Chapter Four - Fireworks

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Aurora held out her hand to Sky, who slowly got up and accepted the handshake. Sky had never been attracted to woman, but there was something about Aurora that grabbed his attention. He had never seen blue eyes in real life. "Are they supposed to be that blue" he asked himself. Aurora's eyes twinkled with all sorts of mischief and laughter. P'Pai watched the interaction between his boyfriend and Aurora and did not like it one bit. He wore an identical look of disproval as Phayu.

"Hello" Sky managed to say, he could not take his eyes off her. Due to his past Sky is normally reserved when meeting new people, but he got such a warm feeling coming off her that he felt comfortable from the get go. "I am sorry, but how do you know me?"

Aurora laughed and replied "My Rain told me, who else?"

Again with the "My Rain" comment, Phayu felt a growing amount of jealousy towards this woman, she seemed to be staking a claim to Rain and he did not like it.

She continued, "He has told me so much, that I feel that I know you all personally" She placed her over hand over Sky's hand. Her eyes began to fill up "Thank you for being such a good friend to Rain, The more he spoke of you, there more I wanted to know you as well"

Sky laughed and placed his hand over Aurora's "Its not hard being Rain's friend" he commented.

P'Pai was not having anymore of this hand holding! He stepped over and put his arm around Sky and pulled Sky's hands away. This seem to shock both Aurora and Sky out of their own world. She focused on the handsome man next to Sky, "Oh and you are P'Pai, My Rain told me so much about you too"

Aurora giggled and confessed, "I loved hearing the story of how you to got together" This made P'Pai relax a bit. "Even though you did come across as a bit "stalker-ish" in the beginning"

This made the group, apart from Phayu, laugh.

"I am so glad I got to meet you, I must say, and I am so happy that you are as nice Rain said" Aurora winked at Sky, "I already like you all" she said as she looked around the group. Her gaze fell on Phayu, and the change in her persona was quick. Her smile dropped and her eyes turned to shards of ice, "Except you" even her voice had turned cold, "You are an arsehole"

Everyone gasped and looked between the two people, you can feel the temperature drop and they both had a look of contempt for each other. The mutual feeling of dislike was undeniable.

"Arsehole?" Phayu repeated, "Strong word for a little girl"

Aurora turned her nose up at him "I have some stronger ones in English" she replied "But I am sure your not intelligent enough to understand them"

Phayu narrowed his eyes at this woman's dig at his intelligence, while the rest of the group could only sit back and watch the drama unfolding.

"I know you, Arsehole" Aurora went to to say, "and let me tell you this. You are not getting near my Rain, you are not even worthy to spit on his boots"

"And who are you to tell me to stay way from MY Rain" Phayu angrily asked, he went to take a step forward but was stopped by Saifah and Som.

Aurora brought her self up to her full high and gave her best fuck around and find out stare, "I am the one who loves Rain the most, I am the one who helped rebuild his heart, I am his protector" She drove her point home with "And I trust him the most and I would never throw him away!"

With that she turned away from him, "My apologies for my language, I hope to see you all soon"

Then she turned on her heels and walked away as fast as she could.

She left Phayu stunned and the rest of the group was speechless,

Saifah stepped up and said "Look lets get some air and think calmly about this"

They all agreed to take a break and some time to breath.

Meanwhile, "OMG, OMG, he is gonna kill me" Aurora was muttering to herself as she tried to get as much distance between her and the arsehole. "Curse my temper", she looked round to see if she could locate Rain, she groaned "Oi, this is just my luck!" suddenly an VIP from her table came up and saw Aroura and offered to escort her back to Rain. "Yes!" she thought, then her happiness was short lived - she would have to tell Rain what she done. Ohhhh he was not going to be happy.

Finally, she saw Rain. He was in the VIP area talking to the Principle, he looked over and saw Aurora's distressed face. He excused himself and walked over to her. Rain looked down at her hands and saw that she was pulling at her fingers, he looked at her and saw she was biting her lip. He sighed, "what did you do?"

Aurora giggled nervously, "Well, I kinda did a thing", Oh boy that sentence was never good.

"What thing Aurora" Rain asked patiently. She signed and looked down "I got lost looking for food, ok? Then couple of guys try and hit on me, not really taking NO for an answer" she stopped and looked up again

"Go on" Rain said with a feeling of dread.

"Well, while running away, I kinda bumped into your old friends, Oh! by the way, OMG !! Sky!! what a little cutie, I want to put him in my pocket"

"Aurora!" Rain interrupted her side story "What did you do?"

"I am getting there" she muttered "Well I also met your Ex, and lost my temper, kinda called him an arsehole and that he is not going near you cause I love you more, kinda"

Rain just stood there, he blinked and took a couple of breaths in, "Let me get this right, you met everyone - you liked Sky and called Phayu an arsehole?" Aurora just winkled her nose. "at least twice"

Rain felt his lips twitch, he looked away coughed and looked back again "You called him an arsehole twice?" She nodded, Rain burst our laughing "Oh darling!"

"Your not mad?" she asked Rain, she felt for sure that he would kill her. "No, I think I am just in shock that someone would do that to his face with zero amount of fear" he explained.

He took a sip out of his glass, "So they are all here" Rain looked into the glass was was very quite. "Do you want to meet them?" she asked, Rain smiled "No, I am not ready yet"

"OK, shall we think about leaving now?" Aurora asked "If we leave now, we may still have time for PJ and Pizza night" Rain laughed and agreed.

They made their excuses and wished everyone a good night. Rain held on to Aurora hand and pulled her out of the building, "Lets run" He said "Faster we get home the faster we can have pizza - I am starving" Aurora laughed and allowed her self be pulled as they ran to the waiting car.

Unknown to them, from the viewing platform, Phayu, Saifah and P'Pai watched Rain pull Aurora, they were both laughing as they ran towards the car.

"Do you think he loves her?" Phayu asked, his heart was breaking as he watched them "have I really lost him?"

"I don't know bro" Saifah said, he put his hand on his twin shoulder. P'Pai was silent as he had no words that could comfort his friend.

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