The story of enji todroki

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In the beginning when enji was just born my father was happy to have his first ever son that he could raise and teach everything he knows. I was happy also I was four years old when enji was born and I was happy to have a sibling except my mother was disgusted at enji for not being a girl. I knew my mom was harsh she was very harsh to me and my dad for the littlest of things but she loved my dads money that's why she married him. My father was a pro hero the number two pro hero of Japan and I admired him for saving lives than destroying the villain. My dad also had a cool quirk too, he had telekinesis he always loved flying in the air or just floating that is what I loved about my dad.

When my dad was at work my mother would always go to the club and make me do everything around the house but when I finished and when my dad came home she would say she did all the work by herself. But I didn't mind doing the work because one of the things I had to do was watch enji and enji was a baby with a golden heart. I remember this one time when my dad came home to find us watching hero's on tv and he would always watch us go star eyes when we saw him saving people. My father was the nicest man on the planet he would listen to you even if you were a villain or not a villain he would listen to you and understand you. My father loved me and enji a lot and we loved him back we never fought or even lied to each other we listened and loved each other.

Three years later~
When I finally got to go to school that means my mother had no choice but watch enji, enji was three and I was seven and my mother was pregnant because she wanted a another girl. But I didn't care what I get as long it is a sibling and if she or he is nice to us and our father. Everything was going good for a while until I came home one day when I heard enji cry and scream in pain I ran to enjis door and opened it. To find enji on the floor but he bleeding he was burning I ran to him and saw all the burn marks on his body and I knew who this quirk belongs to it's my mothers lava quirk. But I couldn't believe that my mother would burn enji her son who is only three years old, I ran to the bathroom then cam back to enji with a first aid kit in my hand.

Every time I bandaged him my mother would burn him more using her quirk  when my father would get home he would always ask where is enji and my mother would say he was sleeping. And my dad would just nod and eat his dinner and I would say nothing because I knew enji would get more hurt by our mother. When my sister was born my mom was nice to the baby cause it was girl, what she wanted my new baby sisters name was Stella. Stella was unique she had both of my moms genes and fathers genes and I mostly had my moms genes and enji had mostly of our fathers genes. Me and enji did love our baby sister she was a sweetheart and totally adorable but we still hated our mother.

Two years later~
Everything was fine until my dad had to on a long mission that he had to do alone this when I was nine, enji was five and Stella was almost two. When my dad left everything went back to abuse and burns for enji, every time he would ask my mom something like for food she would burn him. Stella saw this and started getting terrified of our mom and I was sick of my moms crap of what she did to our family ever since dad left to go on a long mission. My father then became so busy he kept forgetting to pay our mother so we actually became broke and my mother wanted more money so she sold enji to the hero commission for money for herself. She then revealed she was cheating on our father for years and then she left with him leaving me and my sister alone but before that she dropped off a painting of us and the she left.

Four years later~
When I became thirteen, Stella was six and enji was nine and enji was still in the hero commission that is when my father came back and saw that enji was in the hero commission and he was furious. My father never was furious so this is his first time ever being furious or mad at anyone or anything in his life when my father got enji out of the hero commission and got him home. I immediately ran to enji and then I backed away and saw he was not the same enji I knew he looked depressed and pale. I grabbed his hand and walked him to the kitchen and grabbed a box and a bottle of water and gave it to enji and enji took it and sat down at the table. Stella was happy to see her brother and I was more but we could see him struggling I didn't know what happened to him but I bet it was terrible.

I was also happy to see my father I haven't seen him in four years and so much has happened that I want to tell him but i knew he had to go back on another mission. We had a fun time the four us and Enji finally smiled and laughed everything was going great until dad had to leave again and I was going to miss him again of course. Enji walked to our father and our father pulled him into and hug and enji smiled and hugged back with tears in his eyes. Our dad said bye to us and left again me and Stella took great care of enjis wounds and we also got most of our enji back. After my dad left I went back as the parental figure at the house I would cook and clean even though I was only thirteen years old and still in school and now enji was in school.

Five years later~
Everything changed when my little sister died along with my father she was eleven I was eighteen and enji was fourteen now me and enji are all alone. Me and enji get our dads money but I wanted to start working since I already Graduated high school and actually got my college diploma during high school so I was good to go to get a great job. I noticed that my brother kept crying and having nightmares I also noticed he had panic attacks like clockwork but I was always right there for him. Enji did home school for the rest of the school year because he couldn't get over Stella and our fathers death and that was completely understandable. Me and him were fine on our own I got a job as an editor in training at a newspaper company and enji got accepted into Ua and I was proud of him.

One day when I was getting enjis breakfast ready there was knock on the door and i yelled at enji to get the door and he yelled ok with a smile on his face and went to the door and opened it. When he did it revealed three people and enji was confused but invited them in and I looked around and I knew who they were it was our mother her new husband and kid. I thought they would just say I am sorry for what happened to your dad and what she did to us and leave but no they stayed. But they didn't make it good they made it worse when I would be at work I found out that my moms new husband Nathaniel rapes enji everytime he wouldn't listen to him. And this would always happen when I am at work or doing grocery shopping or just shopping and every time I would come home and have to bandage him and makes sure he can walk right.

My mom was worse she would come home drunk and she would hit enji with the beer glasses and wine glasses and the glass shards would go everywhere. My mom always abused and mistreated enji ever since she got here and also her husband and their was terrible he would beat him and manipulate enji. When my mother found out enji got accepted into Ua she made him train hard she would burn him to try harder and she would always say you will never be good enough enji. And ever since I got lots of nights shifts enji changed he wasn't my enji anymore but worse he was so focused on hero training and be the best and it was all my mothers fault and her husband and kid. Ever since enji moved away and I kicked my mom, her husband, and kid out I never spoke about the past that me and enji went through to anyone else and kept it to myself for 32 years.

In the present~
Noelle sighed and said "that is the end of the story" everyone in that room was looking down crying everyone was silent until Lyla spoke and asked "what did the hero commission do to him." Noelle sighed and said "I didn't know at first but then I found out they were using him as a puppet and a weapon for there own desires." Everyone turned to her in shock and shoto slammed his hand hard on the couch and said "what kind of past is that." Noelle shrugged while shoto kept crying and then Toshi said "Noelle why didn't he tell me any of this" Noelle sighed and said "that is the only thing I don't know." Toshi sighed and said "it's ok I am sure I can figure it out myself now that I know about his past but thank you Noelle" Noelle smiled slightly and said "your welcome Toshi."
To be continued~

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