After the war and the first clue

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Shoto was watching his friend and classmate bakugo on the recovery bed looking all wounded and lifeless and shoto knew he was not dead but he bakugo looked dead. Shoto heard the heartbeat monitor beep every two minutes and that made shoto sad even more because he kept trying to hear it because he didn't want to miss the beep. He wanted to hear that bakugo was still living and not trying to die on everyone that cared for him, shoto got out of thoughts by a door opening behind him. And it was Fuyumi his sister and his other friend izuku midoryia, bakugos childhood friend that who took revenge for bakugo by ending the war and defeating shigaraki and all for one. Midoryia was everyone's hero during that war and everyone thanked him for saving everyone from all for one and shigaraki.

Midoryia walked past shoto to bakugo and said "please stay alive I need you kacchan" midoryia was pleading and shoto could only watch with grief. Fuyumi walked next to shoto and said "you know you should see dad right now" shoto was confused of why and where was his dad so he nodded and said goodbye to izuku and followed his sister. He followed his sister to a emergency room which was weird why would his dad be in the emergency room. Fuyumi opened the door and shoto walked then Fuyumi which she closed the door behind her shoto looked ahead and was shocked. Because on the bed was his father with one missing arm and his head was all shaved because they did brain surgery on his brain.

Shoto again heard the monitor but this time the beep was five minutes until the next beep shoto looked over at his sister and said "what happened to the old man." Fuyumi sighed and said "he is in a coma the doctors said he was not gonna make it out of the coma because of how many screws they had to put in his head." Fuyumi started crying but she quickly brushed her tears away and shoto was worried about his sister but he was more worried about his father which was a first. Shoto sighed and turned back to his father and said "what do you think happened to him in his past Fuyumi." Fuyumi was confused because shoto just asked that question from out of the blue Fuyumi sighed and said "I don't know shoto I don't know."

Shoto was think what happened to his father in the past to make him an abuser and why did his father become a hero to begin with? Shoto had a lot of questions but he knew none of them could be answered but he wanted to know but he couldn't try to find the answers for it alone. Shoto said "where is toya" Fuyumi was confused but answered "toya is in the hospital for the criminals." Shoto nodded and said bye to his sister and left out of the room to the criminal hospital to get toya to help him to find out their dads past. Shoto ran to the criminal hospital which was just one block away from the hero hospital which was weird to him but shoto just shrugged it off.

Shoto got to the hospital and opened the door and walked in to try and be nice he walked to the front desk and said if he can take out criminals here for emergency's. And the front desk lady was confused and then she just nodded and said "yes you can" shoto asked if he could take Toya todoroki out. The lady was shocked but saw in shotos face that it was urgent so the lady nodded and smiled and then she picked up the phone and dialed a number. And the lady said "I need Toya todoroki to the front desk for an emergency" and shoto watched the lady put the phone down and said "he is on his way." Shoto waited there then off the corner of his eyes he saw his brother healing quickly because of recovery girl and the doctor's medication they gave him.

Toya saw him and smiled at his brother and said "hey sho what is the emergency" shoto sighed and said "it is about the old man." Toya was confused why would he care about that old man of what endeavor did to them Toya sighed and asked "what happened with dad." Shoto sighed again he knew Toya was gonna ask this Toya was right by him now. And shoto then said "the old man is in a coma and something got me thinking why did he abuse us and why did he become a hero." Toya looked at shoto confused but then realized that they didn't know anything about there fathers past and they didn't know about their grandparents either or met them.

Toya asked "but why do you need me shoto" shoto sighed and said "because I need you help to solve what happened in his past your the only person I can ask right now Toya pls." Toya looked at his younger brother and sighed and said "fine but only to get info about dads past and about who are our grandparents." Shoto nodded and then signed Toya out and shoto and Toya walked out of the hospital and headed to their dads agency which was on right hand corner which was coincidence. Shoto and Toya got to the agency they looked at each other then back at the agency shoto walked to the door followed by Toya. Shoto opened the door walking in and Toya followed behind him shutting the door behind him.

Toya and shoto got to the elevator and pressed the up arrow then the doors opened and they walked in shoto pressed the top floor button. Because there fathers office was on the top floor which was really bad because who puts there office on the top floor. The elevator went up, toya and shoto were happy that the elevator was fast because they heard ding that means they were at the top. The elevator doors opened and shoto walked out followed by toya and they walked down the hallway until the got to their fathers office door. Shoto opened the door and walked in and then toya walked in closing the door behind him and they looked around the room and saw nothing happened to it.

Toya started looking through the files that were in the filing cabinet that was near the wall by the door and shoto looked through the papers on the desk and the drawers. Toya was looking through a file that was named subject 8 and then he found a birth certificate in it that read enji todoroki on the front of it. Toya called shoto over to him and shoto walked over to his brother and saw the birth certificate and they were both happy they found something that was there dads that was useful. But they were both confused why the file was labeled as subject 8 then they remembered they're father's birthday is august 8th. Shoto looked at painting on the wall near the entrance and it was women with red lava looked hair and and a man with black hair.

Shoto touched Toya on the shoulder and pointed to the painting and Toya looked towards the painting and they both knew that these two were enjis parents. Shoto walked up to the painting touched it and then it fell because someone put it on the nail wrong. Toya walked over to shoto to help him when he saw a envelope on the back of the painting Toya grabbed it and then shoto leaned the painting on the wall. Toya opened the letter and took out the piece of paper out of it and unfolded it and shoto turned on his fire because it was to dark to see the writing on the paper. And then when they could see it clearly Toya then cleared his voice and took a deep breath and read what was on the letter.

It said,
Dear Yoshi, I am sorry for what I did to our son I am a real monster of a mother when you left on your trip I gave him away for money. And again I am really sorry but I gave him away to the hero commission I am moving to another state if you need anything just meet me at the snow banks where it is the most cold. And I will leave another note for you on the Icy glaciers near the polar bears foothills.
~sincerely your wife teka todoroki/dim~Lorie~

Shoto and Toya were shocked that there grandma gave their father away to the hero commission for money and then left to where ever a snow bank is at. They both wanted to know why she done that and they knew they wanted answer about there fathers past so they will follow where ever this letter leads them towards. They thought about where would polar bears live then they figured it out there is only one place where polar lives and that was Alaska. So they had to fly to Alaska but first they needed help from someone and that someone was their mother and sister Rei and Fuyumi. Because they wanted to tell them everything and also they need help solving what happened to their dad so they left out of their fathers office left to the elevator and left out of the agency.
To be continued~

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