Chapter Seventeen - End Game?

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Rain was watching Phayu sleep on his sofa, he had jumped though every hoop and completed every challenge that Rain had put in front of him.  Rain looked at him lovingly, Phayu had driven straight to Rain's from work, brought dinner, helped Rain with his studies and put up with Aurora annoying him.  He had now fallen asleep on the sofa.  Rain turned his head and looked at Aurora, she was sitting in his chair on her phone, "Who you texting?" Rain asked, "P'Fah" she replied.  Rain lent back and studied the smile on his sisters face, "What you talking about?" He asked.  Aurora put her phone down and looked at Rain, "P'Phayu" she answered.  

Rain looked confused at this answer, "OK, I will bite, why are you talking about him".  Aurora swung her legs down and lent towards Rain, "We both agree that he passed your test"  Rain's eyebrows shot up, "Let me get this straight" he said, "You, his sworn nemesis, have decided he is ok to be my boyfriend again?" 

Aurora smiled and looked towards the sleeping man.  "Look, its not been easy for me, I mean, I really hated him for what he did"  She leaned back in her chair, "But since coming here, meeting him, your mutual friends and getting to know his side, I view him differently now.  She got up and pulled Rain to his feet and placed her forehead to his.  "I love you" she said, "I want you to be happy and he makes you happy.  You are both different now and I believe that if a situation was to happen like this again, there would be a different out come as you both have changed".   

Aurora planted a kiss on his cheek, her eyes had unshed tears, "Rain, the 30 days are up, whatever you decide, I will support you.  He has shown up everyday, respected you, put up with my witty comments and adapted to the new you".  Aurora walked over and picked up her phone.  "Its the End Game Rain, if you want to take a leap of faith and start again, do it.  If not, make it clear to him" 

Aurora then blew him a kiss as she walked towards the door, "I wish you love, luck and happiness" she then closed the door and left Rain with Phayu. 

Rain looked at Phayu, Aurora was right the 30 days are up and in that time they had come together like they had never been apart, the only difference is that there is more maturity in the relationship, Rain was more confidant in himself and is not afraid to speak up.  Phayu was open to Rain, no longer trying being a "God" in Rain's eyes.  He had shown Rain his weakness and insecurities and together they worked though them.  

Rain walked over to Phayu and placed the gentlest kiss on his lips, Phayu opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Rain leaning over him, "Hey, Sorry for nodding off, I was tired", He sat up and looked around, "Where is Trouble?" Rain smiled and said "Aurora has gone home".

"Oh" Phayu looked at his watch, "Its getting late, I better go" He went to get up but fell back down when Rain said "You can stay tonight, if you want", Phayu blinked at Rain not knowing what to say.  

"The trail is over" Rain said, suddenly he was nervous, "If your offer of being your boyfriend is still open, then I like to accept".  Phayu just looked at him and swallowed a couple of times, not sure if he had heard right.  "Phayu?" Rain questioned when Phayu still had not said anything, all of a sudden Phayu jumped up and grabbed Rain, he bent his head and kissed him.  All of his feelings were put into that kiss, he broke the kissed and put his forehead against Rain's.  "I love you so much Rain, Thank you for accepting me and I promise I will make you happy".

They kissed again, and with every kiss it became deeper and more urgent, they slowly kissed their way to the bedroom, they then spent the night showing each other how much they mean to each other.  In the darkness there were moans and whispered words of love, this did not stop until the sun rose in the sky.

Phayu took the day off work and Rain took the day off university, but he did text Sky to ask him to cover his notes.  After the shower they took together, they sat on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket just watching TV.   "Shall we let everyone know we are back together?" Rain asked, Phayu laughed and kissed the top of Rains head, "I get the feeling there wont be to much of a surprise"   Rain looked up at his boyfriend and grinned, "I guess your right"  He turned he head and watched the TV again.  In the late afternoon, Rain's door burst open, "You have 10 seconds to get dressed" yelled Aurora, they could hear laughter.  All of a sudden Aurora and Sky appeared in the living room.  Witnessing the domestic  bliss in front of them, the two looked a little disappointment, "Oi, I though you both be stuck to the bed" Aurora said, she looked at Sky, "I owe P'Fah 100bht now" 

"AURORA" Rain shouted, his face going bright red, Phayu groaned when he heard that they had visitors, "You need to change your passcode, so Trouble can't get in" He said, jokily to Rain, "Not a chance Arsehole" Aurora replied smiling.  Both her and Sky sat down and Sky handed Rain his notes.  "Oh, we are all having dinner here" Aurora announced to the room, "All?" said Phayu. "Yep, P'Fah and P'Pai" confirmed Sky.  Phayu groaned, he knew it was too much to ask to have Rain alone for just 24 hours.

When everyone had gathered, they all looked at Rain and Phayu, "Well?" Saifah asked, Rain smiled, "We are together" he confirmed as Phayu hugged him.  A little cheer and the odd comment of "I knew it" and the group settled down for dinner.  "This is nice, all us couples having a dinner date", "Well, P'Fah and N'Aurora have not confirmed their status" whispered P'Pai.  The two couples look at the two singles on the floor, Saifah was plating food for Aurora and she was pouring a drink, they smiled at each other and then looked at the group.  That is when they noticed that they were the centre of attention.  "What?" Aurora asked, Rain smiled and squeezed Phayu leg warning him not to say anything, "Nothing darling, how's the dinner?" "Good" came the slow reply.

"Do you  think we have missed something" Saifah whispered to Aurora, "Yeah I do".  The group laughed and carried on their light conversation. "Hey! lets all go out this Saturday to celebrate" Said Sky, "Ohhhh me like that" Aurora jumped up in agreement.  Phayu looked at Rain, "What do you think?" He asked, Rain smiled and said "Lets do it" He looked at Sky and Aurora, "You two, No shots this time" he warned.  

Phayu went in to work the next day, he had a missive grin on his face and his work friends could hear him singing under his breath.  "Hey! what's with the good mood?" he was asked, Phayu smiled and told them that he was back with Rain.  "OMG! so happy for you! How did you find him", Phayu happily retold the short version of his and Rains story.  He had a lot of congratulations from the group.  "We are going out this Saturday with our friends to celebrate" He ended the tale there.  "Don't let him go again", "I wont" He replied.

It came to Saturday and the group of ten met up and celebrated hard!  Ple was hugging Rain and Phayu, "I am so happy!" she said.  Aurora almost fell when someone pushed her from behind, Saifah caught her, they smiled at each other. "Thanks'" she said.  "not a problem" he replied, "Stay next to me so you don't get pushed again" He left his arm around her waist and Aurora lent in to his embrace.  Rain was watching this and pointed out the sweet moment to Phayu, "do you think they are even realise that they have feelings for each other?" Rain asked Phayu.  Phayu wrapped his arms around rain and kissed his nose, "I think they are like us, Saifah is aware but your sister is not quite there yet!" 

At the other side of the club, someone else was watching the seen.  The jealousy and pure hatred was clear in their eyes, if anyone cared to have a look.  One cuddling couple had more interest to this person, "I have waited too long, no one is taking what is mine"  With that the glassed was thrown on the bar and the person walked out. 

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