Chapter Fifteen - Settling In

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The preparations for the first day of the new students were almost complete and everyone was happy.  Sky loved having Rain back and this new Rain was so diligent and calm in his duties, he was Sky's right hand man.  The old Rain who used to slip away or pass tasks along had long since gone.  But you still had the old Rain there, chatty, friendly and the random silly things, the old and new Rain were working in harmony.  The person who noticed the changes the most was Phayu, having date nights and talking about his works, about Rains upcoming studies, he realised that now Rain would be a partner that could match him in every area.  He could still look after Rain, but he realised that it was useless to shield Rain, as he picked up on cues that before he missed.  He did not get overwhelmed, he stepped away and really thought about issues.   Phayu was amazed by him, he was fascinated by these steps forward in Rains character development, but running along side this was the strength of character and stubbornness that he fell in love with the first time.  "Is it possible to fall in love again with the same person?" he asked himself over and over.

There was also an improvements to Phayu as well, his work colleagues picked up on his happier personality, how positive he was and more importantly his willingness to interact with people again.  He had gone out to a couple of work drinks, where before he was shut off and indifferent.  His boss, who was also a friend, pulled him in to his office after a couple of days, this is where Phayu came clean about Rain, his boss was delighted.  "But can we keep it under wraps for now, I still have 25 days to win him over" Phayu smiled.  His boss laughed and made the promise.

Then there was Aurora, the new International Facility open days and welcome ceremony kept her busy, she came home tired but content.  Sometimes she would be able to have dinner with Rain, and sometimes Phayu would be there, so she spent her time observing his interactions with Rain.  He really did love her brother, the eyes don't lie and everything about his actions showed how much he adored Rain.   But this did not stop her from annoying him, he favourite trick was to make sure he could not kiss her brother.  She would walk in on their home dates, or put herself in-between them, once she went as far to put her hand over her bothers mouth so Phauy ended up kissing her hand.  Rain always laughed, Phayu looked frustrated and Aurora smiled.  She was already softening towards Phayu, only because of how happy her brother was.  She had not seen Saifah since their date last Sunday, but they texted everyday.  First just how are you texts, they then went on to day to day stuff, to laughing at Aurora "cock-blocking" antics.  To be fair Saifah gave her a couple of ideas on that front.  After a few days, they started to call each other to have a chat. 

One day when Aroura returned home from college, she was talking to Saifah on the phone complaining that Rain had gone out on another date with Phayu and she was too lazy to cook.  20 minutes after she sat down her door bell went, Saifah had ordered her some delivery food.  Aurora was touched, she thanked Saifah for his kindness.  She went to bed with a full tummy and fell into a deep sleep.

On Saturday Phayu invited Aurora and Rain to the dinner they had with friends.  They both agreed.  It was hard for Rain at first as the last memory he had of this place was a bad one. 

Phayu knew this and worked hard to make it right, he did not want that one bad memory to over ride all the good ones they had here.  The dinner was nosy as everyone was in high spirts.  At the end of the night it was just the four of them left.  Aurora insisted on helping clearing up, and Rain agreed.  The four of them worked well.  They had all had a few drinks but where not drunk.  "Why don't you too stay here the night" Saifah asked, "The guest house is free and I am sure we can find you both something to sleep in".  Phayu sat up and looked hopefully at Rain, he wanted to suggest that but he was still on the 30 day notice. "What do you think Sunny?" Rain asked looking at his sister, "I dunno" she replied, and then cheekily asked "Are you offering bed and breakfast?"  the twins both laughed while Rain tried to slap his sister.  "of course" Phayu agreed.

It was settled that they would stay.  The brother got up in to find clothes for their two unexpected guests.  "Rain" Aurora said softly "Why don't you have a sleep over in Phayu's room?"  Rain looked at her wide eyed, "Come on, I know you wanna" She brought her drink to her lips and took a sip, "Plus you can really test his self control"  She looked at him over the rim of her glass, "Or don't you trust yourself?"  Rain smiled at her, "I do worry about myself control" he admitted. 

