lip, that delicious bottom lip. I slide my tongue into his mouth again. God, I was so hard, I wanted to possess him and to have him see only me.

I am breathless, I hear Phayu's sweet words and I try to respond but I feel his finger enter me, and then another one. I can't help but moan. I have not had this kind of attention for over a year. My body just could not respond to anyone except him. I run my hand down his body, I watch him watch my hand, he is biting his lip and let our a little moan. My hand gently wrap my hand around his engorged erection. Phayu gasp and then loses control, he captured my mouth and moaned deeply. His breathing is out of control, his hips move in time with my hand. His fingers where still in me, I could feel myself building up again, I bury my head in his neck.

My little Rain is so easy to read, his body is building up again for release. I am not going to let him have it easy this time. I build him up only to stop before the excitement becomes too much. I see his eyes, so dark with desire , "What you you want, my Rain?" I ask. He knows I am playing him so he slams his lips tight and closes his eyes. There is my stubborn boy, I missed you. I begin to move my fingers again and bite down hard on his ear, Rain's eyes flew open, as his head was thrown back and produced the sexist moan, I have every heard leave his mouth. He is panting. "Look at me Rain" He looks at me, his cheeks are flush, God I want him. I try and control myself, I ask again, "What you you want, my Rain?"

"You" I screamed, I could not take this anymore. I start to sob and tears are flowing from my eyes. Phayu just kissed them away, he gave me a slow sexy smile, "can I go in bare?" He begged "I need to feel you, skin to skin" He means with no condom, my minds managed to remember. When we were together, we did it "bare" a few times - I loved it. "I don't have anything with me" At least he was honest, I could still feel his fingers working their magic, Oh to hell with it. "Yes, yes" I agreed, "Just please fuck me" I trust him with my body.

I remove my fingers and settle myself between his legs, my breathing is hard and fast. I pull his thighs so I can position him better. Then I slowly enter him, He gasps and his eyes roll back, they then widen in discomfort. I stop and wait for him to adjust, he is panting so I kiss his eyes. I give him a minute and then continue to push in until I am balls deep. "Oh Rain" I moan, he is so tight, I need a minute to control myself, I then slowly push in and out. Rain scratches my back and bites my shoulder. I can't wait to see his handy work tomorrow. "Please, P'Payu" Rain is begging again, "What do you need, my darling?" I ask. "Please faster, harder" he begs me. I move as he wishes and this time I make sure that I hit his sweet spot every time.

"Oh God, yes, Right there" I encourage Phayu "This feels so good" I bite down and then stuck his shoulder hard, I want to leave my own mark on his body. In response I can hear him moan and call me "darling", It makes me cling to him more. Suddenly he slows down and stops. He looks me dead in the eyes as if searching for something, but I am so close and I need him, "Please, don't stop" I have tears in my eyes, "P'Phayu, I want you, please, I need you"

I look at Rain, I need to hear it, the desperation of needing someone for a year. I heard that in his begging, but I want more, I need that one word he used to say, the word that made us both wild with passion. I look him in the eyes, "Say my real name" I told him, at first he looks confused, "say my real name and then tell me what you need" He looked at me, realising what I wanted. He shook his head at first but I smiled - stubborn boy, "Say it or I wont move" His eyes widened and he tried to move his hips to encourage me to move, but I pull out completely. I feel his frustration. "P'Phayu....please" he started to say, but I interrupt him, "say my real name, Rain, and then tell me what you need, or this stops"

"Daddy!, please fuck me hard" he yells out. That is all I need, I push back into him, I fuck him as hard as I dare, I lock my hands with his and pin them above his head, "Oh God, I need you" I tell him, "Daddy please, please" He screams back at me, I can feel him building for release, "Tell me your mine" I demand "Tell me right now" I push deep into him "Rain belongs to P'Phayu" I heard those magic works once again, and I lose control. "Rain is mine, Rain is mine" I say this into his ear over and over again, he is not allowed for forget it. Rain then comes hard, it shoots up between our bodies, covering our stomachs and chests. "Daddy!" he screams out in pure pleasure, and with that I empty myself in him, completely spent.

We lay together, with me on top. Breathing slowly coming back under control. I lift my head up and place my arms either side of this head. His breathing is still a little ragged and his eyes are closed.

"Rain" I call out to him, his eyelids flutter open "Rain look at me" I wait until I have his full attention.

I gently kiss his lips and pull back a bit, looking him in the eyes, I tell him;

"I love you Rain, I always have - don't try and run away from me again because I am not going to let you" He opens his mouth to say something, but I kiss him into silence, I continue;

"What I did to you is unforgivable, but I am selfish and I can't let you go" I push his hair away from his face and kiss the tears that are falling from his eyes, "I am going to win you back" I promise him that. For a long while we don't speak we just look at each other. Then I lay beside him and watch as exhaustion claims him. I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes. "I am never letting you go again" I hugged him tighter and fell into the first peaceful nights sleep I have had in a year.

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