~ Princess ~

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TW: Self harm, eating disorder, basically, this book will be mature and if you're not wanting to read that, avoid this and tell me if anything needs to be added.

A/N: Before you read, I found this and let's just says 'wow':


I stare at my body.

I look down to my thighs, pinching them while biting my bottom lip.

What do I do? I not only hated the fat on them but also the red marks that covered the inside of them.. I traced one, a longer one, it stung which brung tears to my eyes.

I let it go and stepped into the shower.

I slid down to my knees.

1 week.

I'd made it one week.

I could go longer, I had too..

But my hands gave in, going for the razor that stood on the side.

No no no no no! Don't do it!

I did it.

Another one to add.

I hate this.

I hate myself.

I hate doing this.

I want it to stop.

I felt the tears rolling down..

"Alright, listen up minx.."

"You're a slut!"

"No wonder no one likes you."

"You're thighs! They're so fat!"

"I'd fuck you, even if you look like- that."

"Such a pig."

"How're you a princess?"


I wish I could..


I stare at my food, slowly playing with it, rolling it over and over.

I was at Hufflepuff table when Hermione joined me.

"Hey!" She said brightly

"Hey!" I say, matching her tone on the outside.

"Ok, I-I have something to confess." She says taking in a deep breath

"Mhm?" I hum

"Please, don't tell Ginny but- I'mdatingRon." She says

"What?" I say, my head snapping to her "Since?"

"Since last week, y'know when I didn't show up during the first Hogsmede trip? I-I was with Ron. Don't kill me!" She said

"I won't! I won't! But, I just- I didn't expect it- I thought you liked Draco?" I said

"Well, no, I did, but I can't dwell on him and Ron's so sweet.." She said, daydreaming "..We just clicked.."

i nod as Luna and Ginny arrive.

"So, I have juice." Ginny said "my brother is dating someone but he won't tell me who.. we need to find out!"

Luna nods "Yeah, we HAVE to."

"No we don't" I say "Just let him be with whoever he wants. He's not telling you for a reason."

Ginny gave me a weird look before saying "Nahh.. he's probably embarrassed of his girlfriend. She must be a slut, an easy one, that's how he got her."

"She's not!" I state

"She not?" Ginny raises an eyebrow

"I-I mean- She's probably not. You can't just call someone that, Ginny!" I say.

I can't let it slip.

Hermione looked at me with grateful eyes.

I nodded slightly back before taking out my book.

The pages were repaired, I hadn't realised before.

I open it to where a page was bookmarked.


But I don't have bookmarks in this one.

I crack the spine to the end of the book.

There was a note.

Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight after dinner?

~ M




But why?


The day flashed by and soon it was dinner.

Dumbledore announced the triwizard tournament's people chosen. Cedric, Harry, Krum and a girl named Fleur.

pretty sure Harry got into trouble.

I saw Hermione and Ron holding hands but they quickly let it go as they entered the great hall.

Then Dumbledore spoke "Tonight, I have an announcement to make, not only do we have the triwizard tournament in place, but the Yule Ball will be happening soon. 4th graders and above can come, however if a 3rd grader or below is invited by an elder student, they may also come. The Ball is in 2 weeks, be ready. It is formal dress code. Thank you."

After dinner it was finally time.

Time to see what Mattheo wanted.

Up, up and up we go.

I reached the top of the astronomy tower and see Mattheo smoking.

"You made it." He said, not turning around.

"Yeah, you asked me to." I say sitting next to him.

I take the cigarette out of him mouth to which he looks at me slightly annoyed.

"Give it back." He says

"Oops." I say as I drop it

He rolls his eyes before going for his pack, but I yank it out of his grip and drop that too.

"Hey!" He whined "That was my last pack. It was new too.."

"Too bad." I say "Smoking kills, you know.."

"Maybe that's why I do it." He replies

"Well I don't want you to die." I say

He shrugs.

"So, why'd you call me up here?" I ask him

"Uhm.. as you know- the Yule Ball's coming up. Uh- are you going with anyone?" He asks

"Haha, Dumbledore told us today, I doubt anyone asked me" I reply "But lemme check my list anyway." I wink

He rolls his eyes again before saying "So if no one has asked you, w-would you like to go with me?" He asks

I smile as I said "Why?"

"Don't get me wrong! I would love to, just, why now?" I ask

"I dunno. You're- special." He replies

I smile more and say "Well, I'm going to go sleep now.. night."

"Goodnight." He replies



A/N: So that is the 3rd chapter! (And I posted all 3 today!!) How was it?

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