~ Isabella in the Car ~

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TW: Smut


"Where are we going, love?" He asks

"My room?" He looks at me skeptically and my eyes widen.

"Y'know.. if you wanted to- you could've just asked." He replies and my jaw drops in attempt to explain myself

"No-! I-I just have to change! We can also go to your room- oh god, that sounds worse, uhm we-" He cuts me off by placing his lips on mine, making butterflies flutter around my stomach and my eyes to close gently.

"Ok, your room, let me just go get my clothes." He replies and I nod, slightly dazed from his kiss.

I walk up the flight of stairs with Mattheo then turn into my room as he walks forward to his.

I get in and close the door before slipping off my dress.

I quickly change into my pyjamas and sit on the bed, a second later I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say and the door creeks open, Mattheo walking in still in his suit but with clothes in his hand.

"Mind if I change here?" He asks

"Of course not." I reply, picking up my half read book from the bedside table.

Oh fuck.

I just reached a-


I look up and am horrified to see Mattheo without a shirt. This is fun. I'm reading about the dirty while the love of my life is standing half naked in front of me.

"What is it, love?" He asks "Is it me? Or your book? What are you reading?"

"Go back to your changing, Riddle." I say, looking down to try and hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Last name basis. Am I in trouble?" He asks, walking over to my with just his sweatpants on.

"No- I-I- no." I reply hesitantly.

"I's like to see what you're reading to make you blush this hard." He says tilting my chin up, making more heat go to my cheeks.

"Y-You don't ha-have to." I say as he leans closer in to me "Like- at a-all."

"Oh but I do, this book is making you blush more than me." He says, "I need to know why."

"But- y-you don't." I tell him as he pears over the cover while I try to tilt it away from his view.

"Too late." He shrugs before pulling the book out of my hands.

My eyes widen as I yell, "Mattheo!"

"Oh sweetheart." He says, his eyebrows tilted up in amusement and a small smirk playing on his lips "What have you been reading?" He glances at me while flipping the page "Really? In the car?" I bury my face in my hands and swallow hard, no, no, no, I am not ready for this "My oh my, love, I can do better." At that my eyes widen as I move around slightly, trying to get some friction- there- because the things that happened to Isabella in that car..

"Want me to do better?" He asks now sliding onto the bed in front of me.

"I- uhm-" I couldn't form words, too shocked to speak.

Mattheo crawled up and pushed me back down, one hand going to my waist, the other laying next to my head.

"Pretty, pretty." He whispers before kissing me on the lips.

I kiss him back and he gently swipes my bottom lip for entry, I open my mouth and he slips his tongue in. 

I feel both his hands slide down to play with the hem of my shirt "Can I?" He asks and I nod.

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