~ Intrusive Thoughts ~

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He's been watching me the whole time, I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't want to talk to him..

Yes you do.


No, I don't.

"Now that we have covered everything that is in the theory part, you will be starting your own antidotes." Snape says, listing the ingredients and instructions on the board "Get started in pairs with the person next to you."

I internally groan before getting up to get the ingredients, best I could do, right?

"I'm so, so, so sorry." Skyler says as we meet "I will swap with you before slapping that bitch to heaven, cause I ain't wanna see him in hell when I run my errands in hell."

"It's fine." I laugh lightly "I'll be- ok."

He nods hesitantly before hugging me tightly "By the way, the hoodie suits you." He gives me an exaggerated wink before walking back to his table, completely forgetting his ingredients.

*face palm* moment.

Laughing to myself, I collect the ingredients before walking back to find Mattheo leaning on his chair, his hips forward and- damn my hormones.

Don't think that way!

But you will!

Oh my god- not you again!

What even are you?

I swear- its so awkward having a conversation with your own brain.

Intrusive thoughts, honey.

I can see her wink and smirk.

Even if she's me.

Maybe because she's me..

Can I name you?

I have a freaking name.

Ok- Celesta


I did name you.

My name is FREAKING A-


I can't hear you?

Walk. Just walk. Before I make you punch yourself.


Look up.

Remember when they told you to trust your gut instinct? I did as Celeste said and looked up- and I saw Matthe- Riddle.. Riddle, looking at me.

As my grey eyes meet his. a shiver runs through me, like there was more behind those eyes, like it covered a truth he craved to tell me.

Then let him tell you, don't push him away..

How could I, Celeste? When he pushed me away? When he literally threw me away? Just so he could keep some coins..

I think there's more to it..!

Shush. I already have plenty on my mind right now.

I put down the ingredients before looking up at the first step. I start grinding a bezoar, making sure it is fine as I still feel him looking at me.

"You can't just ignore me and do this without alone." He says, his voice hoarse and slightly raspy, like he'd been crying.

Had he been crying?

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