how did enjis father die and the last letter

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Back when enji and Toshi were both fourteen~

Toshinori yagi was a quirkless boy with blonde hair, blues eyes, and a love for hero's Toshi was waiting for his friend enji todoroki a boy with a flame quirk with red hair and also blue eyes. But enji had a temper and anger issues but he was kind hearted, he also loved hero's because he wants to be like his father because his father was a pro hero and enji admired him. Enjis car finally arrived and the door opened revealing enji he got out the car and said thank you to the driver then he closed the door and the car drove away. Toshi walked over to enji and said "hey enji you are finally here" Enji replied with "sorry my other driver was sick so I had to be taken by the slow driver." Toshi smiled and said "it's ok enji let's just get to class" enji nodded and followed Toshi the one thing that Toshi did like about enji was that he was nice but he had temper when you pissed him off.

They got to class and they got into there seats they were sat right by each other which they both liked and they both knew that there teacher was not here for the week. Because she had a baby on Sunday and she was taking a week off for her baby because she wanted to spend some time with her and she needed rest after her having her baby. And of course their sub was late again enji and Toshi both knew that there sub was always drunk for some reason. Enji and Toshi started talking to each other than finally the sub came in drunk again and everyone was use to it by now. Enji and Toshi still kept talking to each other because they don't do anything anymore because the sub is always drunk so they don't do work at all.

It was lunch time so they walked to the lunchroom and Toshi cleared his throat and said "enji how have you been since you got the news that your father is coming home." Enji replied with "I have been doing great because now I am not gonna be alone anymore but at least I still have you Toshi." Enji then smiled at Toshi and Toshi just blushed and said "that's good and I am glad we are still friends even though I am quirkless." Enji replied with "I don't care that your quirkless Toshi as long as you are nice to me I will be nice to you that is how it works for me." Toshi smiled at enji and they went into the lunchroom for there lunch and went to the roof where they always go for lunch.

When Toshi and enji got to the roof they both sat down near the railing of the roof and they started eating there lunch enji finished before Toshi so he got out a book and started reading. Toshi finally finished eating and he looked at enji who was reading a book waiting for him to be done eating and Toshi loved that about enji. Enji always waited until he was done eating to talk Toshi tapped enjis book and Enji looked up at toshi then he smiled at toshi. Toshi smiled back and said "so what do you wanna do in the mean time enji" Enji shrugged enji always let Toshi decide on what to do. Toshi sighed and said "enji are you scared of meeting your dad I feel like something is going to happen to him."

Enji closed his book and put it down and he said "yes I am scared something is gonna happen and I will be alone again let's just hope nothing happens to him." Toshi nodded and said "hey after you see your dad again can I hang out at your house again" Enji replied with "sure I would love that." Enji smiled at Toshi and Toshi smiled back at enji the bell rang that means the day is over so they got there stuff and left the roof. They got to the entrance and left the school building they walked to enjis house because enjis driver doesn't pick him up after school for some reason. They were walking then a big massive explosion went off it was someone with acid grenade quirk that created the massive explosion.

Then Toshi and enji saw the villain with enjis sister so enji ran to their then the bill threw her on the ground and launched acid then he threw a lighter into the acid. And enji screamed "stella" then he saw someone protect her enji didn't know who it was then he heard the police and ambulance coming and then the villain went away. Toshi ran to enji to see what happened there was a building which was destroyed and there was a lot of people killed along with enjis sister and the person who tried to protect her but they died with her. The ambulance went to the man who saved enjis sister and enji saw who it was the man's corpse was his fathers. Enji lost his father and sister in just one day he was alone before because his sister was always in school because of there mother.

Now enji was really alone now enji cryed so hard he fell on the floor Toshi crouched near enji and pulled him into a hug and enji hugged back. Enji decided he will be a hero that was his goal and Toshi wanted to help him as much as he could but then Toshi moved with someone to America for years and enji was alone. Enji finally met Toshi again but Toshi was the number one hero and that is what Enji wanted so now Toshi and enji were enemies.

In present time~
Shoto was shocked and everyone else too because they were listening to the story too and Toshi sighed and said "that is all I know believe me it is hard talking about an incident that happened years ago." Lyla finally knew who was the girl from the picture it was enjis little sister Lyla felt bad for enji that he lost two important people in one day. Toya and hawks were shocked they both looked at each other than back at Toshi and then the pilot said "we are now in Russia everyone." Then the plane landed and now they were in Russia  they got there bags and left the plane. They all followed Mariel to the cemetery shoto kept looking at Toshi then they finally got there and it looked really run down they opened the gate and Toya pulled out the map.

Toya said "this way" then they all followed Toya and then they all stopped at the spot where the x is and they all looked in front of them and it was a grave and it said teka todoroki. They all thought of the same thing they were too late to ask her but then Lyla moved past all of them because there was a letter taped to the grave she opened it and read it.

It said~
Dear Yoshi if you are reading this I am dead I know you want to know what I did to enji while I was away from him and our daughters Stella and noelle. Stella and enji are together in Japan while noelle is also in Japan but she is working because she is eighteen now I am sorry and Nathaniel is going to Japan to see how all of them are doing so don't worry. I love you Toshi I will always will

Love teka.

Everyone knew about stella but they didn't know enji had another sister everyone was wondering where she was working at now. Lyla walked towards the airport because she was determined to finish this case and solve it and everyone else followed her to the airport. They arrived at the airport and the plane was still there Lyla already told the pilot to go back to Japan they got back on the plane. They sat in their original seats and then the plane took off they were all determined to find out the truth about enjis past and they will know what happened to him. Toshi and Lyla were the most determined because Lyla wanted to finish the case and Toshi wanted to help enji and know the truth and also save him from anything else happening to enji no matter how long it takes to help him.
To be continued~

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