~ Romeo & Juliet ~

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He held my hand as we walked back.

"Oh yeah, by the way, don't tell anyone I told you but the password to Slytherin common room is Pureblood." Mattheo says breaking the silence.

I hum "All you have to do is go to the furthest barrel near the kitchens. For Hufflepuff's common room."

Mattheo nods "Oh yeah, what happened between you and- yeah.."

"Oh-" I say "Uhm- we're sorta fighting.." I then explain what happened, Mattheo nodding and reacting exactly where needed, just a little too dramatic.

We got to the Great Hall in time for lunch and he held both my hands, tilting his head.

One thing I've learnt if Mattheo's love language is touch. And he loves PDA. Weird.

Mattheo then pecks my lips, making me go pink "So cute." He shakes his head and walks off laughing as Slytherin table cheers and whoops. Damn.

I love Slytherin though, they're so supportive sometimes. Sometimes.

I go to my table as Hermione joins me "OoOoOh" She says "We saw that! Are you two..?"

"Yes." I say, trying to ignore the feeling in my stomach.

I'm dating Mattheo freakin' Riddle.

"WHEN?!" Hermione yells

"Like, an hour ago, at the great lake. We kissed in the rain and yeah.." I say

"Ooooh!" She smirks

"What's happening between you and-?" I ask her

"Oh- he hasn't really talked to me.." She says sadly

"Damn. No way." I say "Did you try talking to him?"

"Yeah, he just walked off.." She replied

"Ok, no way is he being a bitch to you." I say "C'mon." I pull her and march over to Gryffindor table as Hermione says "N-No- d-don't Aura!"

I don't listen and walk up to Ron.

"Oi, bitch." I say, snapping my fingers at him

"Oo Aura," He says flirty "That's not how you talk to me. Darling, what do you want?"

I look at his disgusted before slapping him hard making his head swing to the side and the whole Great Hall go quiet and watch me "Don't. Darling. Me." I say through gritted teeth "You're supposed to be with Hermione, you cheat! And you IGNORE her?!" I scoff "Fuck off and never talk to her again-"

"Oh c'mon, she loves me and my dick, she suc-" I slap him again

"She's done with you and your needle sized dick." I say "Go shove it up your ass, if it even reaches." I say before flipping my hair and going back to Hufflepuff table.

"D-did you mean it when you said me and him were o-over?" Hermione stuttered

"Course I did." I say

"But what if I didn't want it?" Hermione says making me look at her weirdly

"What?" I ask her

"What if I didn't want to leave him?!" She said louder

"Hon, why would y-" I was cut off by her

"I STILL LOVE HIM BITCH! I HATE YOU!" She yelled then realised what she said and ran out of the great hall.


Damn indeed.

I feel my heart slightly sink as I bite lip and get up, leaving the great hall.

I got out only for a pair of warm hands wrap around my waist, the cold rings giving me goosebumps. Mattheo.

His smell circles me as he hugs me from behind, aww damn.

He turns me around and lifts my chin- noooo- making my knees weak again.

"Do you wanna sped the rest of the day away from everyone?" He asks me to which I nod lightly.

He smiles and pulls me across the school.

"Mattheo! Slow down!!" I yell as he runs with me all the way to Slytherin common room.

I'm panting by the time we make it down to his room.

He closes the door and locks it making me narrow my eyes at him playfully only for him to laugh.

That laugh.

It sends chills down my spine- but in a good way!

"Don't worry, I'm going to read with you." He smiles as he pulls out a book from his mini library.

'Romeo & Juliet'

I laugh "You really like muggle things, don't you?"

"I mean, they have good stuff." He says pulling me down by my waist onto his bed "but you know what I like more?" He asks as he gets on top of me and leaning close to my lips, making me extremely desperate to lock our lips "You." He they gets off me leaving me flustered.

Fuck no!

I pull his by his shirt and lock our lips, feeling his smirk against my lips.

"Someone's desperate.." He says pulling away slightly before connecting our lips again.

How long I've waited..

I pull away before it got- heated.

I snuggle into him as he starts reading.


"Mattheo, I have to get back though!" I say to him

"Please stay!" He says

"I can't, I don't have my uniform for tomorrow!" I say

He pouts making me laugh "I'll see you tomorrow." I say to him making him groan

"I'll wait for you outside." He says to which I agree

With one hand he holds my waist, the other on my cheek as he kisses me again.


A/N: How are we? How was this?

I'm defo not screaming again.

Is there too much kissing? Was this cute?

Vote, comment & follow me!


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