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Johnny's pov:

As we pulled away I felt Pony holding my hand, as he starred at me I grabbed his face.

"I promise I'll never let anything or anyone hurt you anymore... Not even Bob." I whispered as he nodded.

As we walked outside of the closet I went into the 700 Hall as Pony went to the 1500 Hall, I decided to wave goodbye as I walked away... He didn't see me.

As the day ended, I started to walk Ponyboy home, as Bob tried to grab me. I refused his touch, "Johnny! " he yelled.

"What did I tell you about those dirty greasers! " he started to yell even louder, as he went to push Ponyboy down... I punched him. Sending him back in shock as his nose started to bleed.

"Stay away from him. " I said angrily as I grabbed Pony's hand and started walking faster as we past up Cherry.

I don't care what they thing anymore. I want this boy to be with me until I die.

the accidental soul tieWhere stories live. Discover now