~ Luna ~

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"Skyler, I'm dead." I say as I walk up from behind "I'm actually dead."

By the time I got back, class had finished so I got my bad while the students rushed out, Skyler waiting for me.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing before pulling me into a tight hug "I saw the bi- Riddle- follow you out of class. Did he do something to you?"

"No- Yes- No." I stumble over my words "Not- bad. He told me he regretted what he did, and that- that he loves me.." I whisper out "I'm so confused. Skyler, help."

"I think he loves you." He says "The way he looks at you, it's like there's no one else in the room. Though he's a bitch, maybe wait and see if he puts effort in to get you back, then he truly loves you."

"Since when were you so wise?" I ask, cracking a small smile

"Always." He winks before we go to break.

"Skyler, what if he doesn't want me back for real?" I ask

"Then I'll date you, girl!" He says while I laugh

"You're gay tho-" I gasp as I realise what I'd said

Skyler's eyebrows furrow as he ask "How did you know?"

"How did I know?" I ask myself, pretending to think "I don't seem to know, I'm afraid." I tell him as he rolls his eyes "I may or may not have heard your pep talk to yourself on how you would tell me?"

"Oh my god, THEN?!" He exclaims while I laugh harder "So freaking unfair." He rolls his eyes.

"At least I know."

"At least you know." He grumbles

Our conversation is cut off when I see Luna walk up to us looking extremely nervous.

"H-hi." She says carefully as one of my eyebrows raise "Uhm- c-could I talk t-to you, A-Aura?" She stutters.

"Talk to me." I say


"With Sky now, or never."

"R-Right, I just wanted y-you alo-"

"He's my best friend, you out of all people should know best friends don't leave best friends when they need them." I say as her eyes well up with tears once more.

"I wanted to apologise, I-I'm sorry about how I acted to you over the last few-" She stops as she cringes at herself

"Say it." I tell her as she looks into my eyes "Tell me how long you've been ignoring me for."

"I- Do I re-?"


"M-Months.." She whispers


"I wanted to put it behind us and see if you could forgive me?" Luna asks

"What about Ginny and Hermione?" I ask her

"I'm not their friend, they keep saying things about you and I don't like it-"

"Stop there." I say "I don't want to know, just tell me, are you willing to be a better friend?"

"Yes." She replies instantly

"Ok, please, don't take my kindness for granted again." I tell her before walking to the great hall with Skyler.

"Well, that was intense."

"I know."

"I think a cup of hot chocolate will help though?"

"I know."


A/N: This was the shortest chapter yet but realise I have assessments rolling in so I'll have slow updates!

Rant time.

So, I fucking hat when people say they hate gay people because they are 'weird', like, no, they are not, they are also frickin' human beings that deserve respect.

All my friends hate the LGBTQIA+ community and their best excuse is that it us weird.

I am too scared to tell them anything just because I feel like they would judge.

Yes; I'm questioning my sexuality.

No; I don't want your freaking rude ass comments.

On another note, I just had a fight with my 'best friend' and told her to stay away from my and my friends for a while but she doesn't get the hint that no one likes her because of her behaviour. She decided to say my other friends had influenced me and I don't belong and talked behind my back that I am only with them for gossip.

I'm not.

Like, what the fuck?

So you can probably see how this has influenced this chapter too.

She then called my other friend and messaged me over and over on how she was sorry and loved me and other shit.

She had cried and I didn't give a single pringle.


Not one tear, but as if I really do cry anyways, she's so emotional!

She also said what she'd said was a joke but I know it wasn't, or it was but she just didn't think because she's immature.


I really needed to vent both these things out, anyone got advice? (Both)

Hope you're good!

Again, slow updates for a while.

I'll explain (of you want) what happened between me and my friend if you follow me and then dm me :)

No replies until then...

Oh and.

I may or may not have threatened one of my friend boys with a saw to get off my chair during technology (class) and the whole table- with my friends- may or may not have said he should get off the easy way because of my fucking seriousness..

Ok, vote, comment and follow!

7.5 votes before the next chapter :)


Ava! <3

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