Enji and toshi get there frindship back and enji is ready to tell the story

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At the cafe~
Enji and toshi was waiting for the waitress to come over to take there orders Toshi and enji were in complete silence because they didn't know what to talk about because it has been a long time since they talked to each other. Toshi sighed and said "enji I am sorry of what happened to you back then you should have told me I would have helped you" Enji looked up at Toshi and turned hurt. Enji finally said "I am so sorry it was just I lost everything and I was not allowed to say anything or even see you because my mom wouldn't let me leave training or my house."

Toshi smiled and said "I know Noelle told me and it's ok you don't have to apologize for something that wasn't even your intention" Enji turned shocked then he smiled and said "thank you." Toshi replied with "your welcome enji" then the waitress walked up to the table and said "sorry about the long wait I had to bring and order to a rich man" Toshi and Enji replied with "it's ok." The waitress smiled and said "so what would you like to order today" Enji replied with "kuzomochi and vanilla latte" the waitress nodded and said "and you" Toshi replied with "I will also get kuzomochi because I wanna know why you like it so much and I will also get a strawberry smoothie."

The waitress nodded and left Toshi looked over at enji and said "you ok enji" enji nodded and smiled softly, Toshi smiled back and said "enji tell me what happened when you were with the hero commission." Enjis smile dropped and he started to shiver and Toshi instantly said "I am sorry if I said that I shouldn't have asked that if it makes you uncomfortable enji" Enji gulped and said "no it's fine I will tell you what happened when I was raised by the hero commission." Toshi replied with "are you sure enji you don't have to if you don't want to I am not trying to force you I am just curious that is all" Enji smiled and said "it's ok I think I am ready to tell you because you already know what happened with my family."

Toshi nodded and said "ok" then the waitress walked up the table again and placed down their food and drinks and bowed and left Toshi sighed and said "we can talk in private after we are done eating ok" enji just nodded and started eating his kuzomochi. Toshi smiled and took a bite of his kuzomochi and he swallowed it and then he said "this is really good no wonder you like it" enji nodded and swallowed the whole kuzomochi and Toshi was shocked. Toshi sighed and said "are you that hungry you swallowed the whole thing at once" enji nodded again and took a sip of his latte and Toshi just sighed and also took a sip of his drink.

After they finished eating~
Toshi sighed and said "finished are you ready to leave so we can talk now enji" enji nodded and then out of no where the waitress came back with the check and set it down and grabbed the dishes and left again. Toshi grabbed his wallet and opened and pulled out all the money that was needed to pay then he placed the money on the check enji looked at Toshi and said "why did you pay the check" Toshi replied with "because it is my treat" Toshi then smiled at enji who just smiled back. Enji and Toshi stood up and then pushed their chairs in and left the cafe they walked back to the hospital so they can talk in private so enji can finally tell Toshi what happened when enji was with the commission.

At the hospital~
Toshi and enji walked into the hospital and walked to the elevator enji then grabbed Toshis hand because he doesn't like elevators for some weird reason. Toshi pressed the elevator button and the elevator doors opened and they both walked in and then toshi pressed the elevator button and the doors then closed and the elevator started going up. Then the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened and enji and Toshi walked out of the elevator to enjis room so they can talk without anyone hearing them.

When they got to the room Toshi opened the door and enji walked in first then Toshi walked in closing the door behind him then he locked the door so no one could enter unannounced. Enji sat on the hospital bed looking down at the floor because he was scared of telling Toshi of what happened when he was with the hero commission. Toshi walked up to enji and put his hands on enjis shoulders and then Toshi said "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to enji" enji just nodded and said "no I am ready I just need some time to myself."

Toshi nodded and said "take as long as you need enji" Toshi smiled at enji and enji just smiled back and said "thank you Toshi for everything you are doing for me today." Toshi replied with "your welcome enji" enji sighed and said "Toshi I think I am ready to tell you what happened at the hero commission when I was a child." Toshi nodded and sat down right next to enji on the hospital enji sighed and said "pls don't hate me when you hear this" Toshi replied with "I would never hate you enji you know this."

Enji nodded and sighed and then he said "well it started when I was five years old when I got sold to hero commission by my mother so she can have her money." Toshi replied with "I heard the story enji because your sister told most of the story to me and your kids and ex wife when we met her at her job." Enji sighed and said "I know this is when I first got to the hero commission" Toshi nodded and enji just continued "the time I got sold was probably the most shocking and scariest thing I have ever been through in my entire life."
To be continued~

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