Rain put his drink down, "Sunny, if I ask you a question" he started to say "Would you give me an honest answer?", "Always" was the answer.

Rain took a breath in and leaned forward, "Are you developing feelings for Saifah?".  Aurora blinked back at her brother, she then let out a little sign, "I am not sure" She admitted, "I like being around him, he is fun, quick witted, intelligent and very kind"  She looked over at the pool and stared for a moment. "I have not had the best of luck with love", she stood up and walked over to the pool and put her hand in it so she could cause small waves.  Rain moved over to her and bent down and gave her a back hug.  One month before Rain came to England, Aurora was deeply in love, she had gone to her boyfriends apartment to surprise him, only to find him in bed with her so called best friend.  It was the kind of things that K-dramas where full of, and never in her life did Aurora think that it would happen to her. 

"Saifah, would not do that!" Rain knew what she was thinking,  Aurora smiled but kept looking at the pool, "Well, if its not cheaters I attract, its creeps" Aurora was referring to a boy in the school that she and Rain attended, he was a couple of years older than them, but he seemed to have a crush on Aurora, but not any normal crush.  His behaviour was unsettling, he could always be found in places that Aurora attended.  He got jealous of anyone close to her, even Rain.  It was one of the reasons that Aurora parents would not let her stay in Thailand when they went back to England.  It seem to have worked as there had been no contact since, plus Rain and his parents moved to Bangkok.  All ties had been cut.

"Saifah is not a creep" Rain said confidently, "So you like being around him, are there any other feelings?" He asked.  "I am not sure" She replied, "But the moment I am sure, I will let you know and we will talk" She smiled at him, and then they both looked down at the pool, still hugging and gently swaying.

This is how the twins found them.  "Now that is cute" Saifah said as they walked down the stairs, "Hummmm, it is" smiled Phayu, he was no longer jealous of the bond between Rain and Aurora.  At the bottom of the stairs, Phayu looked at his brother and stated, "Your in love with her", Saifah could only smile, "As soon as I saw her on that stage" he confirmed, "That's why you was the only one to remember her name" Phayu recalled.  "Are you sure its not a rebound?"

Saifah looked at his brother,  "No, not at all"  He stated, "Just like you with Rain, It is love at first sight, but I sense that I will have to go slow with her"  Phayu looked surprised, his brother was normally a fast worker, "Why?" he asked, "Well we have been talking and there was a couple of things she has let slip, plus I am not in any hurry - I can wait" Saifah said as he walked towards the doors.

"Anyone for coffee?" Saifah asked, "No coffee, but do you have any tea?" Rain asked "Yep we have tea" Saifah confirmed, "Great I will help" Rain said.  Phayu and Aurora settled back into the chairs, yet again they engaged in their sport of just staring at each other, suddenly Aurora gives Phayu a real smile, dimples and everything.  Phayu looked surprised, "As I am in a gracious mood" she started, "I will give you a gift tonight"  Phayu looked at her not knowing what to expect, "What kind of gift?" he asked, Aurora lent forward and winked, "a surprise gift" She sat back and waiting for the others to return.  After she had drunk her tea, she asked Saifah for the clothes, he gave them to her and she wished everyone a good night.  She opened the door and then looked back, "Rain" she called, the three men look at her, "There is only one bed, you better bunk with Phayu".  With that she walked in and shut the door.  Rain just sat there and then looked at Phayu. "Do you mind?" he asked, his face was a lovely shade of red, "No go ahead" Phayu offered and Rain almost ran up the stairs.  The twins looked at each other, all of a sudden the guest door opened, Aurora popped her head out, "How about that for a surprise?" she called to Phayu.  He just smiled, "Oh don't get too excited" She reminded him, "Remember the sex ban, ohhh tonight is going to be a killer!" laughing she closed the door again.  Saifah walked in the house, "Its gonna be a long night for you bro" he laughed, Phayu just signed, this is not a gift, its torture!!!!!!!

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