This is a case not just a case but a cold one!!!

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While Toya and shoto we're running to find their mother and tell her everything, there was a investigator that was responsible for trying to end unsolved mysteries. The investigator name was lyla Elliot she was looking through the unsolved mystery files and there was one that stood out to her it was named the models hell life. She opens the file and it shown a women about in her late 30s to early 40s in the image but was appealing to her was the man. The man looked to be in his late 40s early 50s at least then there was a picture of a man that was in his early 40s and the man was covered in blood holding a little girl. Then she saw a picture of a young boy about 5 years old that looked beaten and bruised and what looked like burn marks that were covered with tons of bandages.

The burn marks was on his arms, legs, stomach, neck, and face the boy looked depressed and looks like he doesn't have a will to live. The investigator looked at the female and male in the first image and immediately recognized who they were. It was teka todoroki her married name and Nathaniel Logan, teka was a model while Nathaniel was a pro hero in Russia. She then realized something the name todoroki was endeavors last name the investigator wanted to double check. So she typed in todoroki on her computer and revealed enji todoroki and his kids and also teka on the list.

She had to interview the todorokis so she grabbed all her stuff and went to the hospital to see Rei, enji ex wife who he had kids with. Lyla walked in the hospital and went up to the front desk lady and said "can i speak to Rei todoroki pls." Then the front desk lady said "there is visitors in there already" lyla asked "is it her children" and the front desk lady just nodded. Lyla got out her investigator badge and showed the lady and the front desk lady was shocked but then said "room 210" Lyla nodded and walk towards the elevator. Lyla reached the elevator and pressed the up arrow and then the elevator door opened and Lyla walked in and pressed the second floor button then the doors closed and the elevator went up.

The elevator stopped and the door opened and Lyla walked out of the elevator and walked down the hallway and in no time she found room 210. Lyla opened the door and saw all of the todorokis stare at her with confusion Lyla sighed and said "hi I am investigator Lyla Elliot and I am here ask a few questions to all of you." All the todorokis were in shock but they all nodded and Lyla sat down at the chair that was in front of all of the todorokis. Lyla sighed and said "do you guys know who is teka todoroki" they all were surprised but nodded then Lyla grabbed a file out of her binder she was carrying with her. And she placed the file down on the table and said "teka todoroki aka enjis mother and also enji was in this file and this file is to be known as a unsolved case aka mystery."

When Lyla said this everyone was shocked, about this because they were all just talking about teka because they found a note that says her name. Toya stands up and says "if this is any useful we found this behind a picture of teka and i believe is my dads dad it is a letter to a man named Toshi." Lyla took the letter and read it and she was surprised the man in the second image the dead man could have been tekas old husband. Lyla said "this is extremely useful Toya and if there is another letter then we should go to Alaska right." Toya nodded all the todorokis were relieved and happy that they had an investigator helping them find out what happened in there dads past.

Lyla stands up and says "i will talk to the front lady to get you out of here to help us Rei" Rei smiled and nodded at Lyla. Lyla smiled back and said "let's pack and go to Alaska to find the next clue we will meet at the airport in an hour ok." Everyone nodded then Lyla went out to the front and asked the front lady to get Rei todoroki out of here because she needs her and the lady nodded and let Rei go until the investigation was done.

In present time~
Reporter: why was this case a cold case.
Lyla: because there was no leads of what happened to enji todorki and who killed the father of endeavor.
Lyla: and also where did teka todoroki go and why did she go and leave her son in Japan.
Reporter: why did teka leave notes.
Lyla: we still don't know but I think she wants to tell her husband the truth of what she did and why she did it.
Reporter: did you think teka will never be found.
Lyla: yes back then I thought she was gone forever and didn't have anything to know where she was going until Toya gave me that letter.
Reporter: so you had nothing.
Lyla: yes I only had the photo nothings else until I went to meet the todorokis at the mental hospital to interview them.

Back when the investigation was happening~
Lyla was already at the airport waiting for everyone else then she saw a car come up and it was a taxi and then the door opened revealing all of the todorokis. The all got of the car and said thank you to the driver when Fuyumi closed the door behind her the driver sped off. Lyla waved and said "I called two more people to come and help with this case don't worry you know these people." All the todorokis nodded while walking over to Lyla with there bags each of them were carrying one bag each. Then two taxis arrived then the both car doors opened revealing hawks and all might they got out and grabbed their bags and said bye to the drivers and closed the door behind them.

Then the drivers drove off and they looked at each other and said hi to each other than they looked at Lyla and all the todorokis who were all shocked. All might said "are we gonna get on the plane or not because I want to solve this and I want to know what happened to endeavor." Hawks replied with "ya I want to know too and I want to solve this as well but why is Toya here shouldn't he be in jail or the hospital or something." Toya gave him a death stare but he knew hawks still hated him for burning his wings during their first fight against each other during the war. Toya sighed and said "me and shoto are the ones that found the letter and I am the one that gave the letter to Lyla and I want to know what happened to my father too."

Hawks sighed and just nodded then Lyla checked the time and it was time to board the plane and she said "cmon guys it is time to board the plane." They all nodded and followed her they all noticed she was having them to go on a private jet to Alaska. Lyla bought everyone's plane ticket and they went on the private and put their bags next to them and plugged their seatbelts in. Then they pilot said it was time for take off then the plane flew off and ofc hawks was sat right next to Toya the guy he hated and Toya wanted to say sorry but he knew it was to late for that. Toya sighed and said "I am so sorry hawks I didn't know I could cause so much damage to not just you but everyone else that I love."

Hawks looked over at Toya and he sighed and said "It didn't cause that much damage but it did hurt the only thing that damaged me was when you said my name." Toya looked hawks in the eyes and said "how" hawks replied with "my dad was a criminal Toya and abusive I don't want to be called by my name because it reminds me of him." Toya sighed and said "sorry I asked and I sorry for saying your name without knowing your past and I know you will probably not forgive me but it's ok." Hawks sighed and said "I do not forgive you but I will give you a second chance to try and earn my forgiveness but I can see that you are truly sorry Toya." Toya looked at hawks surprised then he pulled hawks into a hug and hawks was surprised at first but then hugged back.

Hawks sighed and said "I am the one who should be apologizing right now for killing twice and I know I messed up and I made toga upset by doing that." Toya pulled away from the hug and looked at hawks sad eyes and hawks looked back and said "I am sorry for killing him toya I really am sorry." Toya sighed and said "it is ok everyone makes mistakes even heroes" hawks laughed and said "your right about that because your father made a lot of them." Toya smiled and said "I am sorry for making fun of your mother like that that was wrong of me to say back then I was a stupid, spoiled child back then." Hawks giggled and said "it is alright you didn't know I was homeless and poor for a while" Toya smiled and hawks smiled a even brighter one.
To be continued~

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