They finally met noelle that who knows the entire story

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Lyla got out her laptop and she typed in Noelle todoroki and then a picture and description of a young women appeared on the screen. Lyla looked at the occupation aka the job of Noelle and it said she worked as a journalist and a newspaper editor. Then Lyla scrolled back up and she saw Noelle the girl that was enjis sister the difference between enji and Noelle is the hair color. Enji has his mothers signature red hair while Noelle had black hair like their fathers hair except she had blue eyes and she had her mothers body and long hair. Meanwhile enji had his fathers body and hair, then Lyla saw the name Stella todoroki under family members lyla clicked on Stella's name.

And then the picture and description appeared again on the screen but this time of Stella todoroki, Lyla noticed that Lyla was more different then enji and Noelle. Because Stella had red hair, black eyes she had a mix of her mothers and fathers body and also mix of both in the hair too. Then the captain said "we are here back in Japan the land where everyone wants to go to" then the plane landed and then Lyla closed her laptop and put it back in her bag. Everyone then followed Lyla out of the plane and out of the airport then hawks asked "so where does Noelle work Lyla." Lyla replied with "she works as a journalist and a newspaper editor so she could be at her office at the press working place."

Everyone nodded and followed Lyla to the press place then a car pulled up and everyone got in the car and the driver drove to the press place. When they arrived there everyone got out of the vehicle and followed Lyla again inside the building when everyone got in the building the driver drove off. Lyla went up to the front desk and rang the bell and out came someone that was all covered in ink. Lyla noticed the person look at her badge and the lady panicked and said "mam how may I help you" Lyla replied with "I need to speak with Noelle is she here." The women sighed in relief and she said "yep she is here, she is up those stairs last door on the left" Lyla nodded and walked towards the stairs and everyone followed her.

Lyla and everyone else walked up the stairs and walked down the hall to the last door when they got there the door had a name plate on it that read the editor: Noelle todoroki. Lyla knocked on the door and they all heard "come in" from the other side so Lyla then grabbed the door knob and turned it and the door opened. Lyla walked in first then everyone else followed her in front of them was a young black haired girl with blue eyes and a good looking body perfect for a model. Lyla walked up to her desk and asked "Noelle you know why we are here don't you" Noelle was confused and she shook her head no. Lyla signed and said "my name is Lyla Elliot I am an investigator for your mother and fathers case" Noelle was shocked and said "ok and who are they."

Noelle pointed to all of the todorokis, keigo, all might, and Mariel Lyla sighed and said "everyone say your names and why are you here" everyone nodded and Mariel stepped forward and sighed. Then Mariel said "my name is Mariel d. whiddon I am friends with teka your mother and her new husband Nathaniel." Noelle nodded then Toshi stepped forward and said "my name is toshinori yagi I am enjis old friend from middle school and elementary school I am also all might." Noelle was shocked but then nodded then keigo stepped forward and said "I am keigo Takami also known as hawks I work with enji and he also is my hero and friend." Noelle smiled and nodded and then all of the todorokis stepped forward and Noelle was confused of why they all stepped forward.

Then Toya sighed and said "my name is Toya todoroki I am the eldest of enjis kids" Noelle was shocked but then Fuyumi sighed. And she said "my name is Fuyumi todoroki enjis second oldest and only daughter" then shoto sighed and said "my name is shoto todoroki and I am the youngest of enji." Noelle was shocked because she was an auntie and she had no idea that enji had kids with someone. Then Rei stepped forward and said "my name is rei himura or rei todoroki I am the wife of enji or ex wife that is." Noelle smiled and said "it is nice to meet all of you who are close to my parents and my brother enji."

Lyla sighed and said "Noelle we need to know the story of what happened to Enji because we can't ask teka because she is dead and your brother is in a coma and your the only one left to finish this case."  Noelle sighed and said "what do you wanna know" everyone sat down on the couch's that were in the room and Lyla sat down on the chair that was in front of the desk. Lyla sighed and said "everything I want to know everything you know" Noelle sighed and said "that is a long story that will be told." Lyla replied with "I know" Noelle sighed and said "I know that my brother has anger issues so he would be furious when I tell you this but it has to be told." Everyone nodded and Noelle sighed and said "it all started back when me and enji were just five years old before enji went to the hero commission."

In preasent time~
Reporter: were you scared of telling this story Noelle.
Noelle: yes I was but it had to be done because everyone know what enji did to his new family but no one knows what happened to him.
Reporter: I have to agree with you on that Noelle.
To be continued~

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