~ Friends ~

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A/N: Istfg, I'm sorry I have this top part, I just need to get this out: My 'best friend' legit told my whole class that we're fighting and she's shitting on my name and now no one is talking to me, like what?

She's so goddamn- something!

Ya'll I also got my music results back- 24/30 but out of everything I'd done individual- I GOT FULL MARKS! IT WAS MY TEAM THAT MADE ME FAIL! UGHHHHHHH Anyways, I hope you like the story at the end :)

Ok, let's go, I need to vent here anyways..



"Please, Aura, how do I make it up to you?" Mattheo follows me as I walk into the library "I'll do anything, please.. just talk to me again?"

Three day. Three whole fucking days. He hasn't left me alone and has been begging me to forgive him..

Should I?


Fuck, not yet.

Let him suffer.

But I'll suffer seeing him suffer..


I walk over to a table, pulling out my potions homework as I sit down on the chair.

Mattheo sits opposite me and looks into my eyes.

"Please, Aura, I'll do anything, I will literally chop my dick off if you ask me to." He says as my eyes widen, what? "I swear."

"Mattheo." I look him dead in the eye "You broke my heart, I was about to tell you I- not the point.. look, I cared about you and you threw me away."

"I know," He says, his voice now sounding desperate "But I know I shouldn't have bet on you,"

"And what? You'd do this to any other girl?" I ask

"No!" He says quickly "I just- didn't know how to tell you without breaking your heart, because.. the truth is, Aura, at the start, it was all just a bet, but as I got to know you better, I fell in love with you and I still am.. please, please, I'm begging you, don't keep ignoring me." I could now see tears in his eyes as I started to melt..

"I- I can't forget what you did-" I say, looking down and staring hard at the table "But I- I can try to forgive you.. just- don't do anything again.."

"Does this mean-?" He stops looking at me slightly confused




"Friends.." He whispers to himself with an expression of happiness and sadness mixed into a small smile that lingered on his face as he looked up "Thank you, Aura, I am so happy you said you could forgive me, I am so, so sorry."

"It's- ok.. ish-" I add as a small smile reaches my face.

"Wait- does that mean I can- y'know, hand out with you?" He asks as I nod, my mind instantly going to how Skyler would react, he would be mad for forgiving me so easily but say it's up to me and if I trust him enough, I should give him a chance to prove himself.

"Aura, I'm sorry-"

"Shhhhh-" I put a finger on his lips and ignore the flutter in my stomach "Don't apologise now, it's done, just have fun with me now."

"What kind of fun?" He says smirking as I whack the bad of his head making him groan "Did not know you had a slapping kink-"

I narrow my eyes at him, making him shut up as I say "Let's go meet Skyler, I was supposed to meet him anyway."

His Princess | Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now