The plane landed and the second letter and all mights secret

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Everyone was talking until the captain said "we are now landing in the coldest state out of all of the 50 states in the United States which is Alaska." All of them looked out the window and watched the plane go down and land on the ground that was covered in snow. The plane stopped and the captain said "I hope you had a great flight on this private plane and I hope you have a great rest of your day bye." Everyone got there bags and left the plane and lyla asked "did you guys bring a jacket with you" and everyone nodded. Lyla nodded and said "let's find out if anyone knows where we can find a polar bears foot."

Everyone nodded and followed Lyla her because Lyla knew someone who was friends with teka when teka lived here and that was Mariel d. whiddon. She was a gardener and a property expert she worked pro-care garden maintenance in Iceland and Russia that is how she met teka through Nathaniel her new husband. Mariel was an expert also an expert at literature she loved to write in her free time when she is not working she lived in a one story house near where the polar bears live. Mariel was a genius she met teka when she was only 10 yes 10 she started her gardening business at the age of 8 and she loved her job as a gardener and a property appraiser. They arrived at the house and Lyla knocked on the door and Mariel opened the door and she was shocked but she knew why they were here so she let them in and they all walked in and sat down at the couches and chairs.

Mariel closed and locked the door and walked over to the couches and sat down across from Lyla and Lyla cleared her voice and said "Mariel you know why we are here." And she just nodded and said "yes about teka and her husband yoshino right" Lyla nodded and said "yep we need your help with help finding a polar bears foot." Mariel was confused "what was the clue exactly" Lyla cleared voice read the clue again "leave another note for you on the Icy glaciers near the polar bears foothills." Mariel replied with "oh teka is not talking about an actual polar bears foot it is talking about the statue in Alaska called the polar bears foothills." Everyone was so dumbfounded and then Lyla said "where is it" Mariel replied with "near the icy glacier fashion strip mall."

Everyone nodded and followed Mariel into town and past all the shops and homes on the way and then they arrived at the polar bear statue. And they were wowed because the statue was huge compared to the other statues they have seen. Hawks walked up to the statue and said "I can't explain this but I feel like I have been here before" then hawks used his feathers and got down a piece of snow that was on top of the polar bears head. Hawks pressed the top of it and it opened revealing a secret compartment and a piece of paper. Toya walked over to hawks and grabbed the paper and unbent it and Toya smiled and said "it is a map and another note."

Everyone smiled and Toya cleared his voice while hawks put the snow piece back with his feathers then he turned around and looked at Toya and everyone else. Toya then read the note and it said:

Dear Yoshi I am sorry but I found some else that is better than you and I am divorcing you I am sorry again and I won't be writing to you anymore. But please forgive me I know I messed up I am sorry if you want to know where I am going to here is the map to my destination where I lay.

Everyone was shocked and they were not expecting this not at all that teka cheated than planned a divorce even though she is in a different state and continent. And then Lyla walked over to Toya and looked at the map and said "this is Russia where her new husband lives I know this because I looked at her past marriages before talking to you guys to help me." No one questioned anything and just nodded at Noelle and that means they are going to Russia to try and find enjis mother aka the todorokis grandmother. Mariel cleared her voice and said "I am going with you I am from Russia so I know the routes and this place is by the cemetery." Everyone gulped because why would teka give them a map of the cemetery but they didn't say anything and everyone just nodded at Mariel.

Everyone the followed Lyla back to the airport to go to Russia and everyone thought it was weird because all the places that teka sent them to so far has been cold and snowy. They got to the airport and Lyla was on the phone and then after a few she got off and said "the plane is almost here." Everyone nodded and hawks started talking to Toya surprisingly but no one said anything because they knew they are now friends since their flight here to Alaska. Lyla sighed and checked her phone and she cleared her voice and said "the plane is here let's go everybody." Everyone nodded and followed her with there bags and then they got to the plane and went in the plane and Lyla sat down and Mariel sat down next to her smiling at Lyla and Lyla just smiled back.

Hawks and Toya sat by each other and started talking again and Fuyumi sat next to her mom and all might sat next to shoto. Then the pilot said "everyone ready because we are now heading off to Russia" then the plane started moving then it went up and flew into the sky. Everyone looked out the window and saw the beautiful sunset then they went into the clouds and it was also beautiful. Mariel sighed and said "I can't believe teka never told me about this I mean I knew she had already had a husband I didn't think she would cheat and divorce him." Lyla looked at Mariel and said "it's not your fault it is tekas she did this behind everyone's back and now we are trying to stop her."

Mariel smiled at Lyla and said "your right I shouldn't be blaming myself for something I didn't do and I am glad we are going to stop teka from doing the wrong thing." Fuyumi sighed and said "what do you think we will get to know about dads past" Rei replied with "I don't know but I know it will be helpful for us." Fuyumi smiled at her mother and Rei smiled back at Fuyumi, shoto was texting izuku of what's happening while all might was looking through pictures on his phone. Shoto finished texting izuku and looked over and saw what all might was doing and it was pictures of all might and endeavor in middle school together. And shoto immediately knew why all might was coming because enji and him use to be friends until high school the went separate ways.

Shoto wanted to know what happened to make them separate but he didn't want to ask a question that is hurtful to all might so he just kept quiet. All might noticed that shoto was looking at his phone and him and he knew shoto wanted to ask about his and enjis past but also didn't want to. All might sighed and said "I know you want to learn about why we separated young todoroki and I know you don't want to ask." Shoto looked at all might and nodded and all might just sighed and said "I will tell you because since it is your father and you should know about this." Shoto sighed and said "you don't have to tell me if you are uncomfortable telling me" all might replied with "no I am fine with telling it" shoto looked at him and all might continued "well back when me and him were fourteen it all started."
To be continued~

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