~ Promise ~

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It was time for us to head back home today and I was least to say scared. I was going to be with Voldemort for fudge's sake!

At least I had Mattheo, even if we weren't..

But I had to see Draco, since we were going to be at Malfoy Manor.

That's fun.

*Inward sarcasm*

We get onto the scarlet engine and find a carriage, I sit next to Mattheo who sits opposite Luna and Skyler who sits opposite me.

As the train ride home starts I start playing with Skyler.

"Sky, chopsticks?" I ask as he nods back grinning.

After about 5 rounds I gave up "I definitely won."

Sky scoffs "No way, lady! I am the long raining champion of Chopsticks." He states, a hand held to his heart to which I giggle.

I look over to my right, feeling someone's gaze on me and am not surprised when I see Mattheo watching me with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I ask but he simply shakes his head, looking away and out of the carriage door.

"Ok.." I shrug to myself as I see Luna staring at Mattheo.. hang on.. no- she couldn't- could she?

No, he's mine.

No, he's not, though.

Not anymore, at least..

I distract myself before asking Skyler a question "Sky, do you have a date to the ball thingie?"

"Do you?" He asks me back

"No." I roll my eyes as I blush lightly, embarrassed about the fact that I hadn't asked anyone yet

"So why are you blushing?" He pokes my cheek but I brush it away from my face

"It's called embarrassment." I state

"You like someone, Aura?" He asks me "Go on, tell me." He winks dramatically

"No, I don't." I say even though I knew I still loved Mattheo..

"Don't lie!" Skyler whines

"You're so cute" I laugh as he whines "But no."

He gasps "So you do like someone, you just won't tell me!" I simply shrug, not letting him pry deeper than necessary.

I could feel Mattheo gaze on me as Skyler and I talked.

"As I was saying, do you want to go with me?" I ask Skyler as Mattheo's eyes snapped to me and glanced at Sky before reaching mine again as I watched him, my mouth lightly open.

"Sure." Skyler shrugs, obviously not processing the death glare Mattheo was giving him.


It was all fine, until the train stopped, when it was night and we heard screaming coming from the front of the train, a distant sound that was so close.

Luna and Skyler had left to find out what it was but Mattheo stayed behind with me since I didn't want to know.

But then we heard it, a howl, the howl of a werewolf..

"Aura?" Mattheo whispers and I nod as I push myself into the seat as much as I could "I-" He hesitates before taking in a deep breath "I think.. there are Death Eaters on this train."

"What?" I ask as my head snaps outside "M-Mattheo, I'm scared." I say as water fills in my eyes. Death Eaters.. just like the ones who destroyed half our castle, who tortured my father, who took him to Voldemort.

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